Who should be our first priority in extending assistance?
(Matt. 5:1-16, 38-48; 25:31-46; Luke 10:25-27ñ 12:13-21; 16:19-31ñ Rom. 12:20-21) Blog Aug. 18-24, 2019
Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA
REVIEW: Human beings were created to work. Our work became more difficult when sin entered. Since then no fruit is produced without diligent human effort and the resistance of nature. God has made ample provision for all our needs so that out of our abundance we may supply the needs of others. Throughout the Old Testament God emphasized his desire that the poor, the unfortunate, and the stranger be cared for and that he despised the worship of those who neglected to do this. When Jesus came he spent his time helping those in need even though he also was poor, needy, homeless and mistreated.
On the Mount (Matt. 5:1-16)
1. What kind of people does Jesus call blessed in the first four beatitudes that he gave on the mount? The meek, the poor in spirit, the mourners, & those hungry for righteousness.
2. What kind of people does Jesus call blessed in the eighth and ninth beatitudes? The persecuted & reviled.
3. If the poor in spirit, meek, sorrowful, hungry for righteousness, and persecuted are blessed by God what should that tell us about God’s kingdom? That God’s kingdom includes people of low degree who fall short of God’s perfect standard of righteousness.
4. According to the fifth, sixth, and seventh beatitude what characteristics are also blessed by God? Those of purity, mercy, & peacemaking.
5. When we with pure motives are merciful to others and bring them peace and comfort what does Jesus say we are doing? Jesus says we are letting our light shine.
6. Does Jesus expect those who make up his kingdom to bring glory to God by doing good works? He most certainly does.
Whom should we help? (Luke 10:25-27; 16:19-31; Gal. 6:10; Matt. 5:38-48; Mark 14:7; Rom. 12:20-21)
7. In Luke 10 how does Jesus illustrate the kind of people we should help? Jesus illustrates the kind of people we should help as anyone we meet who has needs.
8. In Luke 10 how does Jesus describe an appropriate kind of help for the wounded man? Jesus describes the appropriate kind of help as treating the man’s wounds, taking him to a safe lodging, & paying for his care.
9. In Jesus’ parable of the rich man in Luke 16 where were the needy that the rich man should have helped? Just outside the rich man’s gate.
10. Who should be our first priority in extending assistance? Those of the household of faith.
11. According to Jesus, when will there be no more poor people to help? That time will never come in this life.
12. What unexpected group of people does Jesus include among those we should help? Our enemies & those that persecute us.
Who are we helping? (Matt. 25:31-46)
13. According to Matthew 25, when Jesus comes in his glory what will he do? He will separate the righteous from the wicked.
14. What evidence does Jesus give that the righteous were true believers in him? He refers to their good works of kindness, charity,& hospitality shown to insignificant people in their lives.
15. From Jesus’ account in Matthew 25 what shows that both the righteous and the wicked did what they did by habit? The fact that both groups were unconscious of their good deeds or lack of them shows that their actions were habits.
16. In this story is Jesus teaching that our final salvation is based on our good deeds? No, he is showing that the faith that saves us always produces good deeds so that what is easily observable shows whether a person has faith in Jesus or not.
17. With what segment of society does Jesus identify as representing his needs? With the unnoticed, insignificant yet needy members of society.
18. Give Old Testament examples of people who helped strangers, the poor, and the needy: Lot when angels came to Sodom, Rebecca when Abraham’s servant came to town, Job who continually helped the needy & widows, David who helped Saul against Goliath, Boaz who helped Ruth in the field, Daniel who helped Nebuchadnezzar with his dreams, Jonah who helped the Ninevites see their need of repentance, & others.