The Woman and the Dragon

New TestamentRevelation / February 23, 2019 / Leave a Comment

To where does Revelation 11:19 introduce us and what is to take place there?

(Revelation 12:1-17; Isa. 9:15; Dan. 7:22-25; Matt. 2;13-16; John 12:31) Blog Feb. 17-23, 2019

REVIEW: Jesus is revealed in the book of Revelation as he works to recover his lost bride. The candlesticks symbolize the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. The table of showbread symbolizes the throne of God the Father from which God’s Word works to restore the bride to the Son. The altar of incense symbolizes Jesus ministering the prayers of his people as they bring earth’s inhabitants to God. These three articles of the Holy Place of the sanctuary depict parallel events during the Christian era, from Pentecost to Paradise. Finally in Revelation 11:19 the scene turns to the Most Holy Place where the marriage covenant will be made.

The woman in the Holiest (Rev. 11:19; 12:1-2; Gen 3:15; Mal. 4:2)

1. To where does Revelation 11:19 introduce us and what is to take place there?

2. If in Revelation 11:19 we enter the civil court for the marriage who would we expect to see there?

3. Upon entering heaven’s Most Holy Place who do we first see?

4. What is the meaning of the symbol of the sun that clothes the woman?

5. What is the meaning of the symbol of the moon under the woman’s feet?

6. What is the meaning of the symbol of the crown of 12 stars on the woman’s head?

7. Why was the woman pregnant and suffering birth pains before the marriage?

            The Great Red Dragon (Rev. 12:3-12; Isa. 9:15; 14:12-15; 27:1; Eze. 29:3; Matt. 2:13-16; Luke 10:18; John 12:31)

8. To what does “the great red dragon” refer?

9. What is symbolized by the seven crowned heads and ten horns of the dragon?

10. Why did Satan try to abort the woman’s baby during her pregnancy and to kill him at birth?

11. How long could Satan enter heaven after he and one third of God’s angels were cast down to earth?

12. According to Revelation 12:11 what three things bring us personal victory over Satan?

The Continuing Battle (Rev. 12:13-17; 13:11; 19:10; Dan. 7:22-25; )

13. As the revelator continues his description of the woman and the dragon who come to the wedding of the Lamb what is he referring to by the “3 ½ times”?

14. What do Daniel 7 and 8 call that power that persecuted God’s people for 1260 years?

15. How did the earth help the woman when the dragon sent masses of human beings out to destroy her?

16. According to Revelation 12:17 what two characteristics identify God’s true church in the last days?

17. What two attenders at the wedding of the Lamb have we been introduced to in Revelation 12?

18. Why does Bible prophecy outline in their order events preceding the marriage of the Lamb?

ANSWERS: 1. To heaven’s Most Holy Place where the marriage of the Lamb is to take place; 2. Those having legal interest in the marriage; 3. The bride of Christ, the church; 4. This refers to the righteousness of Christ with which she is covered; 5. This refers to the church, our mother,  of which she is a symbol; 6. This refers to her organized leadership; 7. Because she had committed adultery in Eden that brought only pain to her existence; 8. Satan, especially as manifest in pagan Rome; 9. The crowned heads shows that throughout history Satan has used political leaders to accomplish his ends & the ten horns symbolize the barbarian nations of Europe that invaded Rome; 10. Because he was destined to free his mother from the dragon & terminate the dragon’s rule over humanity; 11. Until Jesus paid the redemption price for humanity; 12. Trust in the blood of Jesus for forgiveness of our sins, trust in the life (testimony) of Jesus as our righteousness before God, & perseverance in this trust until death; 13. He is referring to the “one thousand two hundred and sixty days” mentioned in verse six when the church was forced to hide from Papal persecution for twelve hundred and sixty years; 14. The little horn; 15. The earth opened up the North American continent to which the persecuted Protestants fled for religious liberty; 16. They keep all ten of God’s Commandments (his covenant) & they teach that the life of Jesus is what saves us – just as all the true prophets taught; 17. The woman, the rightful bride, & the dragon, the Groom’s antagonist; 18. So we may know that God knows the future & that we may trust him every step of the way, adjusting our lives so as to be part of his true church every step of the way to the wedding.