New TestamentRevelation / February 2, 2019 / Leave a Comment

What is the condition of the church under the fourth seal and who is riding on her?

(Revelation 6:1-8:1; Psa. 45:3-5; Lam. 5:10; Amos 8:11-13; Heb. 11:4; 12:22-29) Blog Jan. 27-Feb. 2, 2019

REVIEW: In the book of Revelation Jesus is revealed as he works to recover his lost bride. First the seven-branched candlestick in the Holy Place of the sanctuary is employed to symbolize the work of the Holy Spirit in the church during the Christian era. Next the ministry of God, the Father, is symbolized by the table of showbread (his Holy Place throne) as his Word works to restore the bride to his Son. This is followed by the symbol of Jesus ministering the prayers of God’s people at heaven’s golden altar of incense. Finally the book (in 11:19) turns to the Most Holy Place where the marriage covenant will be made.

Each series of seven (candlesticks, seals, and trumpets) is parallel and covers events from Pentecost to Paradise, just as there were seven months of the Jewish religious year from Passover to Tabernacles.

The first four seals (Rev. 6:1-8; Gen. 49:24; Lev. 26:26; Psa. 45:4; Prov. 16:11; Isa. 56:9-11; Jer. 51:20; Lam. 5:10; Amos 8:11-13; Hab. 3:8-9; Zac. 10:3; Matt. 10:34; Luke 8:11)

1. What should we learn from the location of God’s throne in Revelation 4 and 5?

2. What other evidence does Revelation 6 give that shows that the Word of God is being emphasized?

3. What do the rider and the white horse symbolize when the first seal is opened?

4. How are the church and the Word of God treated under the second seal?

5. What do the black color of the third horse and the high price of flour symbolize?

6. What do oil and wine in Revelation 6:6 symbolize?

7. What is the condition of the church under the fourth seal and who is riding on her?

8. What is the meaning of the symbols “sword,” “hunger,” “death,” & “beasts” used by Satan to kill?

The fifth & sixth seals (Rev. 6:9-17; Gen. 4:10; Isa. 2:19; 34:2-5; Eze. 38:19-23; James 5:4; Heb. 12:25-28)

9. Where are the “souls” that were slain for believing the Bible and upholding the Gospel?

10. How is it that dead people can speak to God?

11. What should we learn from the phrase “rest yet for a little season”?

12. Of what are earthquakes a symbol in the Bible?

13. To what do the sign in the sun, moon, stars, and heavens point?

14. Where will earth’s inhabitants seek to hide when God opens heaven’s books for final judgment?

The sealing & seventh seal (Rev. 7:1-17; 8:1; Gen. 29:27-28; Deut. 16:13; Dan. 9:27; Hab. 2:20; Mal. 3:1-5)

15. Who does Revelation go on to say will be able to stand in the day of God’s investigative judgment?

16. What does the “half hour” mentioned under the seventh seal represent?

17. How do the seven seals line up with the seven churches mentioned earlier in Revelation?

18. To what “appearance” does Malachi 3:2 refer?

ANSWERS: 1. That the seven seals are going to especially emphasize the work of God’s Word in taking back Christ’s bartered bride because bread in Scripture represents the Word of God and that is what is found on the table of showbread located on the northern side of the Holy Place; 2. Besides the bread on the table of showbread & the book in the hand of the Father in chapters four & five, chapter six mentions the bow, which like the sword of the Spirit refers to the Word of God & it mentions the great sword, & it mentions wheat & barley which are ingredients for bread & it mentions the Word of God in verse nine & scroll in verse fourteen; 3. The rider is a symbol of Jesus & the horse symbolizes his church; 4. They suffer persecution & bloodshed; 5. That during the period of this church there is a famine for the Word of God for it is not in the language of the people & it is chained in cathedrals; 6. Oil symbolizes the work of the Holy Spirit and wine symbolizes the blood (death) of Jesus showing that the Holy Spirit was still active in this period of the church & that the forgiveness of sins was still available through the blood of Christ; 7. The church is in a deathly pale condition & Satan has taken Christ’s place of headship; 8. “Sword” represents the Biblical arguments used to condemn God’s people, “hunger” represents the chained Bible,  “death” represents the stake, & beasts” represents military force – all employed by the Papacy in the Middle Ages; 9. Under the brazen alter which was located in the outer court of the sanctuary which represented this earth – in other words they are buried on earth; 10. This is a metaphor like when the Bible speaks of the blood of Abel or stones crying out to God in heaven; 11. That during the Post Reformation period of the church the time had not yet arrived for God to enter into the final judgment of his people but that when it came there robes of righteousness would be eternally secure; 12. Earthquakes are a symbol of God’s investigative judgments; 13. That in the time of God’s final judgment the Sun of Righteousness will be hidden from many, the moon that represents the church will be persecuted, many stars representing spiritual leaders will go out, & God’s indignation will no longer be shielded by his grace; 14. They will seek to hide under church dogmas like “there is no future judgment for God’s people,” or “judgment does not determine destiny,” or “God’s judgment will not be investigative” or they will seek to hide under government establishments, & confederacies but some will hide in the cleft of the Rock which is Jesus & they will pass God’s scrutiny; 15. Those who have hid themselves in the righteousness of Christ & are eternally sealed with the seal of the living God; 16. It represents 1/48th of a day which in Bible prophecy represents the seven literal days of the sukkah hiding place during the seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles, when like Jacob, Jesus fulfills the seven days with his bride (see Genesis twenty-nine); 17. They correspond one for one (working church with conquering Word, persecuted church with persecuted Word, infiltrated church with scarcity of the Word, divided church with dying horse, orthodox church with souls crying for judgment, loving expectant church with the arrival of the hour of God’s judgment, the last church with the honeymoon of Jesus & his bride) covering similar time periods. 18. To Christ’s appearance before the Father in heaven’s Most Holy Place as the open the books (Daniel 7:9-10) are opened in God’s investigative judgment.