What did the people promise in the Post-exilic Covenant?
(Nehemiah 10:1-39; Gen. 15:18; 31:43-55; Ex. 19:5-8; Joshua 24:1-27; Heb. 8:1-7) Blog Nov. 17-23, 2019
Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA
REVIEW: The story of the return of the Babylonian exiles to Judea is given in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. They speak of the three Persian decrees freeing the captives to return to Judea. The temple had been completed in 516 BC with the encouragement of the prophets Haggai and Zechariah so in 444 BC, when Nehemiah joined Ezra in Jerusalem they directed their efforts towards rebuilding Jerusalem’s wall and gates. Within less than two months after Nehemiah’s arrival the wall was finished. Being men of strong faith and diligent effort at an important time in prophetic history they led out in the teaching of God’s Word and in obeying its precepts. In their efforts to rebuild Jerusalem’s wall they faced opposition from without and from within while also dealing with internal disputes. The returned exiles were intent on obeying God’s Word for they had been well instructed in it by Ezra.
What is a covenant? (Gen. 21:31- 32; 26:28; 31:43-55; Joshua 24:1-27; Ruth 3:1)
1. What is a covenant? A covenant is an agreement between two parties which binds them together.
2. What binds the parties of a covenant together? The mutual promises made under oath bind the covenant partners together.
3. What does the word Abind@ imply? A bond implies that there are requirements which each party must fulfil.
4. What do the words of a covenant agreement include? A covenant usually includes 1) a prologue stating: a) the contracting parties, b) their previous history, and c) the relationship that is being entered; 2) the requirements which each party is to fulfil; 3) the seal of the governing authority; 4) the sign of the covenant; 5) the penalty for breaking the covenant; 6) the witnesses; and 7) the time duration of the agreement.
5. What is the purpose of a covenant? Covenants are made in order to form lasting relationships.
6. What does a covenant-based relationship provide that other relationships lack? A covenant provides security, peace, and a knowledge of ones rights and responsibilities.
7. How is a covenant made? A covenant is entered by making solemn promises under oath to one another.
8. Besides making promises what other factors are involved in making a covenant? Making a covenant also involves witnesses; a sign or monument of the covenant is accepted; there are curses demonstrated by offering sacrifices; and generally the parties and witnesses spend time together while eating a meal.
God’s covenants with humanity (Genesis 2:15-17; 9:16-17; 15:18; Ex. 19:5-8; 20:1-17; 34:28; Deut. 4:13; 2 Sam. 7:12-17; Jer. 31:31-34; Rom. 4:13; Heb. 10:5-10; 13:20-21)
9. What was God’s first covenant made with humanity? The covenant he made with Adam before sin entered the world.
10. What was the sign of the covenant God made with every living creature after the flood? The rainbow.
11. What did God promise Abraham in the covenant made with him? That he & his offspring would inherit the earth.
12. What did God’s people promise in the covenant made at Sinai? That they would do everything God outlined in the Ten Commandments.
13. With whom did God make a covenant promise of an eternal throne? With David.
14. What are the words of the New Covenant that God promised in Jeremiah? The words of the New Covenant are the same as those of the Old Covenant: the Ten Commandments.
15. In the Everlasting Covenant who promised to fulfill all the obligations of the Ten Commandments in humanity’s behalf? Jesus.
The post-exilic covenant (Nehemiah 9:36-38; 10:1-39)
16. What portion of a covenant did God’s people record in their prayer in Nehemiah 9? They gave a prologue to their covenant outlining who were the parties involved giving their previous history & the relationship they wished to renew.
17. At the end of their prayer what relationship did the returned exiles say that they desired to reestablish? That God be their Ruler & they be his people rather than be under their conquering nations.
18. How was the Post-exilic Covenant sealed? It was sealed by the signing of the princes, priests, & Levites as representatives of the entire nation.
19. What did the people promise in the Post-exilic Covenant? That they would keep all the laws of Moses & observe & do all the commandments of the LORD, his judgments, & his statutes.
20. Besides making an oath of obedience what did the people place themselves under should they not fulfill their promise? They placed themselves under a curse.
21. What two Edenic institutions did God’s post-exilic people vow to observe? Marriage & the seventh-day Sabbath.
22. What Mosaic festival and laws did God’s post-exilic people vow to observe? The Sabbatical Year, the temple tax, the wood offering, firstfruits, tithes, & offerings.