New Testament, Revelation / March 30, 2019 / Leave a Comment

What is the condition of the earth during its Sabbatical Year and who is living on it?

(Rev. 20:1-15; 21:1-27; 22:1-21; Matt. 19:28; 1 Cor. 6:2-3; 2 Pet. 3:13) Blog 24-30 Mar. 2019

REVIEW: The book of Revelation reveals Jesus as he works to recover his lost bride. The candlesticks symbolize the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. The table of showbread symbolizes the throne of God the Father from which God’s Word works to restore the bride to the Son. The altar of incense symbolizes Jesus ministering the prayers of his people as they bring earth’s inhabitants to God. These three articles of the Holy Place of the sanctuary depict parallel events during the Christian era, from Pentecost to Paradise. In Revelation 11:19 the scene turns to the Most Holy Place where the marriage covenant will be made. Chapters 12-19 give a curriculum vitae for each of the attenders at the marriage – first the bride and the dragon, then the sea beast and the land beast, followed by the Groom on Mount Zion, and the Father pouring out the seven last plagues, finally the harlot and the Holy Spirit are introduced. Then Jesus judges the harlot as unworthy to be his bride and marries the woman dressed in white, which is his church. After the marriage and the “seven days” in the Feast of Tabernacles booths Jesus returns to earth to take his bride to his Father’s house in heaven.

The Millennium (Rev. 19:9; 20:1-15; Lev. 25:4; Matt. 19:28; 1 Cor. 6:2-3)

1. When and where will the marriage supper of the Lamb take place?

2. Since Revelation follows the outline of the earthly sanctuary and its services what event should follow the Day of Atonement marriage and the subsequent Feast of Tabernacles?

3. If this earth has lasted 6,000 years since creation how long should its Sabbatical Year last?

4. What is the condition of the earth during its Sabbatical Year and who is living on it?

5. According to Revelation 20:4, 11-13 what will God and the righteous be doing during the Millennium?

6. When God raises the wicked dead at the end of the 1,000 years what will Satan do?.

7. Who will be cast into the lake of fire and experience the second death?

            A New Heaven and a New Earth (Rev. 21:1-8; Lev. 25:8-13: Isa. 57:20; )

8. After the seventh Sabbatical Year what event took place in Israel that is a type of the new heavens and the new earth?

9. Why is there no sea in the new earth?

10. What symbolic title does the church, the bride of Christ, have in Revelation 21?

11. What does the phrase “the tabernacle of God is with men” in Revelation 21:3 indicate?

12. To where and when does the church descend from heaven?

            The Lamb’s Wife (Rev. 21:9-27; 22:1-5; 1 Kings 6:20; Eze. 34:11-16; Matt. 13:44-46; John 10:7-16; Heb. 12:22-24

13. What is the meaning of Revelation 21:11?

14. What do the names on the gates and on the foundations of the New Jerusalem tell us about its inhabitants?

15. What should we learn from the dimensions of the New Jerusalem?

16. What should we learn from the twelve precious stones that make up the foundation of Jerusalem’s wall?

17. Why are the gates of the New Jerusalem all pearls?

18. What does all the gold in the New Jerusalem represent?

19. Why are the gates of the New Jerusalem never closed in eternity?

            Soon and Very Soon (Rev. 22:1-21)

20. What phrases in Revelation 22:6 & 10 repeats the assurance that these visions of John are meant to cover the entire Christian  era?

22. According to verse 16 what things in the book of Revelation does Jesus want every age of the church to understand?

23. When Christ comes suddenly to our names in judgment which verse in this chapter expresses the finality of His decision?

24. What repeated phrase in Revelation 22 tells the attitude we should always have in regard to Christ’s return?

ANSWERS: 1. In heaven when Christ takes his bride, the church, to his Father’s house; 2. The Sabbatical Year; 3. 1,000 literal years; 4. It is desolate, untilled & only Satan & his evil angels are living on it for 1,000 years; 5. They will be sitting on thrones investigatively judging the cases of the wicked; 6. He will rally the resurrected wicked in an attempt to take the Holy City in which God & his people dwell; 7. All whose names are not written in the book of the life of the Lamb; 8. The Year of Jubilee; 9. Because the sea represents the wicked who are like the troubled sea & there will be no wicked person in the new earth; 10. Her title is the New Jerusalem; 11. That the marriage covenant between God & his people is complete (Rev. 7:15) ; 12. To this earth at the end of the millennium; 13. That the light of life for God’s people is Jesus, for jasper is the stone of Benjamin whose name means “conquering Son of my right hand”; 14. They tell us that its inhabitants include all the faithful from both the Old Testament & from the New Testament eras; 15. That like the Most Holy Place of the sanctuary they make a perfect cube & if the twelve thousand cubits per side is multiplied by the twelve sides of a cube the total is “One hundred and forty four thousand,” thus assuring us that in the end all the saved of all ages are alive & sealed and become part of the 144,000 — that great multitude that serve God in his temple (Rev. 7:15); 16. That this city is God’s organized, visible church of the Firstborn, where those who were last on earth (Benjamin= jasper) make up God’s kingdom with no distinction between the twelve apostles & the twelve tribes for the foundation stones that represent the twelve tribes are given the names of the twelve apostles; 17. Because Jesus is the pearl of great price & he is the door to the fold, the church – the  Lamb’s wife; 18. The gold represents the holy character of all its inhabitants that is transparent to all; 19. Because there is no night (darkness nor fear) there & there remain no enemies that will attack it; 20. The phrases: “to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.” & “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand..” ; 21. “Worship God.” ; 22. All of them; 23. Verse eleven; 24. That he is coming quickly!