What does the good olive tree root represent?

(Romans 10-11) Blog Dec. 10-16, 2017

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

REVIEW: In Romans chapter 1, Paul presents salvation through the Gospel and damnation through refusing to acknowledge God. In chapter 2, he says God has appointed a future day of judgment to determine who has received the Gospel. In chapter 3, Paul explains that the righteousness that God demands he, himself, has provided in the perfect life of Jesus. Chapter 4 shows that nothing we do, nor anything done to us (like baptism) gives us acceptance with God. In chapter 5, Paul goes on to demonstrate that not even something done in us (like spiritual transformation) is how we are accepted by God. Chapter 6 explains that although sin remains in believers it no longer reigns in them and chapter 7 goes on to reveal that true Christians have a daily battle to fight against their sinful natures, while chapter 8 shows that they are given the Holy Spirit to aide them in the Christian life which continually progresses towards glorification. In chapter 9, Paul shows who are God’s elect.

            Saving righteousness (Romans 10)

1. According to verse one, what is the theme of chapter 10, “salvation” or “roles of service”?

2. What two kinds of righteousness are mentioned in verse 3?

3. Where was God’s righteousness revealed and where is ours revealed?

4. What other terms does Paul use in verses 5 & 6 for these two kinds of righteousness?

5. How is faith brought to us?

6. To whom will God give salvation?

7. Through what two means does God’s word reach everyone on earth?

            God’s chosen people (Romans 11:1-10)

8. In verses 1-5 what two proofs does Paul give that God has not rejected Israel as his chosen people?

9. What is Paul teaching in verse 5?

10. Who receive the curses mentioned in verses 8-10?

11. For what purpose (or goal) can grace and works not be mixed?

12. What have the elect obtained to which everyone else has been hardened?

The olive tree (Romans 11:11-25)

13. What does the good olive tree root represent?

14. Why were some of the branches of the good olive tree broken off?

15. When branches of the good olive tree were broken off for what did that make room?

16. If Jews by birth can miss out on salvation what attitude should believing gentiles have?

17. What does Paul mean in verse 26 when he says “all Israel shall be saved”?

18. In the end to what does anyone owe his salvation?

ANSWERS: 1.Salvation; 2. God’s & ours; 3. God’s was revealed in the life of Christ (the Gospel)ours is revealed in us; 4. The righteousness of faith & the righteousness of the Law; 5. By the proclamation of God’s word; 6. Those who call on him in faith; 7. Through creation & revelation; 8. That of himself being a justified Israelite & that of Elijah who thought he was the last Israelite & about to die; 9. That God will always have an elect remnant of Israel – in fact Christ is the true Elect Israelite; 10. Those who reject Christ & whose eyes are blinded & hearts hardened; 11. For the purpose of justification; 12. Salvation; 13. Jesus Christ;14. Because of unbelief; 15. That made room for wild olive branches (gentiles) to be grafted into Christ our Saviour; 16. One of humility, taking heed that they not fall from grace; 17. That all those in Christ (the true Israelite – God’s elect) will be saved; 18. To God’s mercy.