What must an image of the Papacy include?
(Exodus 20:4-11; Daniel 7 & 8; Revelation 13 & 14) Blog Jun. 9-15, 2024
Prepared by Richard A. Marin: <PresentTruthLRI@gmail.com>
REVIEW: Lucifer’s attack against God’s government began in heaven and continues on earth, where through deception and force he seeks to turn people from God and his Commandments. One of his special deceptions is that people continue living even when they die.
The Last Great Battle
1. What three great powers does the Book of Revelation portray as opposing God’s people in the last days? Revelation lists “the dragon” “the beast” & “the false prophet” as uniting forces against God’s people in the last days (Rev. 16:13).
2. What does the prophetic symbol “the dragon” represent? The dragon is a symbol for Satan, especially as he works through spiritualistic paganism (Isa. 8:19; Jer. 51:34; Eze. 29:3; Rev. 12:3, 4, 9).
3. What does the prophetic symbol “the beast” represent? The beast is a symbol for the power that took the place of pagan Rome which gave it its seat, power, & authority (Rev. 13:1-2).
4. Judging by its characteristics and activities, what is the power that took the place of pagan Rome? The beast that rose up out of the sea of humanity replacing pagan Rome & persecuting God’s people, blaspheming God, his temple, & his people, & seeking to be worshipped must be the Papacy (Rev. 13:1-7).
5. What historical time period is attributed to the beast power? The beast power rose up when pagan Rome declined under barbarian (“ships of Chittim”) attack & she maintained power 42 prophetic months (1260 years) until the pope was taken captive in 1798, which was “a deadly wound” (Dan. 11:30; Rev. 13:3-5).
6. What does Revelation say will become of the Papacy in the last days? The deadly wound received by the Papacy will be healed & she will regain her former worldwide power (Rev. 13:3).
7. What symbol in Daniel corresponds with the sea beast of Revelation 13? The “little horn” of Daniel 7 & 8 is an exact fit for “the beast” (Dan. 7:8, 20-21, 25; 8:9-11; 11:30-32; Rev. 13:1-10; 17:5-8).
8. Besides persecuting God’s people and blaspheming God what other activities of the beast are mentioned in Daniel? The little horn beast also tampers with God’s Law, prophetic & holy time, & takes away justification (the daily) placing the forgiveness of sins in the hands of sinful men on earth (Dan. 7:25; 8:11-12).
Faith & Worship
9. At the time of God’s final judgment what does God call people to do? God calls people to believe and honor God considering judgment day has arrived (Rev. 14:6-7).
10. In what are people to put their faith? Our faith is to be in the mercy of God & the gospel of his Son’s life & death for us (not in our Christian experience or in our great faith) (Mark 1:15; Acts 16:30; Rev. 14:6, 7, 12).
11. How do believers honor God, give glory to him, and demonstrate their faith? We honor God by keeping his Commandments (which is true worship), by giving to advance his kingdom, & by keeping his Sabbath (Deut. 7:9; Prov. 3:9; Isa. 58:13; Jam. 2:18; John 14:15; 1 John 5:3; Rev. 12:17).
12. How do people give honor to the Papacy? People honor the Papacy by trusting in something other than Jesus’ life & death for their acceptance with God, by disregarding the only day God has made holy, & by separating the 70th week of Daniel 9 from the 69 (Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 20:8-11; Dan. 7:25; 9:24; John 1:12; Acts 4:12; Rev. 14:7).
The Image to the Beast?
13. What world power is introduced after the Papacy in Revelation 13? The United States of America (the false prophet), like a bison with two little horns, is introduced in the last half of Revelation 13 (Rev. 13:11-12).
14. What things about the two-horned beast show that it represents the United States? It arose far from the massive sea of humanity, it began with lamblike principles of representative government & freedom of worship, & within it arose the fiery Pentecostal Movement (Rev. 13:11-14).
15. What does Revelation say that the USA will do? Revelation says that the USA (using deception & miracles) will make an image to the Papacy & cause all to worship the Papacy (Rev. 13:12-14).
16. What must an image of the Papacy include? An image of the Papacy must include the use of civil power to enforce religious dogmas & these dogmas must be Papal in nature (Rev. 13:12-17).
17. What must the USA do in order to form an image to the Papacy? The USA must change its constitution & Bill of Rights in order to make an image to the beast (US Bill of Rights, Amendment I).
18. How will the USA get people to worship the beast and its image? The USA will deceive people through wonders & miracles & resort to force by enacting commercial embargoes on all who do not bow to her laws, eventually resorting to a death decree (Rev. 13:12-17).
19. What part of the first angel’s message is clearly contrary to the demands of the image to the beast? The part that says “worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters” is directly opposite the command to worship the beast & his image (Rev. 14:7, 9).
20. If the observance of the Sabbath is the outward sign of the everlasting covenant, how will that sign become extremely important in the final conflict? Before God judges the living he gives a visible test. That visible test is over worship as outlined in the fourth commandment (Ex. 20:8-11; 31:16-18; Rev. 14:6-12).