Is it possible to change from not being elect to being elect?

(Romans 8:17 – 9:33; ) Blog Dec. 03-09, 2017

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

REVIEW: In Romans Paul presents the Gospel and how to be saved by it. He says God will make a final assessment to determine who has received the Gospel. Our obedience will be the evidence that we trust in the righteousness of Jesus as our only hope of acceptance into God’s kingdom. That righteousness God provided in the perfect life and atoning death of Jesus. Nothing we do, nor anything done to us (like baptism), nor anything done in us (like spiritual transformation) is how it is accounted ours. Rather the perfect righteousness of God’s Son is counted ours when we personally believe in it. This does not mean we then have nothing to do. Rather as Christians we are to expect opposition from our sinful natures while we strive to please Jesus who has released us from the condemnation of the Law.

            Glorification (Romans 8:18-39; 1 Cor. 15:53-54)

1. Where does glorification take place?

2. When does glorification take place?

3. According to verse 23 what will be changed at glorification?

4. Is the function of the Holy Spirit, according to verse 26, to live the Christian life in us?

5. For whom do all things work together for good?

6. According to verses 29-32, where has God accomplished our complete salvation?

7. Who are God’s elect?

The Jewish Advantage (Romans 9:1-18; 3:1-4)

8. According to verse 3 what is the opposite of Paul’s desire for his Jewish brethren?

9. What Jewish advantages does Paul list?

10. According to verses 9, 15, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30 & 10:1,is the theme of Romans 9 “service roles” or “salvation”?

11. What does Paul suggest in verses 6 & 7 will be the theme of the chapter?

12. Which kind of children will be saved?

13. What is verse 12?

14. When did God pronounce the words written in verse 13?

15. What does not depend on how much we desire it or how well we run, but rather on God’s mercy?

16. How did God harden Pharaoh’s heart?

17. How did God soften Nebuchadnezzar’s heart?

Election (Romans 9:19-10:1; Acts 7:51;  )

18. Has anyone ever resisted the will of God or is it always done on earth?

19. What does clay represent in verse 21?

20. According to verses 25 & 26 is it possible to change from not being elect to being elect children of God?

21. What portion of the physical descendants of Abraham will be saved?

22. Which of the two kinds of righteousness saves – the one in heaven or the one in us?

23. Are the Jewish advantages also ours today?

ANSWERS: 1. In us; 2. In the future, just prior to receiving immortality; 3. Our sinful nature will be removed; 4. No, rather he is to help us live the Christian life; 5. Those who love God; 6. In Christ; 7. Those in Christ by faith; 8. Being accursed from Christ – being unsaved or eternally lost; 9. The adoption, the Shekinah glory, the covenants, the giving of the Law, the sanctuary service, the promises of land & blessing, the patriarchs, and the coming of Christ in the flesh; 10. Paul’s theme is “salvation” not “service roles”; 11. That his theme will be inclusion in the promise of salvation given to Abraham rather than of a service role for the entire nation; 12. Those included in the promise of salvation made to Abraham; 13. It is a promise not a predestination; 14. Long after Jacob & Esau were dead; 15. Our salvation; 16. By showing him multiple mercies; 17. By showing him multiple mercies; 18. God’s will is not always done on earth for Eve, Cain, Pharaoh, Solomon, & the Jewish leaders at Stephen’s trial all resisted doing God’s will; 19. Clay represents a human life already born; 20. Yes; 21. Only a remnant; 22. Not the righteousness of the law that is fulfilled in us but the righteousness of faith that is centered in Christ in heaven; 23. Yes, we are chosen in Christ [Eph. 1:4-5], sealed with the glory of the Holy Spirit [Hag. 2:7; Eph. 1:13], under a better covenant [Heb. 8:6; 9:15], the Law is written in our hearts [Heb. 8:10], we have a Representative in the heavenly sanctuary [Heb. 9:24], precious promises are given unto us [Mat. 5:3-11; 2 Ped. 1:3-4], we are grounded upon the twelve Apostles [Eph. 2:19-20], Jesus took our nature [Mar. 3:34-35; Heb. 2:14], & we have the Bible.