The Beast & the False Prophet

New TestamentRevelation / March 2, 2019 / 1 Comment

What world power arising after 1798 uses embargos (buy & sell decrees) to enforce its will?

(Revelation 13:1–18; Dan. 7:8, 20-25; 8:9-12; 2 Thes. 2:8-12) Blog Feb. 24-Mar. 02, 2019

REVIEW: Jesus is revealed in the book of Revelation as he works to recover his lost bride. The candlesticks symbolize the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. The table of showbread symbolizes the throne of God the Father from which God’s Word works to restore the bride to the Son. The altar of incense symbolizes Jesus ministering the prayers of his people as they bring earth’s inhabitants to God. These three articles of the Holy Place of the sanctuary depict parallel events during the Christian era, from Pentecost to Paradise. In Revelation 11:19 the scene turns to the Most Holy Place where the marriage covenant will be made. Chapters 12-19 give a curriculum vitae for each of the attenders at the marriage – first the bride, then the dragon.

The leopard-like beast described (Rev. 13:1-2; 4:6; Eze. 10:15; Dan. 7:20-25; 8:9-12)

1. According to Revelation 11:19 what part of the heavenly sanctuary are we now viewing?

2. To what two attenders at the wedding of the Lamb have we been introduced in Revelation 12?

3. Just as the dragon was primarily Satan, who primarily is the leopard-like beast?

4. What should we learn from the fact that the ten horns of the beast are crowned?

5. What should we learn from the fact that the seven heads of the beast have the name of blasphemy?

6. The religions of what three world empires are characteristic of the leopard-like beast?

7. What religious power used Europe’s political leaders to enforce her dogmas for 1260 years from the dragon’s capital?

            The History of the Beast (Rev. 13:2-10; Dan. 7:20-25; 8:9-12; Matt. 26:63-65; Mark 2:7)

8. Who gave the leopard-like beast its power, seat, and great authority?

9. Since this is the entire curriculum vitae of the beast to what does the “deadly wound” refer?

10. Judging by its duration & actions against God & his people, what power in Daniel is the same as the beast?

11. What is meant by blaspheming God, his name, his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven?

12. What will be the end of the beast who used the sword and imprisonment to control the world?

The Two-horned Beast (Rev. 13:11-18; Dan. 11:40-45; )

13. What is the significance of the two-horned beast arising from the earth?

14. What relationship and similarities exist between the leopard-like beast and the two horned beast?

15. What is meant by “bringing fire down from heaven in the sight of men”?

16. What characteristic of the first beast (the Papacy) does the two-horned beast recreate?

17. What world power arising after 1798 uses embargos (buy & sell decrees) to enforce its will?

18. What is the center of attention in relation to receiving the mark required to buy and sell?

19. What should we learn from the number 666?

ANSWERS: 1. We are now in heaven’s Most Holy Place where the marriage of the Lamb is to take place; 2. The woman, the rightful bride, & the dragon, the Groom’s antagonist; 3. A fallen cherubim, second in command to Lucifer; 4. That this fallen cherub works through the political leaders of Europe; 5. That this power is a religious power (the heads representing the false religions that influence prophetic world, civil powers); 6. Those of Babylon (Chaldean), Medo-Persia, & Greece; 7. The Papacy; 8. Satan as manifest in pagan Rome; 9. The “deadly wound” refers to the wounding of the Papacy by the sword of the Spirit wielded by the Protestant Reformation & the sword of Napoleon in taking the pope captive in seventeen ninety eight; 10. The little horn of Daniel seven & eight that is also “the man of sin” mentioned in second Thessalonians two; 11. To blaspheme is to claim God-like position or prerogatives which the beast does by claiming to be God’s representative on earth, by claiming God-like authority to make & change God’s Law, by claim the name “holy” as his own, by claiming the power to forgive sins, & by dictating the conscious of God’s people; 12. The sword that proceeds from Christ’s mouth & chains of darkness until destroyed; 13. Its origin is not out of the European masses of humanity but rather from a sparsely populated portion of earth; 14. They each exercise worldwide authority & the two-horned beast is in worldwide authority after the deadly wound of the first beast is healed; 15. Something that appears to men as the gift of the Holy Spirit, but is not (American Pentecostalism); 16. Its control of the masses by uniting church & state; 17. The United States of America; 18. Worship; 19. That being the number of a man it symbolizes the best religious system human beings have come up with – a system that teaches the eternal life is based on our Spirit-filled performance.