What is the righteousness of God?
(Romanos 1; Hechos 6:8-15; ) Blog Oct. 01-7, 2017
Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA
INTRODUCTION: The Apostle Paul was an active missionary for the faith he once sought to destroy. Most likely he wrote his letter to the church in Rome while in Corinth on his second missionary journey. Having never visited Rome he hoped to instruct the believers there about matters of prime importance. What he wrote is of prime importance to us today also and especially when thinking of the Protestant Reformation that began 500 years ago this month.
The main subject (Romans 1:1-7; 1 Peter 1:10-12)
1. How does the Apostle Paul state his commission at the beginning of his letter to Rome?
2. After stating his commission what subject does Paul introduce as the theme of his letter to the Romans?
3. What can we learn about the Gospel from verse two?
4. What was the subject of Paul’s Gospel?
5. What blessings does Paul list as results flowing from acceptance of the Gospel?
6. What motive for obedience does Paul give in verse five?
The recipients (Romans 1:8-17; 5:1; 2 Pet. 1:12-13; 3:1-2; Heb. 11:1, 6 )
7. To whom does Paul write Romans, church members? or the general public in Rome?
8. For what was Paul especially thankful concerning the Christians in Rome?
9. Why does Paul continually pray for the believers in Rome if they had already accepted the Gospel?
10. Why would Paul want to announce the Gospel to believers in Rome if they had already accepted it?
11. Of what value was Paul’s Gospel to those who accepted it?
12. What is revealed in the Gospel?
13. What is the righteousness of God?
14. How is the righteousness of God counted ours?
15. What is the nature of the faith that grasps the righteousness of God?
The warning (Romans 1:18-32; 2 Tim. 3:1-8; Rev. 15:1; 20:14)
16. According to verse 18 why is faith in the Gospel so important?
17. When is the wrath of God revealed according to Romans one?
18. How is God’s wrath revealed at the present time?
19. At what level of departure from God does God completely give sinners up?
20. What future manifestations of God’s wrath are also mentioned in Scripture?
21. How has Paul set the stage in Romans one for the rest of his letter?
ANSWERS: 1. “separated unto the Gospel of God”; 2. the Gospel of God; 3. That there was a time when the Gospel was still future, when God’s prophets pointed forward to it; 4. Jesus Christ from his incarnation to his ascension; 5. Grace & apostleship (being sent out to witness) so that we might be obedient because we love Christ’s character; 6. Appreciation of the character of Christ; 7. Church members; 8. That their faith was renown throughout the world; 9. Because they still needed to be established in their faith in the Gospel; 10. Because we tend to forget what we have heard & by repetition of the Gospel story our faith is strengthened, otherwise if we forget the Gospel we may turn to other hopes of salvation & lose our justification; 11. It brought salvation for in it God’s power is manifest; 12. The righteousness of God; 13. It is the conformity to his law that was revealed in the life & death of Christ; 14. By our faith; 15. It is not some work that we do but rather like the eye or ear it just receives what God has already done in Christ & it is continuous for our justification before God must be continuous – meaning we go from faith to more faith & keep on living by faith in Christ our Substitute; 16. Because it places us into Christ for outside of him God’s wrath is manifest; 17. Right now in the present time; 18. By letting sinners go the way of their own choosing; 19. At he third level; 20. The seven last plagues & the lake of fire; 21. He has shown how to enter salvation & how to enter damnation – what follows will only give more details on both fronts.