What are common ways parents exasperate their children?
(Deut. 6:4-9; Psalm 127:1-5; Eph. 6:4; Luke 15:11-24) Blog May 19-25, 2019
Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA
REVIEW: We were created for companionship and communion. Lasting relationships should be built upon covenants. Covenants provide stability and predictability because a person’s obligations and privileges are clearly stated and entered into by making vows in the presence of witnesses. The character and ability of the covenant maker will determine the value of their promises. Only when the Gospel of God’s grace is presented to us are we freed to make good choices, so true believers are the most likely to have successful relationships. Only by the indwelling Holy Spirit, which we receive when we believe in Jesus, are we enabled to subdue our sinful natures and form relationships that give glory to God.
The desire of women (Gen. 3:16; 18:10-14; 30:1-2; 1 Sam. 1:1-8; Psalm 127:1-5; Luke 1:5-15; Rev. 12:1-2)
1. Name some women in the Bible who keenly desired to have a child: Sarah, Rachel, Hannah, & Elisabeth.
2. What two elements united to bring a child to Sarah, Rachel, Hannah, & Elisabeth? Faith & prayer.
3. What must a woman experience in order to bring a child into the world? The agonies of pregnancy culminating in the unbearable pain of delivery.
4. According to Psalm 127 what estimation should parents place upon their children? They should consider them as valuable gifts from God.
5. What does the Psalmist say that children will be to their parents? They will be like arrows of defense holding back evil from their parents.
6. What ingredient if missing will make parenting useless? The absence of God who builds families, cares for parents, & gives sweet sleep to those who have him at their side.
7. What does Hannah’s experience as a mother tell us about the influence of women in the world? That women have a greater influence & can do more to change society than men.
8. Who do women represent in God’s economy? The bride of Christ, the church, the mother of us all, & the mother of our Lord.
Proper Parenting (Gen. 18:19; Deut. 6:4-9, 20-25; 1 Sam. 2:22-29; 3:10-14; Psa. 78:5; Eph. 6:4; Heb. 12:5-7)
9. What parenting characteristic of Abraham did God commend? That of commanding his children after him in the way of the Lord to live righteously.
10. What principles of parenting does Moses lay down in Deuteronomy 6? Those of continually & everywhere reminding our children of God’s Commandments & of giving them an example of obedience to them in every area of our life, & of reminding them that it was through God’s goodness & mercy that we have been delivered from evil to serve him.
11. What aspect of proper parenting did Eli practice and what aspect did he neglect? He properly reproved his wayward sons but he did not act to stop (restrain) their evil course, in other words: he told them not to do evil but did not punish them when they did evil.
12. According to Hebrews 12:5-7 how does God treat the children he loves? He not only reproves (speaks to) them; he also disciplines (whips) them.
13. How does Paul outline the duties of parents in Ephesians 6:4? He tells parents to raise their children in the discipline & instruction of the Lord while not exasperating them.
14. What does Paul’s counsel in Ephesians 6:4 entail? It includes teaching children that they are sinners in need of a Saviour, that God is holy, just, & good – the source of all wisdom, & that living in harmony with his will brings the greatest joy in this life & for eternity. It also enjoins them to correct the child’s misbehavior.
15. What are common ways parents exasperate their children? Primarily by enacting unrealistic rules & excessive discipline. But also by overprotectiveness, favoritism, setting unrealistic goals, overindulgence, discouragement, lack of self sacrifice, expecting perfection. neglect, verbal abuse, & physical abuse [thanks to John MacArthur in Being a Dad Who Leads].
Seeking the Lost (Luke 15:11-24; John 6:37)
16. When the younger son of the Father in Luke 15 demanded his inheritance before it was due, what did his father do? He gave it to him.
17. When the younger son of the Father in Luke 15 left home and abandoned his father’s instruction what did his father do? He watched & prayed for his son’s return while suffering the abuse & loss.
18. What can we learn about wayward children from the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15? That after raising our children in the fear of the Lord we should not force them to do right, nor prohibit them from leaving our care, but rather pray, suffer, and prepare for their return to right paths.
19. When our wayward children return how should we treat them? We should race to cover their shame & hide them from the scorn of others, rejoice in their return, & joyfully receive them once again into the family as God has received us.