What gave Moses peace as he faced death?

(Num. 20:1-13; Deut. 32:48-52; 34:1-12; Luke 9:28-36; Jude 9) Blog 19-25 Dec. 2021

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

REVIEW: In his farewell address in Deuteronomy, Moses gives a summary of all that God tried to teach his people during their wilderness wanderings. He also includes a blessing for the tribes of Israel in chapter 33. They were never to forget that it was God’s grace and not their goodness that brought all his blessings to them. They were to remember that being loyal to God’s covenant would ensure future blessings, but rebellion would only bring God’s curses. These themes are repeated throughout the Bible.

His Sin

1. When God’s people murmured against Moses for lack of water after leaving Egypt, what did God tell Moses to do? At Rephidim God told Moses to take the elders of Israel & go to the rock at Mount Horeb (Sinai) & strike it once with his rod & water would come gushing out of the rock (Ex. 17:1-7).

2. Who does the Apostle Paul say that rock in Horeb represented? Paul says that the rock in the wilderness of Sinai represented Jesus (1 Cor. 10:4).

3. Why did Moses call the place where God gave Israel water, Massah and Meribah? Moses called the place where water gushed from the rock Massah (temptation) & Meribah (strife) for there God’s people murmured & strove with God (Ex. 17:7).

4. After wandering forty years in the desert how did God’s people react when they ran out of water? God’s people “gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron” chiding them for bringing them out of Egypt (Num. 20:1-5).

5. What did Moses and Aaron do in response to the angry mob that demanded water? Moses & Aaron sought God’s help at the sanctuary when the people demanded water (Num. 20:6).

6. In order to give water to the people what did God tell Moses to do? God told Moses to take his rod & Aaron & gather the people & speak to the rock for water to come out (Num. 20:7-8).

7. When the congregation was gathered in front of the rock what did Moses do? In front of all the congregation Moses shouted: “Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock?” & then stuck the rock twice with his rod (Num. 20:9-11).

8. What was God’s reaction to Moses’ action? God called Moses & Aaron’s act rebellion & told them they would not be allowed to bring his people into the promised land because they didn’t believe him and failed to sanctify God before the congregation (Num. 20:12, 24; 27:14; Deut. 32:48-52).

9. What should we learn from God’s instructions to Moses? We should learn that Christ, the Rock, was crucified once & since then all we have to do is ask in order to receive the blessings we desire (Num. 20:8, 12).

10. How did Moses react to God’s death sentence? Moses asked God to find a replacement for him & to let hm cross Jordan & help conquer the promised land, but God refused his last request (Num. 27:15-17; Deut. 3:23-26).

            His Death

11. When Moses climbed Mount Pisgah alone what did God do for him before he died? God showed Moses a panorama of the promised land and the future history of God’s people (Deut. 3:27; 34:1-4).

12. Who witnessed Moses’ death? No human being witnessed Moses’ death but only God & the angels who buried him witnessed it for God wanted no one to worship the spot (Deut. 34:5-6).

13. What indicates that Moses did not die of old age at 120 years? Scripture says: Moses’ “eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated” (Deut. 34:7).

14. What should we learn from the fact that God prohibited Moses from entering the Promised Land because of his sin? Moses’ experience should teach us that God requires exact obedience, that men are to beware of taking to themselves the glory which is alone due to their Maker, & that a wrong act can never be undone (Rom. 2:13; Rev. 14:7).

15. What gave Moses peace as he faced death? Moses faced death with peace of mind for without a murmur he submitted to the decree of God & through confession of his sin he received forgiveness through the blood of the Lamb that would pay its penalty on the cross (Deut. 34:1; Heb. 11:27).

            His Resurrection

16. Besides showing Moses the promised land, what else did God do for Moses? God resurrected Moses & translated him to heaven to live with him (Jude 9).

17. What proof does the Bible give of Moses’ resurrection? The Bible is clear that the dead know not anything but rather await the crown of life at Christ’s second coming. However, on the mount of transfiguration Moses appeared alive with Elijah who was translated without seeing death (Eccl. 9:5-6; Luke 9:30-31; 2 Tim. 4:8).

18. If Elijah represents God’s people who will be translated without seeing death, who does Moses represent? Moses represents those of God’s people who will be resurrected at Christ’s second coming (1 Thes. 4:13-17).

19. Who is Michael the Archangel who contended with the devil for the resurrection of Moses? Michael is Jesus, “the angel of the Lord “who appeared unto Abraham, Moses, & Gideon – Daniel’s Prince who looked like “one of the sons of men” & will deliver God’s people (Gen. 22:15-17; Ex. 3:2-6; Judges 6:11-14; Dan. 10:13, 14, 21; 12:1).20. On what basis can Jesus resurrect Moses and us if we die? Jesus won the right to resurrect Moses & all who believe in him because he lived a sinless life, died an atoning death, & rose triumphant from the tomb (1 Cor. 15:13-22).