Where in Song of Solomon is Solomon’s wedding day depicted?
(Song of Solomon 1-8; Gen. 2:7; 1 Cor. 6:15-20; Heb. 13:4-5) Blog 05-11 May, 2019
Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA
REVIEW: Relationships built upon covenants are stable and predictable because a person’s obligations and privileges are clearly stated and entered into by making vows in the presence of witnesses. Only when the Gospel of God’s grace is presented to us are we freed to make right choices like: Who will we worship? What will be our life work? & Who will we marry? Human beings were created for companionship as demonstrated in the Deity in whose likeness they were created. Sin often disrupts that model but God has given instructions in his Word that will help us in every situation.
The Human Body (Gen. 2:7; 2 Cor. 5:10; Eccl. 3:21; 9:5-6; 12:7;)
1. What act of God shows he highly regards the human body? The creation of Adam and Eve.
2. What final act of God shows that what we do with our bodies is important to him? His final judgment where we must each appear to give account for what we have done in the body.
3. According to 1 Thessalonians 5:23 in what process is the human body to be included? In the process of sanctification.
4. According to 1 Corinthians 6:16-18 what sin does Paul say is especially against our body? Fornication.
5. According to 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 who dwells in the body of Christians? The Holy Spirit.
6. Of what two elements is a human being composed? Of spirit & body which when joined together make a human being, a soul.
7. What happens to the spirit and to the body of a human being at death? The spirit (breath & life record) returns to God who gave it & the body rests in the grave which means the soul is dead & has no feeling, joy, or thought.
Song of Solomon (SS. 1:2,13; 2:6; 5:10-16; 7:1-97:4-9; Heb. 13:4-5; )
8. When the virgin speaks in Song of Solomon 1:2-7 what does she extol and confess? She extols Solomon’s love & expresses her love for him although she considers herself unworthy.
9. In the verses that follow SS 2:7 what is taking place between the two lovers? They are in conversation with each other, spending time together, & extolling the virtues of the other by using metaphors.
10. While the virgin remains in her secure place (2:14) during courtship of what does Solomon warn (in 2:15) that could break up their budding relationship? Little things that they must guard against, like gophers that destroy young plants.
11. Where in Song of Solomon is Solomon’s wedding day depicted? In SS 3:6-11.
12. What act of supreme importance in marriage is given by the word “espousals” in SS 3:11? That of a marriage covenant, without which physical union is only fornication & not marriage.
13. What does the groom do for his bride on their wedding day? He sings to her describing her beauty & perfection.
14. In the Bible of what are springs and fountains a symbol as seen in SS 4:12 & 15? Of reproductive organs employed in sexual intimacy.
15. What should we learn from the phrase “a spring shut up, a fountain sealed”? That the Shulamite maiden has remained a virgin until her wedding day.
16. What should we learn from the repeated references to body parts and intimate caressing in Song of Solomon? That God does not despise the body nor should we & that he has designed the body for pleasant sexual intercourse in marriage.
Fornication (Lev. 20:7-21; 1 Cor. 7:3-5; Col. 3:5-7; Heb. 13:4; Rev, 2:20-23)
17. Why does the Bible make repeated mention that fornication and adultery is sin? Not because God desires to rob some pleasure from us but in order to enhance the pleasure of sexual intimacy in marriage for fornication & adultery only stain the conscience & defile the body and unless repented of will lead to eternal death.
18. What lifestyle does Paul say in Romans 8:1-14 will enable us to avoid fleshly behaviour? That of walking after the Spirit, meaning having God’s Spirit dwelling in us & his Spirit-inspired Word as our counselor.
19. When tempted to yield to fleshly desires what is the Christian to do? To kill that desire & refuse it to dwell in the mind.
20. According to Revelation 2:20-23 of what is physical fornication a type? It is a symbol for spiritual fornication which is the union or blending of two things that should never be united, like church & state or the Holy Spirit & the unbeliever.