What freedom did the human race lose at the fall?

See also our issue on “free will,” titled “Free to Choose.”

(Gen. 2: 2:1-3, 14-25 Josh. 24:1-27; Rom. 14:7; Heb. 11:6) Blog Apr. 7-13, 2019

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

REVIEW: Lasting relationships are built upon covenants. Covenants bind two parties to stated obligations and privileges and are entered into by making vows in the presence of witnesses. Once confirmed covenants govern relationships for as long as stated or until broken.

            Free will (Gen. 2:15-17; Josh. 24:1-27; Matt. 7:11; 12:34; 17:20; 19:26; Acts 24:25; 26:28-29; Rom. 10:17; 2 Cor. 5:20-6:2; Heb. 3:7-8; 11:6)

1. What inherent freedom do all human beings possess today? The freedom to choose to do wrong.

2. What freedom of choice did Adam and Eve have before the fall? The freedom to choose to do right or to do wrong.

3. What freedom did the human race lose at the fall? The freedom to choose to do right.

4. How can anyone today choose to do right if they don’t have that inherent ability? In order for a person to choose to do right that ability must come from outside of themselves.

5. When is a person given the ability to choose to do right? When the Gospel of God is proclaimed to them.

6. How do God’s biddings become his enablings’? They become his enablings’ when the faith given in the proclamation of the Gospel grasps the strength of God.

7. How does Joshua’s final appeal to Israel illustrate the truth that the only time one can choose to do right is when they are confronted with the Gospel? This is illustrated by the fact that before asking Israel to make a decision he outlines God’s many deliverances in the past.

8. On what basis did Joshua renew Israel’s relationship to God? On the basis of a covenant with witnesses & a sign.

9. What word in Joshua’s appeal shows that like Paul before Felix and Agrippa, the decision to do right must be made when the Gospel is presented and not be postponed? The word “Today.”

            Life’s choices (Gen. 2:1-3; 15-25; Eph. 1:1-3; 1 Cor. 15:33; 2 Cor. 6:13)

10. What are the three big choices that every person should make in this life? Who will I worship? What will my life work be? Who will be my life partner?

11. In what order should life’s three big choices be made? First who will I worship, second, what will my life work be, & third, who will be my life partner.

12. What is the condition of those who refuse to believe the Gospel? They remain under the wrath of God & will be eternally lost.

13. When making friends what criteria are recommended in 1 Corinthians 15:33? That your friends be honest in conversation & lifestyle.

14. What should precede making big choices in life? Prayer, Bible study, indications of Providence, & good counsel.

Bible examples of good and bad choices (Gen. 12:1-4; 25:29-34; 1 Sam. 18:1-4; Acts 9:1-6; Rom. 14:7)

15. What were the results of Abraham’s choice to leave family, friends, and homeland in order to obey God? He had the joy of God’s acceptance while wandering as a pilgrim in this life & will have the joy of eternal life with God.

16. What were the results of Esau’s choice to sell his birthright for a bowl of soup? The loss of God’s blessing & the beginning of many other bad choices.

17. What were the results of Jonathan’s choice to befriend David and make a covenant with him? The joy of sweet fellowship with God’s anointed and the preservation of the life of his family through Mephibosheth.

18. What were the results of Saul’s choice to stop persecuting Christians and believe in Jesus? A joyful life of persecuted Gospel ministry & life eternal.

19. What does Romans 14:7 tell us about the choices we make? That they will not just affect ourselves but that they will affect others.