What is the abomination of desolation?

(Mark 12:41 – 13:37; Daniel 9:24-27; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) Blog Sep. 1-7, 2024

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: <PresentTruthLRI@gmail.com>

REVIEW: Mark tells the story of Jesus, emphasizing our need of faith in him as the Son of God and his pathway to the cross. His own disciples are slow to discern his true mission, and the religious leaders continually come to oppose that mission.

A Look at the Offering Plate

1. After warning his disciples about the church leaders who devoured widows’ houses and made long prayers where did Jesus turn? Jesus turned to the church treasury (Mark 12:41).

2. What did Jesus see at the offering receptacle? Jesus saw rich people giving large offerings & a poor widow giving a mere pittance (Mark 12:41-42).

3. What comment did Jesus make about what he saw at the offering receptacle? Jesus said that the poor widow had given more than all the other givers, for she being very poor gave all she had, while they had only given a portion of their wealth (Mark 12:43-44).

4. Why didn’t Jesus condemn all the donors at the treasury for supporting such a corrupt religious system? The Jewish nation & its temple had been chosen by God to reveal his glory to the nations & as long as it was still God’s church, it was proper for God’s people to support it (Deut. 4:13, 20; Mal. 3:8-12; Matt. 23:23; Rom. 9:1-5).

5. When did the Jewish church and temple cease to be God’s chosen church? When Jesus told the scribes & Pharisees that their house “was left unto them desolate,” & they accepted this declaration by crying for his crucifixion, the Jewish church, temple, feasts & sacrifices became obsolete & God established a new church (Dan. 9:27; Matt. 16:18; 23:38; 27:22-23, 50-51).

A Look into the Future

6. When Jesus told his disciples that not one stone of the temple would be left in place, what did Peter, James, John, and Andrew ask him? They asked Jesus when this would happen & what sign would foretell the destruction of the temple (Mark 13:1-4).

7. As Jesus began to answer the disciples’ question about the temple stones, what did he begin describing? Rather than describing the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70, Jesus began his answer talking about the end of the world (as evidenced by his reference in verse 13 to “the end” & “salvation”) for that is when the disciples thought the temple would be destroyed (Mark 13:5-13).

8. In what verses of Mark 13 does Jesus turn especially to the destruction of Jerusalem? In verses 14-18 Jesus refers especially the time of the destruction of Jerusalem (Mark 13:14-18).

9. To what does Jesus refer by the term “the abomination of desolation”? The abomination of desolation refers to pagan & Papal Rome as mentioned in Daniel. Its “standing in the holy place” (where it ought not) refers to entering holy ground. Pagan Rome did this by entering the holy ground around Jerusalem & Papal Rome does this by planting its system of worship where Christ’s ministry (especially justification & the forgiveness of sins) is to take place, between the laver (seas) & the Most Holy Place (glorious holy mountain): in the Holy Place of God’s sanctuary (Mark 13:14; Dan. 8:13; 9:27; 11:31, 45; 12:11; Luke 21:20).

10. Who is “the prince” referred to in Daniel 9:25 and 26? In verse 25 Jesus is the Prince. In verse 26 Jesus is the Messiah & he is the “prince that shall come,” for it was God’s appointed army (the Romans) that destroyed Jerusalem & its sanctuary. And in verse 27 it is Jesus who confirms the covenant with many for one week (7 years from AD 27 to AD 34) (Dan. 9:25-27; Matt. 22:7).

11. What is the “affliction” (great tribulation) to which Jesus refers in Mark 13:19? The affliction Jesus refers to is in general that which all believers in any age suffer but specifically here he refers to the 1260 years of Papal supremacy that brought extreme persecution to God’s people & was only shortened by the influence of the Protestant Reformation. (He is NOT referring to some future tribulation of 3 ½ years that is to happen after the rapture) (Mark 13:19-20; Dan. 7:25; 11:33-35; John 16:33; Rev. 13:4-7).

Preparation for the Future

12. What warning does Jesus give his disciples in Mark 13? Jesus warns us that false teachers & false Christs will try to deceive us using signs, wonders, & seduction. Then he adds: “Take heed” suggesting that we should remember & observe the sequence of the events predicted (Mark 13:21-23).

13. What signs did Jesus say would take place after the great tribulation? Jesus said that after the great tribulation the sun would be darkened, the moon would not give her light, & the stars would fall (Mark 13:24-25).

14. What did Jesus say would take place after the signs in the heaven? After the signs in the heaven, Jesus said he would come with power & great glory (Mark 13:26)

15. Who are “the elect” that Jesus said would be gathered by the angels? The elect are all who believed in Jesus until the end of their lives (or until his coming), for he is “God’s Elect” & salvation is only found in him. They will include all believers from Adam till the last believer on earth (Mark 13:20, 27; Isa. 42:1; Luke 18:7; 2 Tim. 2:10; Titus 1:1).

16. As Jesus ends his answer regarding the destruction of the temple, what does he emphasize? Jesus emphasizes the need to watch & pray. Watching includes being aware of the fulfillment of Bible prophecy & studying the Bible rather than falling asleep. We should also pray that our flight out of Babylon not be hindered (Mark 13:18, 32-37; Rev. 18:4)