Jesus and His Church

(Revelation 1:8-20; 2:1-7 Dan. 10:5-6; Mark 2:27-28; Acts 20:25-31) Blog Jan. 6-12, 2019

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

REVIEW: The book of Revelation is about Jesus and what he does to recover his lost bride during the time from Pentecost to Paradise. Its outline is taken from the Old Testament sanctuary. Through symbols God communicates to his people a continuous series of events which will affect them during the Christian era. All heaven is interested in this story and participate in its accomplishment. Even the numbers in Revelation are symbolic – that is why the number seven is used to picture God’s one true church and God’s one Holy Spirit. The study of this book will increase our faith and our obedience while pointing out where we are in redemption history – all blessings that every Christian should cherish.

         Voices and Symbols (Rev.1:8-17; Ex. 31:13; Zech. 4:2-6; Mark 2:27-28; John 12:28-29)

1. Who claims to be the Alpha and Omega in verse 7 of Revelation 1? what does his voice sound like?

2. Who claims to be the Alpha and Omega in verse 11 of Revelation 1? what does his voice sound like?

3. Who claims to be the Alpha and Omega in verse 17 of Revelation 1? what does his voice sound like?

4. Why was the Apostle John banished to the barren, rocky island of Patmos?

5. What day is the Lord’s day as recorded in Revelation 1:10?

6. What symbol of the Holy Spirit is found in the candlesticks?

            The Son of Man (Rev. 1:13-20; Lev. 26:9-13; Dan. 10:5-6; Heb. 8:1-5; 9:23-24)

7. Who appears walking among the candlesticks?

8. Where else in the Bible is found a description of Jesus like that given in verses 13-16 of Revelation 1?

9. What can we learn from the description of Jesus given in verses 13-16 of Revelation 1?

10. According to Leviticus 26 what relationship is referred to by the symbol of “walking among”?

11. What should we learn from what Jesus told John in Revelation 1:19?

12. What earthly type is being used in Revelation to depict heavenly things?

To the Church of Ephesus (Rev. 2:1-7; Acts 19:1-7; 20:27-35; Rom. 1:18; Jude 1:4)

13. Who was primarily responsible for raising up a Christian church in Ephesus?

14. Which letter of the Apostle Paul corresponds to Christ’s letter to the church of Ephesus?

15. What should we learn from Jesus’ repeated commendation of the works of the church of Ephesus?

16. What church activity does Jesus commend in the last part of Revelation 2:2?

17. What does Christ mean when he tells his bride-to-be that she has lost her first love?

18. What three things does Jesus tell the church of Ephesus to do in order to regain her first love?

19. What are the deeds of the Nicolaitans that both Jesus and the church of Ephesus hate?

20. To whom does the Holy Spirit offer eating from the tree of life in paradise?

21. What time period of the Christian church is represented by the church of Ephesus?

ANSWERS: 1. God, the almighty Father, whose voice is like thunder; 2. God, the Holy Spirit, whose voice is like a trumpet; 3. God, the Son, whose voice is like the sound of many waters; 4. Because of his preaching & writing of the Word of God & the Gospel of Jesus Christ; 5. The Sabbath; 6. The holy oil that produces the flame of love; 7. Jesus Christ; 8. In Daniel 10, verses five & six; 9. That he is clothed in Day of Atonement (wedding day) attire with gold representing purity of character, white hair representing wisdom, fiery eyes that penetrate the deepest recesses of the heart, brass feet representing his humanity, a sharp sword representing the Word of God coming from his mouth, a countenance as the sun illuminating all around him, & a voice like many waters for he represents many people; 10. That of covenant (or marriage) union; 11. That this vision will cover events from the prophets day until the end; 12. That of Moses’ sanctuary in the wilderness; 13. The Apostle Paul; 14. The letter to the Ephesians; 15. That Jesus is very interested in our behavior & rejoices when our works are in harmony with his will; 16. Church trials in which heretics, false apostles, & evil doers are judged & removed from church fellowship; 17. He means that her motives have changed from an intense desire to please him to a routine form of religious duty that lacked the zeal, earnestness, & devotion she originally displayed; 18. To remember how she loved him at the start, to repent for having lost that fervent love, & to start behaving againg like she did at the beginning; 19. Those of loose living because they think that God’s grace allows a person to live an immoral life, they regard faith as a substitute for obedience; 20. To all from any church who pass God’s final judgment; 21. The time from the ordination of the twelve until the end of the apostolic era (30-100 AD). ffffffff