(Gen. 2:15; Col. 3:23-24; 1 Tim. 5:8) Blog 19-25 Feb. 2023

What benefits do we receive from working?

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

REVIEW: God who provides us with all things that pertain unto life and godliness deserves our worship. This will include our service of love, our tithes, and our offerings, for we desire to have treasure in heaven, in the form of souls who have come to faith through our efforts.

Life’s Choices

1. What important decision should a young person make before choosing their life employment? It is always best if a person chooses who will be their god before choosing their life employment (Eccl. 12:1).

2. How does choosing one’s god before choosing one’s life work direct one in choosing their employment? If a person chooses to serve the God of creation then they have his Word to help them make right employment choices: like only honorable employment, only employment that maintains their health, only employment that allows for Sabbath rest & family time, etc. (Ex. 20:8; Deut. 16:16-17; 1 Cor. 10:31).

3. How does the life of Jacob illustrate choosing to serve the God of creation before entering his life employment? When fleeing the wrath of his brother God gave Jacob a vision of heaven & earth to which he responded by committing himself to God’s service before he began his life work (Gen. 29:9-20).

4. What life choice is always better if made after choosing one’s life employment? The choice of deciding who a person will marry for a life partner is always better if made after choosing & entering one’s life work (2 Cor. 6:14-16).

5. Of what two basic choices should we continually remind ourselves? We should always keep in mind that we have chosen to serve God rather than idols (Josh. 24:15).

          The Blessing of Work

6. Why did God give Adam and Eve work to do in the Garden of Eden? Everything God gave Adam & Eve in Eden was “good,” so work was good for them & good for the garden (Gen. 1:31; 2:15).

7. How did work change after sin entered this world? After sin entered God cursed the ground making it only produce with increased labor (Gen. 3:17-19).

8. Who was to benefit from the ground being cursed? God told Adam that the ground was being cursed for his sake. In other words, increased labor would be beneficial to Adam & Eve in their sinful condition (Gen. 3:17).

9. What benefits do we receive from working? Besides remuneration, we receive physical & mental exercise that improves our physical & mental health & a feeling of accomplishment that gives us a positive attitude toward life in general (Gen. 3:19; Prov. 14:23; 2 Thes. 3:10-12).

10. What does the Bible say about the power to get wealth? Moses writes that it is God who gives us the power to get wealth (Deut. 8:18).

11. How were the poor and needy in Israel expected to work even when receiving help? In order to receive the gleanings of the field the poor & needy in Israel had to go out into the field & work to gather the grain, carry it home, thresh it, grind it into flour & make it into bread or porridge. Prepared food was not delivered to their door (Lev. 23:22; Ruth 2:16-17).

          Working with Integrity

12. How does Paul say that we are to work? Paul says we are to “work heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men… for ye serve the Lord Christ” (Col. 3:23-24).

13. How does Peter say that employees are to work? Peter says that employees are to be in submission to their employers (1 Pet. 2:18).

14. What does Jeremiah pronounce on those to pay unfair wages? Jeremiah says that those who withhold fair wages are under God’s curse (Jer. 22:13).

15. What example of an unfair employer is given in the Old Testament? Jacob’s father-in-law, Laban, is an example of an unfair employer (Gen. 31:7).

16. What happens to the wages of those who do not help build God’s house? The wages of those who refuse to help build God’s house will vanish away (Hag. 1:3-9).

17. What care should we take for what we earn? With God’s guidance we should carefully plan how we spend our money so as to not exceed our income & to reserve some for future emergencies (Prov. 6:6-8; 15:16; 27:23-24).