How can we help a person who is depressed?

(Mark 2:1-12; 1 Kings 19:1-8; James 5:13-20) Blog Ago. 15-21, 2021

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

REVIEW: God gave humanity daily and weekly rest in Eden. When humanity fell man’s work became harder and rest became more elusive. Sin became the primary thief of rest. But even the normal cares of this life can tend to rob us of rest. Jesus offers rest from sin and help in walking in paths of righteousness. We can rest from striving to save ourselves by trusting in the work that Jesus completed on earth. And in carrying the load of daily cares and working to restore holiness, Jesus offers to bear the yoke with us. Besides showing us how to find rest from the guilt of sin and from striving to save ourselves, the Bible also gives principles that restore rest in families, churches, and societies.

The Paralytic

1. Who was lowered on a stretcher in front of Jesus while he preached the Word in Capernaum? While Jesus preached in Capernaum a man sick with palsy was lowered in front of him (Mark 2:3).

2. How sever was the disease of the man sick with palsy? The man’s condition was so severe that he had to be carried on a stretcher by four friends meaning that he was probably totally paralyzed & suffering from uncontrollable tremors (Mark 2:3-4).

3. What were Jesus’ first words to the paralytic? Jesus said to the paralytic: “Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.” (Matt. 9:2; Mark 2:5).

4. What should we learn from the fact that Jesus first forgave the paralytic? By forgiving the paralytic first, Jesus demonstrated that the paralytic’s sins were the cause of his deplorable condition & that that was the paralytic’s greatest need & desire (Mark 2:5).

5. From what else did the paralytic suffer besides his physical ailments? The paralytic also suffered from extreme depression brought on by his guilt & his ill health, for Jesus said, “Be of good cheer.” (Matt. 9:2).

6. How does Jesus’ two-part healing of the paralytic illustrate God’s plan for the restoration of every human being? By first forgiving & then healing the paralytic Jesus showed that personal justification must precede personal sanctification & that sanctification is the sure result of justification – that is to say that before God can make us holy he must declare us holy (first in heaven then on earth) (Mark 2:5-12; Rom. 5:1-5; Eph. 2:8-10).

7. Of what men of God does the Bible record periods of severe depression? Moses was very depressed when over-burdened with responsibilities. Elijah was depressed when fleeing from Jezebel. Jonah was depressed when God did not destroy Nineveh (Num. 11:15; 1 Kings 19:4; Jonah 4:3).

The Judge, the Prophet, & the Missionary

8. What factors contributed to Moses’ depression? Moses was stressed because of the peoples’ unreasonable demands for flesh food & because of the tremendous burden he bore in settling all the civil matters among his people (Num. 11:14-15).

9. How did God relieve Moses’ stress and remove his depression? God heard his prayer and provided quail for the people & seventy elders to assist him in his work as judge (Num. 11:16-18).

10. What factors contributed to Elijah’s depression? Depression often follows great spiritual victories like Elijah had just experienced on Mt, Carmel, & Elijah had just heard a death threat on his life from Queen Jezebel, & Elijah was worried that the people of Israel would not follow through with their commitment to God – all these factors contributed to his depression (1 Kings 19:1-4).

11. How did God relieve Elijah’s stress and remove his depression? God gave Elijah sweet sleep, a couple good meals & words of encouragement through his angel that strengthen his for his long journey to Mount Sinai(1 Kings 19:5-8).

12. What factors contributed to Jonah’s depression? Jonah was angry & depressed because God had not destroyed Nineveh as he had predicted, for they were the avowed enemies of God’s people (Jonah 3:10; 4:1-3).

13. How did God remove Jonah’s depression? God caused a gourd to grow quickly & provide shade for the angry prophet, then he let a worm destroy the gourd, thus teaching Jonah who had pity on the gourd that God also has pity on the enemies of his people, not desiring that any should eternally perish (Jonah 4:4-11; 2 Pet. 3:9).

14. Was Jesus, our Prophet, Priest, and Judge ever depressed? Yes, Jesus was depressed when the sins of the whole world were counted as his to bear their punishment (Matt. 26:37-38; Mark 14:33-34; Luke 22:44; Heb. 4:15). 

Dealing with depression and disease

15. What is depression? Depression is a state of feeling sad or low, often accompanied with inactivity (Matt. 26:37; Mark 14:33-34).

16. What is disease? Disease is brought on by sin & is an effort of nature to rid the body of impurities (Psa. 38:3-7; Isa. 38:21).

17. How can we best help a person who is depressed? Dealing with depression is a delicate work, for depression is often brought on by the guilt of sin, like in the case of the paralytic. Thus, much prayer should accompany our effort while pointing the sufferer to Jesus who will forgive their sins if they confess them. By pointing the sufferer to the promises of God the door is opened to healing & then one can apply physical treatments that will help the spirit & body to find relief, just as Jesus first forgave & then healed the paralytic (Psalm 33:18-19; Luke 11:34; James 5:13-20).

18. Besides trust in divine power, what other factors contribute greatly to physical and mental healing? A cheerful, clean environment & body; a nutritious diet; fresh air; sunshine; sufficient rest & exercise; plenty of water; & abstinence from all harmful substances & activities greatly aide in maintaining & in healing depression & disease (Prov. 17:22: Eccl. 10:17; Eze. 47:12).

19. Besides being an aide to health, how else is rest related to health? Health also brings rest, therefore, we should always seek to be healthy (3 John:2)