What is the doctrine of the Nicolaitans?

(Daniel 7:20 –25; 8:9-12; Matthew 24; Revelation 2, 6, 8) Blog Apr. 21-27, 2024

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

REVIEW: The war that began in heaven came to this earth bringing condemnation and corruption to every human being. Those who accept God’s salvation are the special objects of Satan’s attacks. Only by studying, believing, and living in harmony with God’s Word can they resist his attacks.

History in Advance

1. Where in the Bible can we find information about events that were to take place during the Christian Era? Apart from the stories recorded in the book of Acts we would need to look in Daniel, Revelation, & Jesus’ Olivet discourse to find information regarding the church in the Christian Era (Daniel; Matt. 24; Mark 13; Luke 21; Revelation).

2. What can we learn from Daniel 2 about the Christian Era? Daniel 2 describes a very strong & cruel Roman empire followed by ten divided nations of varying strength. In the days of these nations God will take over all & set up his eternal kingdom (Dan. 2:40-44).

3. What can we learn from Daniel 7 about the Christian Era? Daniel 7, after giving the same description of the Roman Empire, describes a religio-political power (the Papacy) that replaces three of the ten divided nations & tries to change times & laws while persecuting God’s people for 1260 years, followed by God’s final judgment (Dan. 7:7-10, 20-26).

4. What else can we learn about the Papacy from Daniel 8? Daniel 8 describes the Papacy as substituting Christ’s heavenly ministry with an earthly priesthood & having a “fierce countenance & understanding dark sentences” yet using political power to accomplish its persecution of God’s people (Dan. 8:9-12, 23-25).

5. What can we learn from Daniel 11 about the Christian Era? Daniel 11 describes in detail the progress of God’s church after the cross. Beginning with Pentecost (scatter the prey, spoil, & riches) it describes the Arian conflict in the church (speak lies at one table) the Barbarian conquerors of Rome (ships of Chittim), the institution of the confessional (place the abomination that maketh desolate), the persecution of the Middle Ages (they shall fall), the rise of atheism (magnify himself above every god), the rapid return of Papal power (come against him like a whirlwind), apostacy in the church (enter the glorious land), & the final conflict when God’s people receive the Latter Rain (tidings out of the east) (Dan. 11:23-44).

6. What picture of the Christian Era does Jesus give from the Mount of Olives? Jesus says that before his return there will be wars, famines, disease, earthquakes, persecutions, betrayals, & martyrdoms. He warns of false prophets, of losing love, & falling away. He explains that the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel will come, that there will be a great, long period of tribulation followed by signs in the heavens ushering in his return when the Gospel is proclaimed worldwide (Matt. 24:4-31; Mark 13:5-27; Luke 21:8-28).

7. How does the book of Revelation outline the Christian Era? In Revelation the Christian Era is portrayed by seven churches, seven seals, & seven trumpets. These parallel outlines depict Christ’s church as passing from a working stage to a persecuted stage, to an infiltrated stage, to a divided stage, to an orthodox stage, to a loving stage, & finally to a lukewarm stage. In each stage God works through his Spirit, his Word, & the prayers of his people to rescue a remnant of humanity for himself (Rev. 2-11).

The Early Church

8. After the First Century when all the Apostles were dead, what was Pagan Rome’s special means of attack against God’s church? Rome began a systematic persecution & slaughter of Christians. One example is that of pious Polycarp (Rev.2:8-11; 6:3-4; 8:8-9).

9. When persecution failed to extinguish God’s church what new approach did Satan try? Turning from persecution the Emperor Constantine joined the church & brought multitudes of unconverted pagans into it while giving little importance to the Word of God. This required God to test the bride’s devotion with wormwood. During this time faithful Waldo encouraged his followers to preserve the Word of God & covertly share it with others (Rev. 2:12-16; 6:5-6; 8:10-11).

10. What did Jesus foresee happening during the second phase of the Christian church? Jesus foresaw that when facing persecution for their faith, those claiming to be Christians (Jews) would leave the church, making it more pure (Rev. 2:9-10).

11. What two false doctrines did Jesus foresee existing in the third phase of the Christian church? Jesus foresaw the doctrine of Balaam & the doctrine of the Nicolaitans existing in the third phase of the Christian church (Rev. 2:14-15).

12. What is the doctrine of Balaam? Balaam’s desire for wealth & honor led him to devise a plan to corrupt God’s people seducing them to accept the religious practices & companionship of pagans. His name means “confounding the people.” During the Pergamos era of the church, pagans, pagan ideas, & pagan festivals were brought into God’s church (Num. 22:17; 31:16; 1 Cor. 8:9-13; 2 Pet. 2:10-19; Jude 1:11; Rev. 2:14).

13. What is the doctrine of the Nicolaitans? The name means “power to the laity” & refers to those who turned liberty into license, teaching that grace excuses immorality (Rev. 2:6, 14-15; Eph. 4:17-23; Jude 1:4).

Advancing with Courage

14. How did Jesus encourage those who would suffer persecution for his name? Jesus promised a crown of everlasting life to those who would suffer for him to the point of death (Rev. 2:10).

15. How was the truth of Scripture passed on through the centuries? The truth was preserved & passed on to future generations because faithful pastors like Timothy taught & committed it to younger faithful men who did the same for others. In the same way John Wycliffe & William Tyndale sought to make Bible truth available to the English people by translating it into their language (Matt. 28:19-20; Eph. 4:11-14; 2 Tim. 2:1-2).

16. What Scriptures must have given comfort and courage to God’s people when facing persecution in early centuries of the church? The words of Jesus & those of John that proclaim eternal life to believers must have brought comfort & courage to persecuted believers (John 5:24; 11:25-26; 1 John 5:11-13).