Guidelines for Studying Revelation

Guidelines for Studying Revelation

What time period does God intend to reveal in the book of Revelation?

(Revelation 1:1:8; Deut. 29:29; John 14:29; Col. 1:18; 4:13) Blog Dec29-Jan. 5, 2019

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

INTRODUCTION: The last book of the Bible being filled with references to numerous Old Testament scriptures takes up the story of Jesus after his ascension to heaven. As God’s true Prophet, ministering Priest, and coming King Jesus reveals to his disciple John what will take place between Pentecost and Paradise. The book of Revelation opens up to God’s people how Jesus will work during the Christian era to recover his lost bride.

            Why study Revelation? (Deut. 29:29; John 14:29; 16:13; Rev. 1:1-3)

1. According to Revelation 1:3 why would a person want to study the book of Revelation?

2. According to Deuteronomy 29:29 why would a person want to study the book of Revelation?

3. According to John 14:29 why would a person want to study the book of Revelation?

4. According to John 16:13 why would a person want to study the book of Revelation?

            Who is interested in Revelation? (Rev. 1:4-7; 1 Pet. 1:12)

5. Why is Christ is so interested in his church on earth?

6. Why are God, the Father, and God, the Holy Spirit, so interested in the church on earth?

7. Who is the author of Revelation according to verse 4 and what should that tell us about its language?

8. Who sends greetings to the reader of Revelation in the first part of verse 4 of chapter 1?

9. Who sends greetings to the reader of Revelation in the last part of verse 4 of chapter 1?

10. Who sends greetings to the reader of Revelation in verse 5 of chapter 1?

11. Besides John, the Father, the Holy Spirit, & the Son who else is interested in these prophecies?

12. With so much interest in the prophecies of Revelation what should be the attitude of God’s people?

What principles are given as Revelation begins? (Rev. 1:1-7; 1 Cor. 12:12; Col. 1:18; 4:13)

13. What is the stated theme of the book of Revelation?

14. What time period does God intend to reveal in the book of Revelation?

15. What things mentioned here show that Revelation intends to cover events from Pentecost to Paradise?

16. What method of communication does verse 1 say that God will use to communicate this revelation?

17. What things mentioned here show that Revelation intends to use symbols to communicate the truth about Jesus and his church on earth?

18. If God has only one church in the world & there is only one Holy Spirit why does Revelation mention seven churches and seven Spirits?

19. Why are some of the churches in Asia not included among those addressed by John?

20. Why are the three persons of the deity mentioned repeatedly?

ANSWERS: 1. Because a blessing is promised to everyone who reads, listens to, & keeps the things recorded here; 2. In order to help him keep the Ten Commandments; 3. In order to inspire faith in his heart; 4. Because in it God, the Holy Spirit, shows us the future so that we might be prepared for what is coming; 5. Because she is his body – his bride to be; 6. Because they are like parents to the Son who is to marry the church; 7. The Apostle John & this should tell us that Revelation will be written in human language using the vocabulary of the apostle in an attempt to reveal what Jesus showed him on the Isle of Patmos; 8. God, the Father; 9. God, the Holy Spirit; 10. Jesus Christ; 11. The angels of heaven; 12. Their attitude should be one of earnest desire to study & understand everything written in the book of Revelation; 13. The unveiling of Jesus by the Father upon his ascension to heaven; 14. The time from Christ’s ascension (John’s day) forward to the end; 15. Verse one says John will be shown events that are soon to take place, verse three says this is prophecy, verse three also says the time is at hand, & verses five to seven show that Jesus who will be revealed here will not be revealed in his eternity past nor in his life on earth but rather will be revealed from the time of his death until his coming in clouds; 16. That of visual symbols; 17. Verse one says that the message will be signified or given in signs, & verse two says John was shown these things (see also verse twenty); 18. Because seven is the number of completeness or fullness; 19. Because the Revealer intends to cover the entire Christian era & seven is the number of fullness or completeness; 20. Because they each have a particular outline in the first three sections of Revelation (candlesticks, seals, & trumpets) as well each appearing again at the wedding scene given in chapters twelve to nineteen.