The Seven Trumpets

The Seven Trumpets

The Seven Trumpets

New TestamentRevelation / February 16, 2019 / Leave a Comment

What is represented by “stinging tails like scorpions”?

(Revelation 8:2-11:18; Num. 10:8-10; Eze. 10:2-7; Dan. 12:6-7; Zech. 13:8-9) Blog Feb. 10-16, 2019

REVIEW: Jesus is revealed in the book of Revelation as he works to recover his lost bride. The candlesticks symbolize the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. The table of showbread symbolizes the throne of God the Father from which God’s Word works to restore the bride to the Son. The altar of incense symbolizes Jesus ministering the prayers of his people as they bring earth’s inhabitants to God. These three articles of the Holy Place of the sanctuary depict parallel events during the Christian era, from Pentecost to Paradise. Finally in Revelation 11:19 the scene turns to the Most Holy Place where the marriage covenant will be made.

At Heaven’s Golden Altar (Revelation 8:2-5; 1:20; Num. 10:8-10; Acts 2:1-4)

1. Who are the seven angels mentioned in Revelation 8:2? And what should this tell us?

2. Where is the golden altar of Revelation 8:3 located? and what should this tell us?

3. What means of recovering the lost bride of Christ is emphasized in the seven trumpets?

4. What is symbolized by Jesus, the “angel” at the altar, casting fire from heaven’s altar to the earth?

            The First Four Trumpets (Rev. 8:6-13; Num. 5:11-31; Deut.4:11-13, 19; Isa. 28:17; Zech. 13:8-9; Mark 11:23-24)

5. To what does the fraction “one third” refer?

6. What do hail, fire, and blood symbolize under the first trumpet?

7. To what does “a burning mountain” and being “turned to blood” refer under the second trumpet?

8. Why is Jesus bringing wormwood under the third trumpet to the reproductive organs of his church when corruption was entering after Constantine declared himself a Christian?

9. What is meant by the darkening of the sun, moon, and stars under the fourth trumpet?

The Fifth and Sixth Trumpets (Rev. 9:1-21; 2 Chron. 7:13-14; Isa. 9:15; Joel 2:1-11; Zech. 5:1-4; 13:8-9 )

10. If “smoke” symbolizes prayer what praying people tormented unbelievers while diverting Papal persecution away from God’s people?

11. Although Mohammedism darkened sun worship and Satan worship why could it not bring true conversion?

12. What is represented by “stinging tails like scorpions”?

13. Who are the four angels that were bound in the Euphrates River during 391 years and 15 days?

14. What is symbolized by the army of horsemen mentioned in Revelation 9:16?

15. As the result of 19th Century prayers by what means did God garner his “third” for salvation?

16. What additional proof that “one third” is God’s saved remnant is given at the end of Revelation 9?

The Little Book (Rev. 10:1-11; 11:1-14; Dan. 12:6-7; Zech. 4:1-11; )

17. What is contained in the little book that Jesus gives John to eat in Revelation 10?

18. After God’s people were disappointed concerning their ideas of time in Daniel where were they told to look for an explanation?

19. What other earthly event between the 6th and 7th trumpet interrupted Christ’s taking back his bride?

The Seventh Trumpet (Revelation 11:15-19; Dan. 7:13-14)

20. What passage in Daniel like Revelation 11:15 tells of Jesus legally receiving his bride?

21. What are we to learn from Revelation 11:18?

ANSWERS: 1. The definite article assures us that they were referred to before in /Revelation, therefore they must be the seven angels of the seven churches introduced in chapter one, which tells us that the seven trumpets they hold will correspond to the seven periods of church history covered by the candlesticks;2. In heaven’s Holy Place as distinct from the censer which can move from place to place, this indicating that the introduction to the seven trumpets points to their location in the same room as the candlesticks & table of showbread (God’s throne) & therefore will cover events from Pentecost to Paradise; 3. Prayer; 4. This symbolizes the day of Pentecost when God’s people received the Holy Spirit accompanied with voices, thunderings, lightnings, & an earthquake; 5. “One third” is a symbolic fraction referring to the portion of humanity that God will save according to Zechariah – it is the fraction of the heavenly host God lost to Satan & that he determines to replace; 6. “Hail” symbolizes the work of God’s Spirit in sweeping away lies, “fire” symbolizes the convicting work of the Holy Spirit, & “blood” to Christ’s blood which cleanses from all sin – these three came as the result of the prayers of the Apostolic church and brought God’s one third to him; 7. The Bible refers to only one “burning mountain” which was Sinai where God pronounced the words of his everlasting covenant which through the prayers of God’s people (see Mark eleven) was brought to humanity in the post-apostolic era, turning God’s “one third” to the blood of Christ for salvation; 8. Because that was what Numbers recommended for testing the faithfulness of a bride; 9. That through the prayers of God’s people at the time of the protestant Reformation God extinguished sun, church, & priest worship from his “third”; 10. The Mohammedan hordes led on by Satan, the star that fell from heaven; 11. Because it denied the deity of Jesus who is the only way to the Father & salvation; 12. The lying prophet that started the Islamic faith; 13. They are the three angels of Revelation fourteen who are joined by the angel of Revelation eighteen & had been bound by Babylon (the false church) until the fall of the Ottoman (Mohammedan) empire on the tenth of August in the year eighteen forty; 14. This is the Lord’s army referred to in Joel two & Zechariah five that have the Commandments of God that bring investigative judgment to every home; 15. The fire of Spirit-filled speech of God’s army, their prayers (smoke), & the covenant curses (brimstone) that fall on those who do not repent; 16. The “one third” are those that repented while the “two thirds” never repent, even at the time of God’s final investigative judgment; 17. The timing of God’s eternal covenant that is given in the book of Daniel that previously was sealed but is now opened; 18. To the heavenly sanctuary whose two part ministry would explain their disappointment; 19. The French Revolution & the worldwide rise of atheism that made fun of the Bible containing God’s two witnesses (the Old & New Testament [law & prophets]); 20. Daniel seven, verses thirteen & fourteen; 21. That upon receiving his kingdom (bride) from the Father the events listed here will rapidly take place in order – the winds of this earth are loosed for the sealing of God’s people is complete, so the nations become angry, God responds with the seven last plagues on the wicked, followed by the great white throne judgment of the impenitent & the giving of rewards to the faithful, culminating in the final destruction of the wicked at the end of the millennium.

The Seal of the Living God

The Seal of the Living God

The Seal of the Living God

New TestamentRevelation / February 9, 2019 / Leave a Comment

According to Revelation 14:3-4 who are the 144,000?

(Rev. 7:1-17; 14:1-5; Gen. 13:16; 49:8-12; Eze. 9:1-11; Rom. 2:28-29; Eph. 1:13-14; 2:20; 4:30) Blog 03-9 Feb, 2019

REVIEW: Jesus is revealed in the book of Revelation as he works to recover his lost bride. The candlesticks symbolize the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. The table of showbread symbolizes the throne of God the Father from which God’s Word works to restore the bride to the Son. The altar of incense symbolizes Jesus ministering the prayers of his people as they bring earth’s inhabitants to God. These three articles of the Holy Place of the sanctuary depict parallel events during the Christian era, from Pentecost to Paradise. Finally in Revelation 11:19 the scene turns to the Most Holy Place where the marriage covenant will be made.

Four Winds (Revelation 7:1-3; Eze. 9:1-11; John 3:8; Heb. 1:14)

1. Of what is “wind” a symbol in the Bible?

2. What are the four winds of the earth mentioned in Revelation 7:1?

3. What three things are protected until God’s four angels let go the winds of this earth?

4. What must take place before Satan’s evil spirits are allowed to wreak havoc on earth?

5. When God’s Spirit is withdrawn and Satan’s spirit blows on earth what group will be protected?

6. Where else in the Bible is the sealing angel and his work described?

            144,000 Sealed Saints (Rev. 7:4-9;14:1-5; Gen. 49:8-12; Eze. 9:1-11; Eph. 1:13-14; 2:20; 4:30)

7. Why is the tribe of Judah instead of that of Reuben mentioned first in the sealing of God’s people?

8. Why is the tribe of Dan not included among those sealed with the seal of the Living God?

9. In the Bible what does the number twelve represent?

10. If the number twelve stands for the organization of God’s people what must 144,000 represent?

11. Where are the 144,000 according to Revelation 14:1?

12. According to Revelation 14:3-4 who are the 144,000? and why are they called firstfruits?

13. Where are the 144,000 found “without fault”? and what is meant by “no guile in their mouth”?

14. According to Revelation 7:4-8 did John “see” the 144,000?

A Great Multitude (Rev, 7:10-17; Gen. 13:16; Ex. 31:16-17; Matt. 22:1-14; John 16:33; Rom. 2:28-29; Gal. 6:16)

15. Did John see the great multitude of Revelation 7:9 that no man could number?

16. What group of people does the book of Genesis say will be numberless?

17. According to Revelation 7:9 what group of people is the answer to the last question in chapter 6?

18. What is represented by the white robes and palm branches of the great multitude?

19. According to Revelation 7:16 what will Jesus provide for his people after they are sealed?

20. How are we to understand the sealing of the 144,000 in relation to the covenant of salvation?

ANSWERS: 1. Spirits; 2. Satan’s angels who desire to destroy the earth & its inhabitants; 3. Nature (earth), humanity (sea), & believers(trees); 4. God’s people must be sealed with the seal of the Living God; 5. Believers (trees) – the sealed saints; 6. Ezekiel nine; 7. Because this is a sealing into Christ, the Lion of the tribe of Judah; 8. Because this is God’s final judgment & Dan means judge – which covers the entire sealing process; 9. The organization of God’s people; 10. The perfect, final completeness of God’s saved people; 11. They are in Christ on Mount Zion (the Most Holy Place that is a perfect square; 12. They are those redeemed from the earth, those who have followed Jesus, & they are called firstfruits for they are God’s portion of earth’s final harvest; 13. Before God’s throne, meaning they hide their defects of character under the righteousness of Jesus so God does not see them, & there is no guile in their mouths for they confess themselves sinners while singing “Salvation (not to themselves & their attainments but) to their God & the Lamb; 14. No, he only heard the number of them that were sealed, he did not see them according to verses four to eight; 15. Yes; 16. The saved children of Abraham – the Israel of God; 17. The great multitude which is the same as the one hundred and forty four thousand for they stand victorious before the throne & before the Lamb; 18. White robes represent the perfect righteousness of Christ & palm branches represent the victory Feast of Tabernacles celebrated after passing the investigative judgment of the Day of Atonement; 19. Their food & water; 20. The 144,000 are the only people who have remained in God’s covenant & will be saved, for without the seal of the everlasting covenant (that of the Living God) none will be part of God’s everlasting kingdom & since the seal is the work of the Holy Spirit those who receive it must be alive (for “the dead know not [experience] any thing” Eccl. 9:5) & the seal of God is only given to those who’s sins have been blotted out of heaven’s records, so those raised at the resurrection of the righteous join the living, sealed saints, are sealed by the glorifying Holy Spirit, & also become part of the 144,000 – all who are redeemed from the earth.

The Seven Seals

The Seven Seals

New TestamentRevelation / February 2, 2019 / Leave a Comment

What is the condition of the church under the fourth seal and who is riding on her?

(Revelation 6:1-8:1; Psa. 45:3-5; Lam. 5:10; Amos 8:11-13; Heb. 11:4; 12:22-29) Blog Jan. 27-Feb. 2, 2019

REVIEW: In the book of Revelation Jesus is revealed as he works to recover his lost bride. First the seven-branched candlestick in the Holy Place of the sanctuary is employed to symbolize the work of the Holy Spirit in the church during the Christian era. Next the ministry of God, the Father, is symbolized by the table of showbread (his Holy Place throne) as his Word works to restore the bride to his Son. This is followed by the symbol of Jesus ministering the prayers of God’s people at heaven’s golden altar of incense. Finally the book (in 11:19) turns to the Most Holy Place where the marriage covenant will be made.

Each series of seven (candlesticks, seals, and trumpets) is parallel and covers events from Pentecost to Paradise, just as there were seven months of the Jewish religious year from Passover to Tabernacles.

The first four seals (Rev. 6:1-8; Gen. 49:24; Lev. 26:26; Psa. 45:4; Prov. 16:11; Isa. 56:9-11; Jer. 51:20; Lam. 5:10; Amos 8:11-13; Hab. 3:8-9; Zac. 10:3; Matt. 10:34; Luke 8:11)

1. What should we learn from the location of God’s throne in Revelation 4 and 5?

2. What other evidence does Revelation 6 give that shows that the Word of God is being emphasized?

3. What do the rider and the white horse symbolize when the first seal is opened?

4. How are the church and the Word of God treated under the second seal?

5. What do the black color of the third horse and the high price of flour symbolize?

6. What do oil and wine in Revelation 6:6 symbolize?

7. What is the condition of the church under the fourth seal and who is riding on her?

8. What is the meaning of the symbols “sword,” “hunger,” “death,” & “beasts” used by Satan to kill?

The fifth & sixth seals (Rev. 6:9-17; Gen. 4:10; Isa. 2:19; 34:2-5; Eze. 38:19-23; James 5:4; Heb. 12:25-28)

9. Where are the “souls” that were slain for believing the Bible and upholding the Gospel?

10. How is it that dead people can speak to God?

11. What should we learn from the phrase “rest yet for a little season”?

12. Of what are earthquakes a symbol in the Bible?

13. To what do the sign in the sun, moon, stars, and heavens point?

14. Where will earth’s inhabitants seek to hide when God opens heaven’s books for final judgment?

The sealing & seventh seal (Rev. 7:1-17; 8:1; Gen. 29:27-28; Deut. 16:13; Dan. 9:27; Hab. 2:20; Mal. 3:1-5)

15. Who does Revelation go on to say will be able to stand in the day of God’s investigative judgment?

16. What does the “half hour” mentioned under the seventh seal represent?

17. How do the seven seals line up with the seven churches mentioned earlier in Revelation?

18. To what “appearance” does Malachi 3:2 refer?

ANSWERS: 1. That the seven seals are going to especially emphasize the work of God’s Word in taking back Christ’s bartered bride because bread in Scripture represents the Word of God and that is what is found on the table of showbread located on the northern side of the Holy Place; 2. Besides the bread on the table of showbread & the book in the hand of the Father in chapters four & five, chapter six mentions the bow, which like the sword of the Spirit refers to the Word of God & it mentions the great sword, & it mentions wheat & barley which are ingredients for bread & it mentions the Word of God in verse nine & scroll in verse fourteen; 3. The rider is a symbol of Jesus & the horse symbolizes his church; 4. They suffer persecution & bloodshed; 5. That during the period of this church there is a famine for the Word of God for it is not in the language of the people & it is chained in cathedrals; 6. Oil symbolizes the work of the Holy Spirit and wine symbolizes the blood (death) of Jesus showing that the Holy Spirit was still active in this period of the church & that the forgiveness of sins was still available through the blood of Christ; 7. The church is in a deathly pale condition & Satan has taken Christ’s place of headship; 8. “Sword” represents the Biblical arguments used to condemn God’s people, “hunger” represents the chained Bible,  “death” represents the stake, & beasts” represents military force – all employed by the Papacy in the Middle Ages; 9. Under the brazen alter which was located in the outer court of the sanctuary which represented this earth – in other words they are buried on earth; 10. This is a metaphor like when the Bible speaks of the blood of Abel or stones crying out to God in heaven; 11. That during the Post Reformation period of the church the time had not yet arrived for God to enter into the final judgment of his people but that when it came there robes of righteousness would be eternally secure; 12. Earthquakes are a symbol of God’s investigative judgments; 13. That in the time of God’s final judgment the Sun of Righteousness will be hidden from many, the moon that represents the church will be persecuted, many stars representing spiritual leaders will go out, & God’s indignation will no longer be shielded by his grace; 14. They will seek to hide under church dogmas like “there is no future judgment for God’s people,” or “judgment does not determine destiny,” or “God’s judgment will not be investigative” or they will seek to hide under government establishments, & confederacies but some will hide in the cleft of the Rock which is Jesus & they will pass God’s scrutiny; 15. Those who have hid themselves in the righteousness of Christ & are eternally sealed with the seal of the living God; 16. It represents 1/48th of a day which in Bible prophecy represents the seven literal days of the sukkah hiding place during the seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles, when like Jacob, Jesus fulfills the seven days with his bride (see Genesis twenty-nine); 17. They correspond one for one (working church with conquering Word, persecuted church with persecuted Word, infiltrated church with scarcity of the Word, divided church with dying horse, orthodox church with souls crying for judgment, loving expectant church with the arrival of the hour of God’s judgment, the last church with the honeymoon of Jesus & his bride) covering similar time periods. 18. To Christ’s appearance before the Father in heaven’s Most Holy Place as the open the books (Daniel 7:9-10) are opened in God’s investigative judgment.

Introducing the Seven Seals

Introducing the Seven Seals

What is the scroll in the Father’s hand in Revelation 5?

(Revelation 4 & 5; Jer. 32:8-12; Eze. 1:5-14; 2:9-10; 10:20; Acts 2:32-36) Blog Jan. 20-26, 2019

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

REVIEW: The book of Revelation is about Jesus and what he does to recover his lost bride during the Christian era. It follows the outline of the Old Testament sanctuary beginning with the candlestick, table of showbread, and altar of incense in the Holy Place and then turning to the Most Holy Place where the marriage covenant will be made. Through symbols God communicates the events which will affect his people from Pentecost to Paradise. The work of the Holy Spirit in the church on earth is pictured in the seven candlesticks. The work of the Father through the Word is pictured in the seven seals. The work of the Son through the prayers of his people is pictured in the seven trumpets. All heaven is interested in this story and participate in its accomplishment.

The Throne (Rev. 4:1-11; Isa. 14:13; Ex. 28:17-21; Eze. 1:5-10; 10:20; Matt. 19:28; Eph. 4:8-10)

1. What door does the trumpet-like voice of the Holy Spirit call John to enter as Revelation 4 begins?

2. What article of furniture is located on the north side of the Holy Place – the side of God’s throne?

3. Of what is bread a symbol in the Bible?

4. What is God the Father on the throne trying to tell us in the symbols of a jasper and a sardine stone?

5. Who are the 24 elders clothed in white, sitting upon thrones?

6. According to Revelation 4:5 what historical event is the setting for this introduction of the seven seals?

7. What is represented by the four living creatures around God’s throne?

8. What description of God the Father in Revelation 4:8-11shows why we should worship him?

            The Book (Rev. 5:1-4; Jer. 32:8-12, 44; Ex. 32:15; 34:9; Eze. 2:9-10; Matt. 4:8-9)

9. What other document in Scripture besides the scroll in the Father’s hand was written on both sides?

10. What other document in Scripture besides the scroll in the Father’s hand was sealed for security?

11. What is the scroll in the Father’s hand in Revelation 5?

12. Who offered Jesus an alternate plan for receiving the human race and on what condition?

13. Why did John weep when no one was found that could open the book in the Father’s hand?

The Lamb (Rev. 5:5-14; Gen. 49:9-10; Acts 2:32-36)

14. What do the lion of the tribe of Judah and the Lamb just slain symbolize?

15. Why could neither the Father, the Holy Spirit, nor an angel open the book in the Father’s hand?

16. When was Jesus given the book by the Father?

17. What was to take place after Jesus received the book from his Father?

18. When the twenty-four elders sing a new song what do they emphasize?

19. When the elders are joined by a great host of angels of what seven things do they say Jesus is worthy?

20. What should be our response to what Jesus as Lamb and Lion has done to rescue the human race?Answers: 1. The door into heaven’s Holy Place; 2. The table of shewbread; 3. The Word of God; 4. These were the last & first stones representing Benjamin & Reuben on the breastplate of the high priest – Benjamin means “conquering Son of my right hand” & Rueben means “behold  my1st-born Son,” showing the Father’s interest in his Son seated at his right hand; 5. Human beings who were raised at Christ’s resurrection & ascended with him to heaven, representing humanity from before & after he flood; 6. The Day of Pentecost recorded in Acts two; 7. The cherubim who are strong like lions, self-sacrificing like calves, communicative like people, & swift like eagles to do God’s biddings; 8. He is holy, all powerful, eternal, Creator, & Sustainer; 9. The Ten Commandments which are the words of God’s everlasting covenant & the all the words of God in lamentations, mourning, & woe communicated to humanity as mentioned in the second chapter of Ezekiel; 10. The title deed for the property that Jeremiah bought from his uncle’s son; 11. It is the covenant, title deed to the human race on this earth – the inheritance promised to Jesus; 12. The devil who required that Jesus worship him in order to receive back the bartered bride; 13. Because if not opened there would be no future for him nor for the human race; 14. The lion represents strength & Judah is the tribe from which the Messiah would come while the Lamb represents self-sacrifice, so Jesus who died to purchase back the bartered bride is pictured with both these symbols; 15. Because they had not fulfilled the eternal covenant as a human being nor had they paid the “bride price” required to receive the human race; 16. During the ten days between his ascension & the Day of Pentecost – when his sacrifice was presented to & received by the Father; 17. The seven seals were to be broken one at a time in consecutive order; 18. The work of Jesus in their redemption and enthronement; 19. Power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, & blessing; 20. We should sing his praises, acknowledging his wisdom & power while giving him our riches & taking him as our Lord & Saviour.

The Seven Candlesticks

The Seven Candlesticks

What door did Jesus open during the Philadelphia period of his church?

(Revelation 2:8-3:22) Blog Jan. 13-19, 2019

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

REVIEW: The book of Revelation is about Jesus and what he does to recover his lost bride during the time from Pentecost to Paradise. Its outline is taken from the Old Testament sanctuary. Through symbols God communicates to his people a continuous series of events which will affect them during the Christian era. All heaven is interested in this story and participate in its accomplishment. Even the numbers in Revelation are symbolic – that is why the number seven is used to picture God’s one true church and God’s one Holy Spirit. The study of this book will increase our faith and our obedience while pointing out where we are in redemption history – all blessings that every Christian should cherish.

Smyrna & Pergamos (Rev. 2:8-17; Rom. 2:28-2; 8:25; 2 Tim. 4:8)

1. What does the name Smyrna and Christ’s introduction and letter suggest about this church?

2. To whom does Jesus refer when writing about Jews and the synagogue of Satan?

3. To what time period of the Christian era does the church in Smyrna correspond and when will her faithful receive the crown of life?

4. What does the name Pergamos and Christ’s introduction, and letter imply about this church?

5. What three intruders does Jesus say had entered the church in Pergamos?

6. According to his name what power opposed God’s faithful witness Antipas?

7. To what time period of the Christian era does the church in Pergamos correspond?

            Thyatira & Sardis (Rev. 2:18-3:6; Psa. 69:28; Matt. 26:41; Gal. 6:1)

8. What does the name Thyatira and Christ’s introduction, and letter imply about this church?

9. What is the meaning of the things that Jezebel brought into the church in Thyatira?

10. To what time period of the Christian era does the church in Thyatira correspond?

11. What does the name Sardis and Christ’s introduction, and letter imply about this church?

12. What was one remedy that Jesus repeated in his letter to Sardis and what does it mean?

13. What should we understand from Revelation 3:5?

14. To what time period of the Christian era does the church in Sardis correspond?

Philadelphia & Laodicea (Rev. 3:7-22; 10:7-11; Hosea 12:8; Heb. 5:11-14; 12:22-29)

15. What does the name Philadelphia and Christ’s introduction, and letter imply about this church?

16. What door did Jesus open during the Philadelphia period of his church?

17. To what time period of the Christian era does the church in Philadelphia correspond?

18. What does the name Laodicea and Christ’s introduction, and letter imply about this church?

19. What is the condition of God’s true, organized, visible church at the time of God’s final judgment?

20. Who will Jesus spue out of his mouth?

21. To what time period of the Christian era does the church in Laodicea correspond?

ANSWERS: 1. That it was a persecuted church, suffering great tribulation for Jesus introduced himself in that light & spoke of the same, & myrrh is the ointment for the dead; 2. A Jew in Revelation refers to true believers in Jesus, not to physical descendants of Abraham, & the synagogue of Satan refers to the false church which doesn’t accept Christ or his doctrine; 3. To the second & third centuries of the Christian era (100-300 AD) from the death of Paul until the reign of Constantine, & her overcomers will receive the crown of life when Christ appears the second time; 4. That it is an infiltrated church for Pergamos means many gametes (husbands [sperm]) are entering, Jesus introduced himself with the sword of the Word that cuts out error, & the letter mentions fornication 5. Satan, Balaamites, & Nicolaitans; 6. The state (government); 7. The time from Constantine until the full heretical development of the Papacy (Wycliffe’s day) (300-1300 AD); 8. Thyatira means “foul smelling” & Jesus is introduced as having penetrating vision & having lived on earth & he warns of committing fornication in the church showing that this church needs a complete break from corrupting lifestyles; 9. Fornication refers to spiritual cohabitation before marriage (placing the Spirits work of heart transformation [sanctification] prior to justification & eating things sacrificed to idols refers  not to physical food, but) to living according to the commandments of men rather than the commandments of God; 10. To the time from Wycliffe until the death of Martin Luther (1300-1600 AD); 11. That their were very few that remained true to God – living in harmony with their faith while professing  true religion; 12. To watch, which means to study the Holy Scriptures; 13. That in God’s final, pre-advent judgment Jesus will intercede for those who confess him before men & count them righteous while blotting out of the book of life all those whose trust is not in him; 14. To the time from the death of Martin Luther until the great awakening of the nineteenth century (1600-1800 AD); 15. That it was a loving church that Jesus loved very much & to whom he would open the door to the marriage; 16. That of heaven’s Most Holy Place; 17. To the time of the great awakening of the nineteenth century when the church expected the coming of the Bridegroom but was disappointed (1800-1920 AD); 18. Laodicea means “the judging of the people,” & Jesus presents himself as the “Amen” & “the faithful & true witness” who will rightly judge at this end of the Christian era, all pointing to the fact that this is the last church & that it won’t be followed by any other; 19. Its members lack pure character, spiritual discernment, & the righteousness of faith while exhibiting complete confidence in their readiness for judgment; 20. Those who do not take his counsel to buy from him gold, eyesalve, & white raiment & repent of their pride; 21. From 1920 to the end.

Jesus and His Church

Jesus and His Church

Jesus and His Church

(Revelation 1:8-20; 2:1-7 Dan. 10:5-6; Mark 2:27-28; Acts 20:25-31) Blog Jan. 6-12, 2019

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

REVIEW: The book of Revelation is about Jesus and what he does to recover his lost bride during the time from Pentecost to Paradise. Its outline is taken from the Old Testament sanctuary. Through symbols God communicates to his people a continuous series of events which will affect them during the Christian era. All heaven is interested in this story and participate in its accomplishment. Even the numbers in Revelation are symbolic – that is why the number seven is used to picture God’s one true church and God’s one Holy Spirit. The study of this book will increase our faith and our obedience while pointing out where we are in redemption history – all blessings that every Christian should cherish.

         Voices and Symbols (Rev.1:8-17; Ex. 31:13; Zech. 4:2-6; Mark 2:27-28; John 12:28-29)

1. Who claims to be the Alpha and Omega in verse 7 of Revelation 1? what does his voice sound like?

2. Who claims to be the Alpha and Omega in verse 11 of Revelation 1? what does his voice sound like?

3. Who claims to be the Alpha and Omega in verse 17 of Revelation 1? what does his voice sound like?

4. Why was the Apostle John banished to the barren, rocky island of Patmos?

5. What day is the Lord’s day as recorded in Revelation 1:10?

6. What symbol of the Holy Spirit is found in the candlesticks?

            The Son of Man (Rev. 1:13-20; Lev. 26:9-13; Dan. 10:5-6; Heb. 8:1-5; 9:23-24)

7. Who appears walking among the candlesticks?

8. Where else in the Bible is found a description of Jesus like that given in verses 13-16 of Revelation 1?

9. What can we learn from the description of Jesus given in verses 13-16 of Revelation 1?

10. According to Leviticus 26 what relationship is referred to by the symbol of “walking among”?

11. What should we learn from what Jesus told John in Revelation 1:19?

12. What earthly type is being used in Revelation to depict heavenly things?

To the Church of Ephesus (Rev. 2:1-7; Acts 19:1-7; 20:27-35; Rom. 1:18; Jude 1:4)

13. Who was primarily responsible for raising up a Christian church in Ephesus?

14. Which letter of the Apostle Paul corresponds to Christ’s letter to the church of Ephesus?

15. What should we learn from Jesus’ repeated commendation of the works of the church of Ephesus?

16. What church activity does Jesus commend in the last part of Revelation 2:2?

17. What does Christ mean when he tells his bride-to-be that she has lost her first love?

18. What three things does Jesus tell the church of Ephesus to do in order to regain her first love?

19. What are the deeds of the Nicolaitans that both Jesus and the church of Ephesus hate?

20. To whom does the Holy Spirit offer eating from the tree of life in paradise?

21. What time period of the Christian church is represented by the church of Ephesus?

ANSWERS: 1. God, the almighty Father, whose voice is like thunder; 2. God, the Holy Spirit, whose voice is like a trumpet; 3. God, the Son, whose voice is like the sound of many waters; 4. Because of his preaching & writing of the Word of God & the Gospel of Jesus Christ; 5. The Sabbath; 6. The holy oil that produces the flame of love; 7. Jesus Christ; 8. In Daniel 10, verses five & six; 9. That he is clothed in Day of Atonement (wedding day) attire with gold representing purity of character, white hair representing wisdom, fiery eyes that penetrate the deepest recesses of the heart, brass feet representing his humanity, a sharp sword representing the Word of God coming from his mouth, a countenance as the sun illuminating all around him, & a voice like many waters for he represents many people; 10. That of covenant (or marriage) union; 11. That this vision will cover events from the prophets day until the end; 12. That of Moses’ sanctuary in the wilderness; 13. The Apostle Paul; 14. The letter to the Ephesians; 15. That Jesus is very interested in our behavior & rejoices when our works are in harmony with his will; 16. Church trials in which heretics, false apostles, & evil doers are judged & removed from church fellowship; 17. He means that her motives have changed from an intense desire to please him to a routine form of religious duty that lacked the zeal, earnestness, & devotion she originally displayed; 18. To remember how she loved him at the start, to repent for having lost that fervent love, & to start behaving againg like she did at the beginning; 19. Those of loose living because they think that God’s grace allows a person to live an immoral life, they regard faith as a substitute for obedience; 20. To all from any church who pass God’s final judgment; 21. The time from the ordination of the twelve until the end of the apostolic era (30-100 AD). ffffffff