The Millennium and Beyond

The Millennium and Beyond

New Testament, Revelation / March 30, 2019 / Leave a Comment

What is the condition of the earth during its Sabbatical Year and who is living on it?

(Rev. 20:1-15; 21:1-27; 22:1-21; Matt. 19:28; 1 Cor. 6:2-3; 2 Pet. 3:13) Blog 24-30 Mar. 2019

REVIEW: The book of Revelation reveals Jesus as he works to recover his lost bride. The candlesticks symbolize the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. The table of showbread symbolizes the throne of God the Father from which God’s Word works to restore the bride to the Son. The altar of incense symbolizes Jesus ministering the prayers of his people as they bring earth’s inhabitants to God. These three articles of the Holy Place of the sanctuary depict parallel events during the Christian era, from Pentecost to Paradise. In Revelation 11:19 the scene turns to the Most Holy Place where the marriage covenant will be made. Chapters 12-19 give a curriculum vitae for each of the attenders at the marriage – first the bride and the dragon, then the sea beast and the land beast, followed by the Groom on Mount Zion, and the Father pouring out the seven last plagues, finally the harlot and the Holy Spirit are introduced. Then Jesus judges the harlot as unworthy to be his bride and marries the woman dressed in white, which is his church. After the marriage and the “seven days” in the Feast of Tabernacles booths Jesus returns to earth to take his bride to his Father’s house in heaven.

The Millennium (Rev. 19:9; 20:1-15; Lev. 25:4; Matt. 19:28; 1 Cor. 6:2-3)

1. When and where will the marriage supper of the Lamb take place?

2. Since Revelation follows the outline of the earthly sanctuary and its services what event should follow the Day of Atonement marriage and the subsequent Feast of Tabernacles?

3. If this earth has lasted 6,000 years since creation how long should its Sabbatical Year last?

4. What is the condition of the earth during its Sabbatical Year and who is living on it?

5. According to Revelation 20:4, 11-13 what will God and the righteous be doing during the Millennium?

6. When God raises the wicked dead at the end of the 1,000 years what will Satan do?.

7. Who will be cast into the lake of fire and experience the second death?

            A New Heaven and a New Earth (Rev. 21:1-8; Lev. 25:8-13: Isa. 57:20; )

8. After the seventh Sabbatical Year what event took place in Israel that is a type of the new heavens and the new earth?

9. Why is there no sea in the new earth?

10. What symbolic title does the church, the bride of Christ, have in Revelation 21?

11. What does the phrase “the tabernacle of God is with men” in Revelation 21:3 indicate?

12. To where and when does the church descend from heaven?

            The Lamb’s Wife (Rev. 21:9-27; 22:1-5; 1 Kings 6:20; Eze. 34:11-16; Matt. 13:44-46; John 10:7-16; Heb. 12:22-24

13. What is the meaning of Revelation 21:11?

14. What do the names on the gates and on the foundations of the New Jerusalem tell us about its inhabitants?

15. What should we learn from the dimensions of the New Jerusalem?

16. What should we learn from the twelve precious stones that make up the foundation of Jerusalem’s wall?

17. Why are the gates of the New Jerusalem all pearls?

18. What does all the gold in the New Jerusalem represent?

19. Why are the gates of the New Jerusalem never closed in eternity?

            Soon and Very Soon (Rev. 22:1-21)

20. What phrases in Revelation 22:6 & 10 repeats the assurance that these visions of John are meant to cover the entire Christian  era?

22. According to verse 16 what things in the book of Revelation does Jesus want every age of the church to understand?

23. When Christ comes suddenly to our names in judgment which verse in this chapter expresses the finality of His decision?

24. What repeated phrase in Revelation 22 tells the attitude we should always have in regard to Christ’s return?

ANSWERS: 1. In heaven when Christ takes his bride, the church, to his Father’s house; 2. The Sabbatical Year; 3. 1,000 literal years; 4. It is desolate, untilled & only Satan & his evil angels are living on it for 1,000 years; 5. They will be sitting on thrones investigatively judging the cases of the wicked; 6. He will rally the resurrected wicked in an attempt to take the Holy City in which God & his people dwell; 7. All whose names are not written in the book of the life of the Lamb; 8. The Year of Jubilee; 9. Because the sea represents the wicked who are like the troubled sea & there will be no wicked person in the new earth; 10. Her title is the New Jerusalem; 11. That the marriage covenant between God & his people is complete (Rev. 7:15) ; 12. To this earth at the end of the millennium; 13. That the light of life for God’s people is Jesus, for jasper is the stone of Benjamin whose name means “conquering Son of my right hand”; 14. They tell us that its inhabitants include all the faithful from both the Old Testament & from the New Testament eras; 15. That like the Most Holy Place of the sanctuary they make a perfect cube & if the twelve thousand cubits per side is multiplied by the twelve sides of a cube the total is “One hundred and forty four thousand,” thus assuring us that in the end all the saved of all ages are alive & sealed and become part of the 144,000 — that great multitude that serve God in his temple (Rev. 7:15); 16. That this city is God’s organized, visible church of the Firstborn, where those who were last on earth (Benjamin= jasper) make up God’s kingdom with no distinction between the twelve apostles & the twelve tribes for the foundation stones that represent the twelve tribes are given the names of the twelve apostles; 17. Because Jesus is the pearl of great price & he is the door to the fold, the church – the  Lamb’s wife; 18. The gold represents the holy character of all its inhabitants that is transparent to all; 19. Because there is no night (darkness nor fear) there & there remain no enemies that will attack it; 20. The phrases: “to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.” & “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand..” ; 21. “Worship God.” ; 22. All of them; 23. Verse eleven; 24. That he is coming quickly!

The Judgment of Babylon

The Judgment of Babylon

The Judgment of Babylon

New Testament, Revelation / March 23, 2019 / Leave a Comment

After the comparatively short reign of the United States what world power becomes the 8th & last “head” to rule the world?

(Rev. 17:1-18; 18:1-24; 19:1-Dan. 7:1-4; 1 et. 5:1-5) Blog 17-23 Mar. 2019

REVIEW: The book of Revelation reveals Jesus as he works to recover his lost bride. The candlesticks symbolize the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. The table of showbread symbolizes the throne of God the Father from which God’s Word works to restore the bride to the Son. The altar of incense symbolizes Jesus ministering the prayers of his people as they bring earth’s inhabitants to God. These three articles of the Holy Place of the sanctuary depict parallel events during the Christian era, from Pentecost to Paradise. In Revelation 11:19 the scene turns to the Most Holy Place where the marriage covenant will be made. Chapters 12-19 give a curriculum vitae for each of the attenders at the marriage – first the bride and the dragon, then the sea beast and the land beast, followed by the Groom on Mount Zion, and the Father pouring out the seven last plagues

The curriculum vitae of Babylon (Rev. 17:1-18; Dan. 7:1-10; 8:17-21;11:35-40)

1. Which attender at the marriage of the Lamb is introduced in Revelation 17?

2. What habit makes the woman of Revelation 17 an harlot”?

3. What is represented by the scarlet beast on which the woman rides and where is it found in this vision?

4. If the beast in the wilderness “is not” because of a deadly wound, where is John pointed in history?

5. Babylon’s attire is that of what office? And is it appropriate?

6. If Daniel & Revelation are consistent which 5 would empires had fallen when the Papacy was in the wilderness?

7. What world empire does Daniel 11:36-40 & Revelation 11:7 say will follow Papal Rome?

8. What world empire does Daniel 11:40 & Revelation 13:11 say will follow atheistic Communism?

9. After the comparatively short reign of the United States what world power becomes the 8th & last “head” to rule the world?

10. How long will the revived Papacy rule the world before the ten nations of Europe turn on her & destroy her?

            God’s Last Call (Rev. 18:1-8; 1 Chron. 29:11; Matt, 6:13; Jude 1:25)

11. Because he is described as having power and glory, what must the angel of Revelation 18:1 be?

12. Which attender at the marriage of the Lamb is introduced in the first part of Revelation 18?

13. How does this divine Messenger relate to the three angels of Revelation 14?

14. Why does the fourth Angel say that Babylon’s fall is complete and her religion is filled with devils?

15. When the loud cry of the fourth Angel is given and Jesus makes his last call, what has not yet begun?

16. According to Rev. 18:7 how does Babylon consider herself and what other Bible character is she like?

            Babylon’s Lament (Rev. 18:9-19)

17. Who are the first group of mourners that bewail Babylon’s destruction?

18. How long do earth’s political leaders say that it took God to bring Babylon to her knees?

19. Who are the second group of mourners that bewail Babylon’s destruction?

20. Why were earth’s religious leaders especially sorry that Babylon had been destroyed?

21. Who are the third group of mourners that bewail Babylon’s destruction?

            God’s people Rejoice (Rev. 18:20-24; 19:1-10)

22. Why should God’s people rejoice over Babylon’s destruction according to the angel in Rev. 18:21?

23. Why does Revelation 19 begin with so many Alleluias and who all joins in them?

            The Groom comes for the bride (Rev. 19:11-21; Matt. 25:1-10; Luke 12:36)

24. Where is God’s church (the bride) when Jesus after the legal marriage rides forth on a white horse?

25. What does the seventh plague accomplish?

26. What does Satan allow to happen to his two cohorts (beast & false prophet) when Christ returns?

ANSWERS: 1. Babylon, the false church – false religion who pretends to be the bride of Christ; 2. That of committing fornication with earth’s political leaders – using the state to enforce her dogmas; 3. It is the same blasphemous beast of Revelation thirteen one – Satan’s second in command; 4. To the time when the Papacy received its deadly wound & while the “beast from the bottomless pit” (atheistic Communism) held world dominion; 5. That of God’s High Priest, who alone ministers the forgiveness of sins, & it is not appropriate, for women were never given the priesthood & for the church to usurp that role of Christ is blasphemous; 6. Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, Papacy, (Dan. 7:1-10; 11:35-40); 7. Atheistic Communism; 8. United States of America; 9. The revived Holy Roman Empire – the revived Papacy; 10. “One hour” which equals two weeks in Bible prophecy; 11. He must be Deity; 12. The Holy Spirit; 13. He is the fourth angel that was loosed from the River Euphrates in chapter nine & joins the three angels of Revelation fourteen, swelling their message into a loud, & final cry; 14. Because now every nation on earth has accepted her dogmas, joined her church-state union, & made her ministers rich; 15. The seven last plagues; 16. As a queen mother who will never know sorrow – just like Jezebel who dominated the actions of Ahab, the king; 17. Earth’s political rulers; 18. “One hour” – two weeks; 19. The religious leaders of the world; 20. Because through her they were made rich; 21. Earth’s merchants – all the traders & commercial interests; 22. Because she (false religion) will never rise again; 23. Because the Groom has judged between the two women that claimed to be the bride & like Solomon has cast out the false woman (church) & while still in heaven married the true bride who has repented of her sins & clothed herself with the righteousness of Christ & praise rises from the hosts of heaven, the four beasts, the twenty four elders, the Father, the Son, & the Holy Spirit; 24. On this earth; 25. It breaks up Babylon’s three-fold union of Spiritism, Catholicism, & Pentecostalism, exposing all their lies (the action of hail) while leaving every earthly institution unable to help the lost & God, the Father, speaks from heaven announcing Christ’s second coming,; 26. He deserts them, allowing them to be cast into the lake of fire.

The Seven Last Plagues

The Seven Last Plagues

New TestamentRevelation / March 16, 2019 / Leave a Comment

What is Armageddon?

(Rev. 15 & 16; Ex. 7-11; Psa. 91:3-10; Isa. 53:3-10; Matt. 26:39-42; Rom. 1:18-32) Blog Mar. 10-16, 2019

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

REVIEW: The book of Revelation reveals Jesus as he works to recover his lost bride. The candlesticks symbolize the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. The table of showbread symbolizes the throne of God the Father from which God’s Word works to restore the bride to the Son. The altar of incense symbolizes Jesus ministering the prayers of his people as they bring earth’s inhabitants to God. These three articles of the Holy Place of the sanctuary depict parallel events during the Christian era, from Pentecost to Paradise. In Revelation 11:19 the scene turns to the Most Holy Place where the marriage covenant will be made. Chapters 12-19 give a curriculum vitae for each of the attenders at the marriage – first the bride and the dragon, then the sea beast and the land beast, followed by the Groom on Mount Zion.

The Wrath of God (Rev. 15:1-8; Isa. 53:3-10; Matt. 26:39-42; Rom. 1:18-32; James 2:13)

1. What attender at the marriage of the Lamb is introduced in Revelation 15?

2. According to Romans 1:18 against what does God manifest his wrath”?

3. While Jesus still intercedes in heaven’s sanctuary for sinners how is God’s wrath manifested?

4. After Jesus ceases his intercession in what is God’s pre-millennial wrath summed up?

5. What is represented by the sea of glass mingled with fire on which God’s people stand?

6. To whom do God’s people give credit for having gotten the victory and for passing God’s judgment?

7. What is the meaning of Revelation 15:8?

8. When Jesus drank the cup of God’s wrath what did he experience?

            The First Plague (Rev. 16:1-2; Psa. 91:3-10; Isa. 1:1-6)

9. To what kind of people does Isaiah refer as being filled with sores?

10. Upon whom do the seven last plagues not fall?

            The Second Plague (Rev. 16:3)

11. What is the meaning of the second plague?

12. What literal meaning could the second plague have?

The Third Plague (Rev. 14:4-7, Prov. 5:1-23)

13. If rivers and fountains symbolize the reproductive organs what must the third plague involve?

14. What should we learn from the statements made by Jesus and the waters angel in Revelation 16:5-7?

            The Fourth Plague (Rev. 16:8-9)

15. Symbolically what must the fourth plague involve?

16. Literally what might the fourth plague involve?

17. What do the seven last plagues do and NOT do for those who receive them?

            The Fifth Plague (Rev. 16:10-11; Exodus 7-11)

18. What is the meaning of the fifth plague?

19. What similarities and differences exist between the plagues of Egypt and those of Revelation 16?

            The Sixth Plague (Rev. 16:12-16; Isa. 14:13; 45:1-7; Dan. 5; 11:45; Matt. 27:35, 46)

20. Since the Euphrates was the lifeblood of Babylon who were and who will be “the kings of the east”?

21. Who was naked and suffered the wrath of God that we might not be found naked during the plagues?

22. What is Armageddon?

            The Seventh Plague (Rev. 16:17-21; 13:15; Isa. 28:17)

23. Whose is the great voice in Revelation 16:17 and what does it accomplish?

24. What does the seventh plague accomplish?

ANSWERS: 1. God the Father; 2. All ungodliness and unrighteousness of men; 3. By letting people go their own way – first in immorality, then in homosexuality, & finally in a reprobate mind; 4. The seven last plagues; 5. Sea refers to the lavar in the outer court of the sanctuary which was made of brass (used for a looking glass [mirror]) which is a symbol of Christ’s righteous life while fire refers to the infilling of the Holy Spirit – thus depicting God’s people on earth trusting in the righteousness of Christ & filled with his Spirit; 6. To God, & not to any attainment of their own; 7. That Jesus has finished his mediation in heaven’s sanctuary & having left it there remains no more chance of salvation for the lost; 8. The gathering of hostile armies, an unjust death sentence, unquenchable thirst, scorching sun upon open wounds, utter darkness with extreme pain, the gathering of political rulers against his naked body, the voice of God saying “It is finished,” abandonment by God the Father, & lightnings, thunderings, & a great earthquake; 9. Rebellious children, laden with iniquity; 10. God’s people who are sealed in Christ, having not worshipped the beast nor his image; 11. That there is NO saving (life-giving) blood throughout the sea of humanity; 12. That earth’s oceans could develop a red tide making all seafood death producing; 13. The disfunction of the reproductive organs of those who worship the beast; 14. That God’s wrath poured out in the seven last plagues is entirely just; 15. Extreme destructiveness of the forces of nature; 16. Solar radiation causing extreme pain; 17. They harden their hearts against God while not bringing them repentance nor giving glory to God; 18. That great darkness (spiritual confusion) will fall upon the Papacy; 19. They are similar in that God’s power is manifest, God’s people are exempt (protected), both include changing water to blood, sores, darkness, hail, & frogs, the seventh includes hail in both, while they are different in that those of Revelation are only seven, not ten (locusts already came under the fifth trumpet & eternal death awaits the end of the millennium), & in Egypt God’s plagues soften some hearts while in Revelation only hardening of hearts takes place; 20. They were Cyrus & his army that conquered Babylon & they will be Jesus & the armies of heaven who will conquer false religion; 21. Jesus the Christ; 22. It is the “mount if the congregation” (heaven’s Most Holy Place [the glorious, holy mountain] where Satan desires to reign – the place where God’s people gather on the Day of Atonement – Mount Zion) against which Satan attacks & God defends in earth’s last battle; 23. It is the voice of God, the Father, & when he speaks God’s people are delivered from their enemies who have gathered all earth’s powers against them, even with a death decree; 24. It breaks up Babylon’s three-fold union of Spiritism, Catholicism, & Pentecostalism, exposing all their lies (the action of hail) & leaving every earthly institution unable to help the lost, thus ushering in Christ’s second coming.

The Hour of God’s Judgment

The Hour of God’s Judgment

The Hour of God’s Judgment

New TestamentRevelation / March 9, 2019 / Leave a Comment

Who has already drunk the cup of the wrath of God for all those found in him?

(Revelation 14:6-18;) Blog: Mar. 03-09, 2019

REVIEW: The book of Revelation reveals Jesus as he works to recover his lost bride. The candlesticks symbolize the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. The table of showbread symbolizes the throne of God the Father from which God’s Word works to restore the bride to the Son. The altar of incense symbolizes Jesus ministering the prayers of his people as they bring earth’s inhabitants to God. These three articles of the Holy Place of the sanctuary depict parallel events during the Christian era, from Pentecost to Paradise. In Revelation 11:19 the scene turns to the Most Holy Place where the marriage covenant will be made. Chapters 12-19 give a curriculum vitae for each of the attenders at the marriage – first the bride and the dragon, then the sea beast and the land beast, followed by the Groom on Mount Zion.

The First Angel’s Message (Rev. 14:1-7; 9:14-15; Eccl. 12:13-14; Jer. 3:14-17; Joel 3:17-21; 1 Cor. 15:1-8; Heb. 12:22-24; James 2:13; 1 Pet. 4:3-6, 17)

1. To what attender at the marriage are we introduced in the first part of Revelation 14?

2. What is represented by the symbol of “Mount Zion”?

3. Where in Revelation have the three messenger angels of chapter 14 already appeared?

4. If angel means “messenger,” who has the responsibility of proclaiming the three angel messages?

5. What is the everlasting Gospel that the first angel has?

6. According to Daniel 7-9 and the release date of the angels in Rev. 9 when did God’s judgment begin?

7. Who are the subjects of this judgment, what is its nature, when will it end, and with what is it mixed?

8. What is the standard of God’s pre-advent, investigative judgment and who alone will be accepted in it?

9. What three things help prepare a person for God’s investigative judgment?

            The Second Angel (Rev. 14:8; Dan. 7:25)

10. Who is Babylon and what is her wine?

11. What is meant by the repetition of the words “is fallen, is fallen”?

12. What is meant by Babylon’s “fornication”?

The Third Angel (Rev. 14:9-13; Dan. 11:40-45; Matt. 26:38-42)

13. Why is it so urgent that a person not be found worshipping the beast or his image?

14. What is represented by the words “the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever”?

15. In what is summed up the pre-advent wrath of God?

16. To what place does the angel point when he says “Here is the patience of the saints”?

17. What three things characterize God’s true church in the last days?

18. Who has already drunk the cup of the wrath of God for all those found in him?

Earth’s Harvest (Rev. 14:14-20; Dan. 11:40-45; )

19. What follows the three angel messages?

20. How many classes will be harvested in earth’s final harvest?

ANSWERS: 1. To Jesus, the Lamb of God on Mount Zion – the Groom; 2. The Most Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary – the future dwelling place of God – the New Jerusalem; 3. In chapter nine, for they are the first of the four that were loosed from the Euphrates River; 4. God’s people on earth; 5. It is the story of the substitutionary life, death, & resurrection of Jesus; 6. After eighteen forty; 7. This judgment is for all who have ever professed faith, it is investigative in nature (see Matthew twenty two eleven, it will end before the seven last plagues & earth’s harvest, & it will be mixed with mercy for those who have continued to trust in the Lamb for salvation; 8. The standard is perfect obedience to the Law of God & only those who believe in Jesus (believe the Gospel) will have a Mediator & Judge that secures their acceptance; 9. The fear of God (to believe that he is & that he rewards them that diligently seek him [Hebrews eleven six]), giving God glory (walking in the process of sanctification), & worshiping him as defined in the first four Commandments; 10. Babylon is false religion (the city opposed to Zion) & her wine is false or perverted doctrine; 11. Her as a religious body using the state to enforce her dogmas; 12. The sword that proceeds from Christ’s mouth & chains of darkness until destroyed; 13. Because the question of worship will decide the eternal destiny of everyone living; 14. Smoke represents prayer so this is saying that their prayers for deliverance are never answered – they will be utterly consumed by the fire; 15. The seven last plagues; 16. To heaven’s most Holy Place where the Groom is awaiting the marriage; 17. Patience (continuing in trusting Jesus for their salvation), faith in the Gospel, & obedience to all ten Commandments; 18. Jesus Christ; 19. Earth’s harvest; 20. Only two – the saved (wheat) & the lost (grapes).

The Beast and The False Prophet

The Beast and The False Prophet

The Beast & the False Prophet

New TestamentRevelation / March 2, 2019 / 1 Comment

What world power arising after 1798 uses embargos (buy & sell decrees) to enforce its will?

(Revelation 13:1–18; Dan. 7:8, 20-25; 8:9-12; 2 Thes. 2:8-12) Blog Feb. 24-Mar. 02, 2019

REVIEW: Jesus is revealed in the book of Revelation as he works to recover his lost bride. The candlesticks symbolize the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. The table of showbread symbolizes the throne of God the Father from which God’s Word works to restore the bride to the Son. The altar of incense symbolizes Jesus ministering the prayers of his people as they bring earth’s inhabitants to God. These three articles of the Holy Place of the sanctuary depict parallel events during the Christian era, from Pentecost to Paradise. In Revelation 11:19 the scene turns to the Most Holy Place where the marriage covenant will be made. Chapters 12-19 give a curriculum vitae for each of the attenders at the marriage – first the bride, then the dragon.

The leopard-like beast described (Rev. 13:1-2; 4:6; Eze. 10:15; Dan. 7:20-25; 8:9-12)

1. According to Revelation 11:19 what part of the heavenly sanctuary are we now viewing?

2. To what two attenders at the wedding of the Lamb have we been introduced in Revelation 12?

3. Just as the dragon was primarily Satan, who primarily is the leopard-like beast?

4. What should we learn from the fact that the ten horns of the beast are crowned?

5. What should we learn from the fact that the seven heads of the beast have the name of blasphemy?

6. The religions of what three world empires are characteristic of the leopard-like beast?

7. What religious power used Europe’s political leaders to enforce her dogmas for 1260 years from the dragon’s capital?

            The History of the Beast (Rev. 13:2-10; Dan. 7:20-25; 8:9-12; Matt. 26:63-65; Mark 2:7)

8. Who gave the leopard-like beast its power, seat, and great authority?

9. Since this is the entire curriculum vitae of the beast to what does the “deadly wound” refer?

10. Judging by its duration & actions against God & his people, what power in Daniel is the same as the beast?

11. What is meant by blaspheming God, his name, his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven?

12. What will be the end of the beast who used the sword and imprisonment to control the world?

The Two-horned Beast (Rev. 13:11-18; Dan. 11:40-45; )

13. What is the significance of the two-horned beast arising from the earth?

14. What relationship and similarities exist between the leopard-like beast and the two horned beast?

15. What is meant by “bringing fire down from heaven in the sight of men”?

16. What characteristic of the first beast (the Papacy) does the two-horned beast recreate?

17. What world power arising after 1798 uses embargos (buy & sell decrees) to enforce its will?

18. What is the center of attention in relation to receiving the mark required to buy and sell?

19. What should we learn from the number 666?

ANSWERS: 1. We are now in heaven’s Most Holy Place where the marriage of the Lamb is to take place; 2. The woman, the rightful bride, & the dragon, the Groom’s antagonist; 3. A fallen cherubim, second in command to Lucifer; 4. That this fallen cherub works through the political leaders of Europe; 5. That this power is a religious power (the heads representing the false religions that influence prophetic world, civil powers); 6. Those of Babylon (Chaldean), Medo-Persia, & Greece; 7. The Papacy; 8. Satan as manifest in pagan Rome; 9. The “deadly wound” refers to the wounding of the Papacy by the sword of the Spirit wielded by the Protestant Reformation & the sword of Napoleon in taking the pope captive in seventeen ninety eight; 10. The little horn of Daniel seven & eight that is also “the man of sin” mentioned in second Thessalonians two; 11. To blaspheme is to claim God-like position or prerogatives which the beast does by claiming to be God’s representative on earth, by claiming God-like authority to make & change God’s Law, by claim the name “holy” as his own, by claiming the power to forgive sins, & by dictating the conscious of God’s people; 12. The sword that proceeds from Christ’s mouth & chains of darkness until destroyed; 13. Its origin is not out of the European masses of humanity but rather from a sparsely populated portion of earth; 14. They each exercise worldwide authority & the two-horned beast is in worldwide authority after the deadly wound of the first beast is healed; 15. Something that appears to men as the gift of the Holy Spirit, but is not (American Pentecostalism); 16. Its control of the masses by uniting church & state; 17. The United States of America; 18. Worship; 19. That being the number of a man it symbolizes the best religious system human beings have come up with – a system that teaches the eternal life is based on our Spirit-filled performance.

The Woman and the Dragon

The Woman and the Dragon

The Woman and the Dragon

New TestamentRevelation / February 23, 2019 / Leave a Comment

To where does Revelation 11:19 introduce us and what is to take place there?

(Revelation 12:1-17; Isa. 9:15; Dan. 7:22-25; Matt. 2;13-16; John 12:31) Blog Feb. 17-23, 2019

REVIEW: Jesus is revealed in the book of Revelation as he works to recover his lost bride. The candlesticks symbolize the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. The table of showbread symbolizes the throne of God the Father from which God’s Word works to restore the bride to the Son. The altar of incense symbolizes Jesus ministering the prayers of his people as they bring earth’s inhabitants to God. These three articles of the Holy Place of the sanctuary depict parallel events during the Christian era, from Pentecost to Paradise. Finally in Revelation 11:19 the scene turns to the Most Holy Place where the marriage covenant will be made.

The woman in the Holiest (Rev. 11:19; 12:1-2; Gen 3:15; Mal. 4:2)

1. To where does Revelation 11:19 introduce us and what is to take place there?

2. If in Revelation 11:19 we enter the civil court for the marriage who would we expect to see there?

3. Upon entering heaven’s Most Holy Place who do we first see?

4. What is the meaning of the symbol of the sun that clothes the woman?

5. What is the meaning of the symbol of the moon under the woman’s feet?

6. What is the meaning of the symbol of the crown of 12 stars on the woman’s head?

7. Why was the woman pregnant and suffering birth pains before the marriage?

            The Great Red Dragon (Rev. 12:3-12; Isa. 9:15; 14:12-15; 27:1; Eze. 29:3; Matt. 2:13-16; Luke 10:18; John 12:31)

8. To what does “the great red dragon” refer?

9. What is symbolized by the seven crowned heads and ten horns of the dragon?

10. Why did Satan try to abort the woman’s baby during her pregnancy and to kill him at birth?

11. How long could Satan enter heaven after he and one third of God’s angels were cast down to earth?

12. According to Revelation 12:11 what three things bring us personal victory over Satan?

The Continuing Battle (Rev. 12:13-17; 13:11; 19:10; Dan. 7:22-25; )

13. As the revelator continues his description of the woman and the dragon who come to the wedding of the Lamb what is he referring to by the “3 ½ times”?

14. What do Daniel 7 and 8 call that power that persecuted God’s people for 1260 years?

15. How did the earth help the woman when the dragon sent masses of human beings out to destroy her?

16. According to Revelation 12:17 what two characteristics identify God’s true church in the last days?

17. What two attenders at the wedding of the Lamb have we been introduced to in Revelation 12?

18. Why does Bible prophecy outline in their order events preceding the marriage of the Lamb?

ANSWERS: 1. To heaven’s Most Holy Place where the marriage of the Lamb is to take place; 2. Those having legal interest in the marriage; 3. The bride of Christ, the church; 4. This refers to the righteousness of Christ with which she is covered; 5. This refers to the church, our mother,  of which she is a symbol; 6. This refers to her organized leadership; 7. Because she had committed adultery in Eden that brought only pain to her existence; 8. Satan, especially as manifest in pagan Rome; 9. The crowned heads shows that throughout history Satan has used political leaders to accomplish his ends & the ten horns symbolize the barbarian nations of Europe that invaded Rome; 10. Because he was destined to free his mother from the dragon & terminate the dragon’s rule over humanity; 11. Until Jesus paid the redemption price for humanity; 12. Trust in the blood of Jesus for forgiveness of our sins, trust in the life (testimony) of Jesus as our righteousness before God, & perseverance in this trust until death; 13. He is referring to the “one thousand two hundred and sixty days” mentioned in verse six when the church was forced to hide from Papal persecution for twelve hundred and sixty years; 14. The little horn; 15. The earth opened up the North American continent to which the persecuted Protestants fled for religious liberty; 16. They keep all ten of God’s Commandments (his covenant) & they teach that the life of Jesus is what saves us – just as all the true prophets taught; 17. The woman, the rightful bride, & the dragon, the Groom’s antagonist; 18. So we may know that God knows the future & that we may trust him every step of the way, adjusting our lives so as to be part of his true church every step of the way to the wedding.