by Rick Marin | Aug 14, 2024 | 2024 3rd Quarter
What is the unquenchable fire?
(Mark 8:22 – 9:50; Leviticus 2:13; 1 Corinthians 13:12; Colossians 4:6) Blog Aug. 11-17, 2024
Prepared by Richard A. Marin: <>
REVIEW: Mark shows Jesus healing the sick, casting out demons, teaching in parables, and conflicting with the religious leaders over their formal religion that placed tradition over the Word of God.
Seeing Clearly
1. When a blind man is brought to Jesus for healing in Bethsaida, what does Jesus do? Jesus leads the blind man out of town by the hand, spits in his eyes & touches them (Mark 8:22-23).
2. What results does the blind man experience from Jesus’ spit and touch? The blind man is able to see partially, but men appear as trees walking (Mark 8:23-24).
3. What further action did Jesus take that restored the blind man’s vision completely? Jesus again put his hands upon the blind man’s eyes & made him look up & his sight was completely restored (Mark 8:25).
4. What spiritual lessons might we learn from the story of the blind man’s delayed healing? We should remember that until Jesus comes again & touches us with immortality we only see as through a glass darkly. We should also remember that in the Christian life we grow from faith to faith so that our spiritual discernment (eyesight) must increase together with our faith (looking up) (Luke 17:5; Rom. 1:17; 1 Cor. 13:12; 15:51-53; Heb. 5:11-14).
5. What story follows that illustrates the disciples need of a second touch? Jesus asked the disciples who people thought he was & then who they thought he was, to draw them into an understanding of what the Messiah’s mission would be on earth. Then he told them that the Messiah was to suffer many things, be rejected by the religious leaders, be killed, & rise the third day. They did not believe nor understand this until after Jesus rose from the dead (Mark 8:27-33; Luke 24:33-34).
6. What did Peter dare to do when Jesus explained his mission as Messiah? Peter boldly told the Lord that he was all wrong (Mark 8:32).
The Cost of Discipleship
7. After Jesus told his disciples that he must suffer, be rejected, and be killed, to what form of death did he refer? In telling his disciples what following him meant, Jesus referred to crucifixion on a cross (Mark 8:34).
8. Why did Jesus use such graphic language to describe how his followers should live? Jesus said that his followers should deny their own personal interests & be prepared for scorn, ridicule, & death because the principles of Satan’s kingdom are just the opposite: self-preservation, self-interest, & getting everything you can for yourself, And those in his kingdom will end up being eternally destroyed. The contrasts are extremely serious (Mark 8:34-38).
9. How did Jesus describe the future of those who forsake earthly gain to follow him? Those who forsake earthly gain to follow Jesus will receive eternal life & glory when Jesus returns in glory with his holy angels (Mark 8:34-38).
10. What picture of eternal glory followed Jesus’ description of the lifestyle of his disciples? Jesus was revealed to three of his disciples in shining, white glory on the mount of transfiguration with Moses & Elijah (representing Old Testament saints) present (Mark 9:1-4).
11. To whom did God say that the disciples especially needed to listen? God said that the disciples needed to listen to Jesus, whom Peter had recently rebuked & whose statement about “rising from the dead” they didn’t understand (Mark 9:8-10).
Clouded Thinking
12. Back in the valley what problem did the nine other disciples have? The nine, who had already cast out many daemons on their first missionary journey, were unable to cast out a dumb spirit from a little boy (Mark 9:14-27; 3:15; Matt. 10:1).
13. After healing the devil-possessed boy what did Jesus tell his disciples? Jesus told them that that kind of dumb spirit can only be removed by prayer & fasting. The disciples probably needed more of these to understand what Jesus said about his death & resurrection also (Mark 9:28-32).
14. What were the disciples discussing while travelling back to Capernaum? Rather than discussing what Jesus meant by being killed & rising the third day, they were discussing which of them was most important (Mark 9:33-34).
15. Knowing what the disciples had been discussing, what lesson did Jesus give them? Jesus taught them that in his kingdom humbly serving others was the most important thing (Mark 9:35-37).
16. What two examples of humble service did Jesus give? Giving a drink to a disciple of Jesus & encouraging (rather than discouraging) a young believer in Jesus are two ways to humbly serve others (Mark 9:38-42).
17. How did Jesus emphasize the extreme importance of not offending in God’s kingdom? Jesus suggested that it would be better to drown in the sea or lose a limb or eye than to offend God or one of his children (Mark 9:42-48).
18. What option did Jesus give to those who were offenders in God’s kingdom? Jesus only offered the consuming fire of hell to offenders. If we are not cleansed from by life’s fiery trials then the fiery conviction of God’s Spirit will torment us till we die eternally. Overcomers will dwell eternally “midst the stones of fire” for they have been salted with grace & have peace one with another (Mark 9:43-50; Lev. 2:13; Eze. 28:14; Gal. 1:3; Col. 4:6).
by Rick Marin | Aug 7, 2024 | 2024 3rd Quarter
Why did Jesus sigh?
(Mark 7:1 – 8:21; Exodus 20:12; Isaiah 29:13) Blog Aug. 04-10, 2024
Prepared by Richard A. Marin: <>
REVIEW: When Mark pictures Jesus healing the sick, casting out demons, teaching in parables, and conflicting with the religionists of his day, he continually emphasizes the need of faith and the divinity of Jesus.
1. In Mark 7 what fault did the Scribes and Pharisees find with Jesus’ disciples? They faulted the disciples for not keeping the tradition of the elders by not washing their hands before eating (Mark 7:1-5).
2. What was the tradition of the elders regarding hand washing? The tradition of the elders was not a matter of good hygiene in washing their hands before eating, but rather they did numerous washings as a religious, ceremonial ritual like counting rosary beads or vain repetitions in prayer (Mark 7:3-4; Matt. 6:7).
3. How did Jesus respond to the accusation of the scribes and Pharisees? Jesus reminded the accusers that Isaiah had spoken of them as hypocrites who honored God with their lips while their hearts were far from him & he illustrated the problem by referring to their tradition of allowing children to not support their aged parents if they first promised their money to the church (Mark 7:6-13; Isa. 29:13).
4. What did Jesus say lost its value because of the traditions of the elders? It was the Word of God that was made of no value by the traditions of the elders (Mark 7:13; Ex. 20:12).
5. Where does Jesus say that real defilement comes from? Jesus said that real defilement doesn’t come from what we eat but from what comes out of our hearts (Mark 7:14-23).
6. On what basis could Jesus say that the human heart was so wicked? Jesus new that Jeremiah had written that the heart was desperately wicked (Mark 7:21-22; Jer. 17:9).
7. Does Mark 7:21-22 describe Jesus’ heart? No, for from conception Jesus had an undefiled heart: a sinless human nature (Prov. 16:5; 21:4; Matt. 7:11; Luke 1:35; Heb. 7:26; 1 Pet. 1:19).
8. Who found Jesus when he was seeking seclusion in a house near Tyre and Sidon? A Syrophoenician mother found Jesus in the house & asked him to cast the unclean spirit out of her daughter (Mark 7:24-26).
9. How did Jesus answer the Syrophoenician woman? Jesus said: “Let the children first be filled; for it is not meat to take the children’s bread, and to cast it unto the dogs.” (Mark 7:27).
10. Why did Jesus answer the mother this way? Jesus knew that as a mother she would understand his statement & he wanted to teach his disciples that God’s salvation was also for non-Jews, so he expressed the sentiments of their hearts that Jesus only came to bless Jews (Mark 7:27; Acts 1:6; 10:9-20).
11. What did the mother’s response to Jesus show? By accepting the position of a dog under the table, the Syrophoenician mother showed her humility, faith, & persistence (Mark 7:28).
Right Thinking
12. When returning to Decapolis where many had responded to the testimony of the devil-possessed men, who was brought to Jesus for healing? They brought a deaf & dumb man to Jesus, asking that he touch him (Mark 7:31-32).
13. Why did Jesus sigh before healing the deaf & dumb man? By looking up to heaven Jesus acknowledged God’s desire that all men would open their eyes to believe in him & use their tongues to express his praise but he sighed because so many refused to hear or to speak his praise (Mark 7:34; Eze. 21:7; Dan. 4:34; 2 Pet. 3:9).
14. When Jesus desired to feed the multitude that had been with him for three days, why did his disciples not immediately offer him what they had? They had already forgotten how Jesus fed the 5000 & they were prejudiced about feeding these people since they were not Jews (Mark 8:1-4).
15. Upon returning to Galilean side of the lake, who met Jesus asking for a sign of his messiahship? A group of Pharisees came asking a sign but Jesus after sighing deeply offered them none. Their unbelief would surpass any sign he might give them (Mark 8:10-13).
16. What is the leaven of the Pharisees of which Jesus warned his disciples while crossing the lake? The leaven of the Pharisees is pride & hypocrisy. The disciples thought only of physical bread but Jesus was trying to show them that when the Pharisees asked for a sign they were only trying to leaven people’s minds with the idea that Jesus was not the true Messiah while exalting themselves (Mark 8:14-21; Luke 12:1).
by Rick Marin | Jul 31, 2024 | 2024 3rd Quarter
How did Jesus counteract the hatred of the Gadarene people?
(Mark 4:35 – 6:52; Psalms 89:9; 107:23-32) Blog July 28 – Aug. 03, 2024
Prepared by Richard A. Marin: <>
REVIEW: Mark gives brief pictures of Jesus healing the sick, casting out demons, teaching in parables, and being in conflict with the religionists of his day.
Great Storms
1. After a long, busy day by Galilee how did Jesus feel when he asked his disciples to sail with him to the other side of the lake? Jesus felt tired & hungry & in need of rest. As a result of millennia of degeneration & being fully man he was weak under strain of ministry (Mark 4:35-38).
2. How bad was the storm that rose on Galilee that night? The wind was so strong that it whipped up large waves that were filling the boat with water faster than the disciples could bail it out (Mark 4:37).
3. What did Jesus ask the disciples after he calmed the storm? Jesus asked: “Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith? (Mark 4:40).
4. When Jesus calmed the storm after the disciples called for help, how did they react? Then the disciples were exceedingly terrified for they knew that God was in their boat (Mark 4:41).
5. What Scriptures could have given them more faith in the storm? Psalm 89:9 & 107:23-32.
A Man from the Tombs
6. What kind of “mighty wind” met Jesus and his disciples when they arrived on the other shore? A man possessed with an unclean spirit (wind) came running towards them (Mark 5:1-2).
7. Under what conditions had the man with an unclean spirit been living? He had often been bound with chains but continually broke them & went about screaming & cutting himself night & day in the mountains & in the tombs where he lived (Mark 5:3-5).
8. Why do some people make a practice of cutting themselves? Pagans cut & tattoo themselves for the dead. Probably people cut themselves because they feel guilty of major sin (this man may have killed many) & know that the wages of sin is death (Mark 5:5; Lev. 19:28; 1 Kings 18:28; Jer. 16:6; Rom. 6:23).
9. When Jesus commanded the unclean spirits to leave the man, why did they request to enter the herd of 2000 pigs? Devils use mediums to accomplish their ends & killing the pigs would also make the people of the land hate Jesus (Mark 5:10-17; Gen. 3:1; 1 Sam. 28:7).
10. How did Jesus counteract the hatred of the Gadarene people? Jesus sent the healed man back to his people so his testimony would change their hatred & this was the result for multitudes came to hear him when he returned to Decapolis (Mark 5:18-20; 7:31; 8:1-3).
To the House of Jairus
11. Who was Jairus and what did he ask Jesus? Jairus was the ruler of the synagogue (probably in Capernaum where Jesus often taught) & he asked Jesus to come heal his sick daughter (Mark 5:22-23).
12. As Jesus followed Jairus with a crowd around them, who touched the hem of Jesus’ garment? A woman suffering twelve years with an issue of blood that many physicians had been unable to heal touched the hem of Jesus’ garment (Mark 5:24-27).
13. Why did the woman touch the hem of Jesus’ garment? She believed that if she touched Jesus’ clothes she would be healed & she was (Mark 5:27-29).
14. How was this woman’s touch different than that of all the other people that surrounded Jesus? Hers was the touch of faith, whereas others sought no blessing nor believed they would receive one (Mark 5:28, 34).
15. What should we learn from the statement that Jesus knew that virtue had gone out of him? We should learn that when Jesus healed someone it drained his supply of energy or resources & that if we come to him in faith his virtue will be given to us (Mark 5:30; Luke 6:19).
Spiritual Contrasts
16. Why were the people from Jesus’ hometown offended at him? They were offended because they regarded him only as the hometown carpenter & not as the Messiah (Mark 6:1-3).
17. Why could Jesus not do many miracles in his hometown? Jesus could not do many miracles in his hometown because of the peoples lack of faith (Mark 6:4-6; John 11:40).
18. What can we learn about Jesus’ family from his time with the people of his hometown? We can conclude that when Joseph married Mary, he already had six children, making Jesus the seventh child in the home (Mark 6:3).
19. How did Jesus tell his disciples to respond to those towns which did not receive their message? Jesus told them to shake the dust of those towns off their feet for it would be more tolerable for Sodom & Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for them (Mark 6:10-11).
20. Who was convicted by the message of John the Baptist but too proud to repent, thus resulting in John’s death? King Herod (Mark 6:14-29).
21. Why did Jesus begin teaching the multitude when he had taken his disciples to the other side of the lake to rest? Because Jesus had compassion on the people that were like sheep without a shepherd he taught then all day & then miraculously fed them in the evening (Mark 6:30-44).
22. What had the disciples already forgotten when faced by another storm on the lake? They had forgotten Jesus’ power in feeding the five thousand that very evening for their hearts, rather than believing in Jesus’ power to rescue, were hardened in unbelief (Mark 6:47-52).
by Rick Marin | Jul 24, 2024 | 2024 3rd Quarter
Why did Jesus teach in parables?
(Mark 4:1-34) Blog July 21-27, 2024
Prepared by Richard A. Marin: <Present>
REVIEW: Mark’s fast-moving account of the Gospel pictures Jesus efforts to teach truth while constantly being opposed by the Jewish religious system.
The Sower
1. In the parable of the sower what things were constant? The sower & the seed were constant (Mark 4:3-8).
2. On what four different kinds of soil did the good seed fall? Some seed fell on the hard pathway some on shallow soil, some on soil filled with weeds, & some on good soil (Mark 4:3-8).
3. What happened to the seed that fell on the hard pathway? It never sprouted but birds ate it up (Mark 4:4).
4. What happened to the seed that fell on the shallow soil? It sprouted but when hot weather came it withered & died (Mark 4:5-6)
5. What happened to the seed that fell on the weedy soil? It sprouted but the weeds grew bigger & choked it so that it bore no fruit (Mark 4:7)
6. What happened to the seed that fell on the good soil? It sprouted & grew big. eventually producing fruit (Mark 4:4)
7. Since the seed represents the Word of God planted in the hearts of men, what should we learn from this parable? While Satan snatches the Word from some who hear it, others believe for a while & then trials or temptations choke it out but those who receive the Word & remain in it, endure to the end, produce fruit & are saved, regardless of the quantity of fruit born (Mark 4:14-20).
Why Parables?
8. What was Jesus’ purpose in teaching in parables? Jesus taught using simple stories to arouse inquiry & so the unlearned could grasp his meaning if they chose to believe & those who thought themselves too wise to believe could find no basis for accusing him before the authorities (Mark 4:9-12; Matt. 11:25; John 7:17).
9. Who asked Jesus for an explanation of the parable of the sower? The disciples asked Jesus for an explanation of the parable of the sower (Mark 4:10)
10. In what way would Jesus’ simple stories be remembered? By using illustrations of common things seen in the daily lives of the people they would be reminded of his lessons every time they saw these common things again (Mark 4:3, 21, 26, 31).
11. How did Jesus illustrate the need of the people to take the truths they learned from his parables and share them with others? Jesus likened his truths to candlelight which when received should be shared with others (Mark 4:21-23).
12. What is Jesus saying in Mark 4:24-25? Jesus is saying that with what measure of sincere attention they listened to his instructions, they would receive like measure of knowledge in return. But those who did not desire the light of truth would grope in darkness & the darkness of their hearts would eventually be revealed in their actions (Mark 4:24-25).
More Parables
13. What should we learn from Jesus’ parable in Mark 4:26-29? Jesus is teaching that when the Word of God takes root in a person’s heart, the growth in grace is gradual towards maturity when God harvests & secures the person for eternity (Mark 4:26-29).
14. What personal application can we take from the parable of the mustard seed? Although only a tiny seed of truth be planted in a human heart, if it takes root it will through the mysterious influence of divine grace grow, producing a mature Christian who can provide help for many others (Mark 4:30-32).
15. What corporate application can we take from the parable of the mustard seed? Although Jesus’ ministry produced only a few humble believers, it took root & grew into a thriving Christian church after he left (Mark 4:30-32).
16. What thought is conveyed in all the parables told in Mark 4? Unless snatched away by Satan, God’s Word always sprouts, grows, & multiplies (Mark 4:25).
by Rick Marin | Jul 17, 2024 | 2024 3rd Quarter
What does “new cloth” represent?
(Mark 2:1 -3:35) Blog July 14-20, 2024
Prepared by Richard A. Marin: <>
REVIEW: Mark begins his account of the Gospel with Jesus’ baptism by John and shows how he called assistants, did healings, and spent time in prayer so the Gospel could be preached throughout the land of Israel.
Faith and Forgiveness
1. When Jesus was again able to enter Capernaum, what did he do? Back in town Jesus was teaching the Scriptures while crowds filled the house where he taught (Mark 2:1-2, 13).
2. How did Jesus see the faith of the four men that carried a paralytic to him? Their faith was shown by their actions, for they not only carried the paralytic from his home to Jesus but also uncovered the roof to lower him into Jesus’ presence (Mark 2:3-5; James 2:17-18).
3. Why didn’t Jesus heal the paralytic right away? Jesus knew that it was through a life of sin that the man had come to this condition & that no blessing was greater than the forgiveness of sins, so he proclaimed those sweetest words to him first (Mark 2:5; Matt. 9:2; John 5:14).
4. How did the scribes sitting in the house react to Jesus’ words? The scribes reasoned in their hearts that only God could forgive sins so Jesus must be blaspheming (Mark 2:6-7).
5. How did Jesus demonstrate that he was God and had the authority on earth to forgive sins? Jesus healed the man of his paralysis (Mark 2:8-12).
6. What other principle should we gather from this story? This story illustrates the principle that forgiveness precedes healing, that justification precedes sanctification, that God’s forgiveness comes prior to the indwelling of God’s Spirit (Mark 2:5-12; 2 Chron. 7:14; Psa. 103:3; Luke 7:47; Acts 2:38).
New Wine
7. What should we learn from the fact that when Levi Matthew was called to follow Jesus the feast he gave included lots of publicans and sinners? Since Levi Matthew was a hated publican (tax collector) himself & his friends were publicans & sinners it shows that Jesus loves & will accept the worst of sinners (Mark 2:14-16; Rom. 5:8).
8. Why is it useless to call the righteous to repentance? Those who are truly sinless need no repentance & those who think themselves righteous feel no need of repentance (Mark 2:17; 1 Tim. 1:15).
9. In his answer regarding fasting, who did Jesus identify himself as? Jesus identified himself as the promised, heavenly bridegroom (Mark 2:19-20; Isa. 54:5; 62:5; Matt. 25:1; John 3:29; 2 Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:25).
10. What do “new cloth” and “old garment” represent? The teaching of John the Baptist & of Jesus is like “new cloth” that cannot be interwoven with the “old garment” of tradition, superstition, & ceremonies taught by the Pharisees (Mark 2:21; 7:13; Matt. 23:25).
11. What do “new wine” and “old bottles” represent? The disciples of John the Baptist & of Jesus are like “new bottles” for they are free from Pharisaical prejudice & open to receive new doctrine (“new wine”) which the Pharisees like “old bottles” were too brittle to change their warped thinking & receive “new wine.” Jesus did not choose them to be his disciples (Mark 2:22; Matt. 23:4; 1 Cor. 1:26-28).
12. What principle was Jesus trying to teach the Pharisees when they accused his disciples of breaking the Sabbath? Jesus sought to show the Pharisees that all their manmade rules for Sabbath observance were in opposition to a loving God who made the Sabbath to be a delight for humanity. God never intended the Sabbath to be a burden that overshadowed human need (Mark 2:23-28; Gen. 2:2-3; Isa. 58:13-14).
13. How does the synagogue story recorded at the beginning of Mark 3 illustrate the two distinct attitudes towards Sabbath observance? When Jesus helped a man in need on the Sabbath, the Pharisees were so obsessed with their petty rules that they sought means to destroy Jesus. One attitude was to help those in need, the other was to maintain a contrived system of religion that in no way reflected a loving God (Mark 3:1-6; John 3:16).
Organizational Priorities
14. When Jesus chose, ordained, and organized his twelve disciples (into four groups of three) to preach and to heal, what happened? Crowds of people surrounded Jesus & his disciples insomuch that they couldn’t even eat & his friends tried to pull him away, saying he has gone mad (Mark 3:13-21; 6:31).
15. When the Scribes from Jerusalem accused Jesus of casting out devils using the power of Satan, how did Jesus respond? First Jesus showed how ridiculous it would be for a kingdom or house to fight against itself. Then Jesus warned that calling the work of God that of the devil would leave no room for repentance & forgiveness (Mark 3:22-30).
16. What examples does the Bible give of people who have committed the sin against the Holy Spirit? Pharoah who hardened his heart against overwhelming evidence; Korah, Dathan, & Abiram in their refusal to accept the clear message from God; & Annanias & Sapphira who lied to the Holy Spirit all committed the sin against the Holy Spirit (Mark 3:28-29; Ex. 7:10-13; Num. 16:24-35; Acts 5:1-11).
17. When Jesus’ family came calling him, what lesson did Jesus teach? Jesus told the crowd that those who believed in him & did God’s will were closer to him that his own family (Mark 3:31-35; Prov. 18:24).
by Rick Marin | Jul 10, 2024 | 2024 3rd Quarter
For what did Jesus pray?
(Mark 1:16-45; Acts 16:16-18; John 6:37) Blog July 7-13, 2024
Prepared by Richard A. Marin: <>
REVIEW: John Mark received the story of Jesus’ life from Peter and begins his account with Jesus’ baptism by John his forerunner and points out that Jesus said he had come t the fulfillment of Daniel’s time prophecy.
A Life of Ministry
1. To what was Jesus calling Peter, Andrew, James, and John? Jesus was calling his disciples to a life of fulltime gospel ministry (Mark 1:16-20).
2. What valuable possession did Andrew and Peter forsake to follow Jesus? Adrew & Peter forsook their precious nets (their source of income) to follow Jesus (Mark 1:18).
3. What did James and John forsake to follow Jesus? James & John forsook family & coworkers to follow Jesus (Mark 1:20; Matt. 19:29).
4. Where does Mark turn next after telling of calling disciples? Mark turns to Jesus teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum (Mark 1:21).
5. How did Jesus’ teaching ministry differ from that of the scribes? Jesus taught with authority for he taught the Word of God which gives authority to any teacher (Mark 1:22).
6. Who is upset whenever the Word of God is clearly taught? Satan hates the Word of God & will inspire his agents to oppose it whenever possible, so bringing a devil-possessed man to church that Sabbath (Mark 1:23).
7. Why did Jesus tell the devil-possessed man to be quiet? Just as Paul with the devil-possessed girl, Jesus did not want his kingdom associated with or promoted by evil spirits (Mark 1:24-25; Matt. 12:22-29; Acts 16:16-18).
Aides to Ministry
8. Besides casting out the evil spirit at church what other healings did Jesus do that day? Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law of a raging fever & after sundown he healed many villagers who came to the house where he was staying (Mark 1:29-34).
9. When people are healed by Jesus what are many inspired to do? Like Peter’s mother-in-law, many are inspired to serve Jesus after he heals them (Mark 1:30-31; John 14:15).
10. Why did many townspeople wait till sundown to come to Jesus for healing? Probably they were afraid of the Pharisees strict prohibition of many Sabbath activities (Mark 1:32-33; Luke 14:3).
11. What reason does Mark give for Jesus not letting the devils speak? Mark says that Jesus didn’t let the devils speak because they knew who he was (Mark 1:34).
12. Besides combining healing with his teaching ministry, what other activity aided in Jesus’ ministry? Jesus rose early each morning to pray. This was a vital support for his teaching ministry (Mark 1:35; Luke 18:1; 1 Thes. 5:17).
13. For what did Jesus pray? From seeing other times when Jesus prayed, we know he prayed for God to be glorified in his ministry, for the faith, joy, purity, & unity of his disciples, & for those who would be converted by his disciples (Mark 1:35; Luke 22:32; John 17:1, 9, 11, 13, 15, 20).
14. What should we learn from Jesus’ answer to the disciples when they told him that everyone was looking for him? We should learn that Jesus’ primary ministry was to preach the Gospel not to bring physical healing to the world (Mark 1:36-39; Luke 4:43).
Secrecy in Ministry
15. Did the leper that approached Jesus have faith to believe Jesus could heal him? Yes, he clearly stated that he knew Jesus could heal him if Jesus was willing to do so (Mark 1:40).
16. With what power did Jesus heal those that came to him in Capernaum? It was with his own inherent, divine power that Jesus healed the sick in Capernaum (Mark 1:32-34; 2:9-12).
17. Why was Jesus not contaminated by touching the leper? Just as his pure human nature was not contaminated by taking our weaknesses after 4000 years of sin, so touching the leper brought no contamination to him, but only healing to the leper (Mark 1:41-42; Luke 1:35; 2 Cor. 5:21).
18. How can every sinner take courage from the story of the leper’s healing? All who are dead in trespasses & sins may seek cleansing from Jesus for he never turns away the appeal for cleansing from sin (Mark 1:41-42; John 6:37; Eph. 2:1-5).
19. What reasons might be given for Jesus’ command that the leper tell no one of his healing? If the priests heard who had healed the leper they might be prejudiced against pronouncing him clean & if the multitude heard the story, Jesus might be swarmed with petitioners so that his teaching ministry be hindered in the towns & villages (which is exactly what happened when the leper told everyone) (Mark 1:43-45).