by Suzette Peterson | Mar 23, 2019 | The Book of Revelation
The Judgment of Babylon
New Testament, Revelation / March 23, 2019 /
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After the comparatively short reign of the United States what world power becomes the 8th & last “head” to rule the world?
(Rev. 17:1-18; 18:1-24; 19:1-Dan. 7:1-4; 1 et. 5:1-5) Blog 17-23
Mar. 2019
book of Revelation reveals Jesus as he works to recover his lost bride. The
candlesticks symbolize the work of the Holy
Spirit in the church. The table of showbread symbolizes the throne of God
the Father from which God’s Word
works to restore the bride to the Son. The altar of incense symbolizes Jesus ministering the prayers of his
people as they bring earth’s inhabitants to God. These three articles of the
Holy Place of the sanctuary depict parallel events during the Christian era,
from Pentecost to Paradise. In Revelation 11:19 the scene turns to the Most
Holy Place where the marriage covenant will be made. Chapters 12-19 give a curriculum vitae for each of the
attenders at the marriage – first the bride and the dragon, then the sea beast
and the land beast, followed by the Groom on Mount Zion, and the Father pouring
out the seven last plagues
The curriculum vitae of
Babylon (Rev. 17:1-18; Dan.
7:1-10; 8:17-21;11:35-40)
1. Which attender at the marriage of the Lamb is
introduced in Revelation 17?
2. What habit makes the woman of Revelation 17
an harlot”?
3. What is represented by the scarlet beast on
which the woman rides and where is it found in this vision?
4. If the beast in the wilderness “is not”
because of a deadly wound, where is John pointed in history?
5. Babylon’s attire is that
of what office? And is it appropriate?
6. If Daniel & Revelation are consistent
which 5 would empires had fallen when the Papacy was in the wilderness?
7. What world empire does Daniel 11:36-40 &
Revelation 11:7 say will follow Papal Rome?
8. What world empire does Daniel 11:40 &
Revelation 13:11 say will follow atheistic Communism?
9. After the comparatively short reign of the
United States what world power becomes the 8th & last “head” to
rule the world?
10. How long will the revived Papacy rule the world
before the ten nations of Europe turn on her & destroy her?
God’s Last Call (Rev. 18:1-8; 1 Chron.
29:11; Matt, 6:13; Jude
11. Because he is described as having power and
glory, what must the angel of Revelation 18:1 be?
12. Which attender at the marriage of the Lamb
is introduced in the first part of Revelation 18?
13. How does this divine Messenger relate to the
three angels of Revelation 14?
14. Why does the fourth Angel say that Babylon’s
fall is complete and her religion is filled with devils?
15. When the loud cry of the fourth Angel is
given and Jesus makes his last call, what has not yet begun?
16. According to Rev. 18:7 how does Babylon consider herself and what other Bible character is she like?
Babylon’s Lament (Rev. 18:9-19)
17. Who are the first group of mourners that
bewail Babylon’s destruction?
18. How long do earth’s political leaders say
that it took God to bring Babylon to her knees?
19. Who are the second group of mourners that
bewail Babylon’s destruction?
20. Why were earth’s religious leaders
especially sorry that Babylon had been destroyed?
21. Who are the third group of mourners that
bewail Babylon’s destruction?
God’s people Rejoice (Rev. 18:20-24;
22. Why should God’s people rejoice over
Babylon’s destruction according to the angel in Rev. 18:21?
23. Why does Revelation 19 begin with so many
Alleluias and who all joins in them?
The Groom comes for the bride (Rev.
19:11-21; Matt. 25:1-10; Luke 12:36)
24. Where is God’s church (the bride) when Jesus
after the legal marriage rides forth on a white horse?
25. What does the seventh plague accomplish?
26. What does Satan allow to happen to his two
cohorts (beast & false prophet) when Christ returns?
ANSWERS: 1. Babylon, the false
church – false religion who pretends to be the bride of Christ; 2. That of
committing fornication with earth’s political leaders – using the state to
enforce her dogmas; 3. It is the same blasphemous beast of Revelation thirteen
one – Satan’s second in command; 4. To the time when the Papacy received its
deadly wound & while the “beast from the bottomless pit” (atheistic
Communism) held world dominion; 5. That of God’s High Priest, who alone
ministers the forgiveness of sins, & it is not appropriate, for women were
never given the priesthood & for the church to usurp that role of Christ is
blasphemous; 6. Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, Papacy, (Dan. 7:1-10;
11:35-40); 7. Atheistic Communism; 8. United States of America; 9.
The revived Holy Roman Empire – the revived Papacy; 10. “One hour” which equals
two weeks in Bible prophecy; 11. He must be Deity; 12. The Holy Spirit; 13. He
is the fourth angel that was loosed from the River Euphrates in chapter nine
& joins the three angels of Revelation fourteen, swelling their message
into a loud, & final cry; 14. Because now every nation on earth has
accepted her dogmas, joined her church-state union, & made her ministers
rich; 15. The seven last plagues; 16. As a queen mother who will never know
sorrow – just like Jezebel who dominated the actions of Ahab, the king; 17. Earth’s
political rulers; 18. “One hour” – two weeks; 19. The religious leaders of the
world; 20. Because through her they were made rich; 21. Earth’s merchants – all
the traders & commercial interests; 22. Because she (false religion) will
never rise again; 23. Because the Groom has judged between the two women that
claimed to be the bride & like Solomon has cast out the false woman (church)
& while still in heaven married the true bride who has repented of her sins
& clothed herself with the righteousness of Christ & praise rises from the
hosts of heaven, the four beasts, the twenty four elders, the Father, the Son, &
the Holy Spirit; 24. On this earth; 25. It breaks up Babylon’s three-fold union
of Spiritism, Catholicism, & Pentecostalism, exposing all their lies (the
action of hail) while leaving every earthly institution unable to help the lost
& God, the Father, speaks from heaven announcing Christ’s second coming,; 26.
He deserts them, allowing them to be cast into the lake of fire.
by Suzette Peterson | Jan 22, 2019 | Apocalipsis
Los siete candeleros
2:8-3:22) Blog Jan. 13-19, 2019
Preparado por Ricardo Marín – Pregonero de Justicia
PO Box 700, Fallbrook, CA 92088-0700 USA
REPASO: El libro de Apocalipsis es acerca de
Jesús y lo que él hace para recuperar a su novia perdida durante el tiempo
desde Pentecostés hasta el Paraíso. Su contorno está tomado del santuario del
Antiguo Testamento. A través de los símbolos, Dios comunica a su pueblo una
serie continua de eventos que los afectarán durante la era cristiana. Todo el
cielo está interesado en esta historia y participa en su realización. Incluso
los números en Apocalipsis son simbólicos, es por eso que el número siete se
usa para representar la única iglesia verdadera de Dios y el único Espíritu Santo
de Dios. El estudio de este libro aumentará nuestra fe y nuestra obediencia al
señalar dónde estamos en la historia de la redención, todas las bendiciones que
todo cristiano debe apreciar.
Esmirna y Pérgamo (Apoc. 2:8-17; Rom. 2:28-2; 8:25; 2 Tim. 4:8)
¿Qué sugiere el nombre Esmirna y la introducción y carta de Cristo acerca de
esta iglesia?
¿A quién se refiere Jesús cuando escribe sobre los judíos y la sinagoga de
¿A qué período de la era cristiana corresponde la iglesia en Esmirna y cuándo
recibirán sus fieles la corona de la vida?
¿Qué sugiere el nombre Pérgamo y la introducción de Cristo y la letra de esta
¿Qué tres intrusos dice Jesús que habían entrado en la iglesia en Pérgamo?
Según su nombre, ¿qué poder se opuso al fiel testigo de Dios, Antipas?
¿A qué período de tiempo de la era cristiana corresponde la iglesia en Pérgamo?
Thyatira y Sardis (Apoc. 2:18-3:6; Sal. 69:28; Mat. 26:41; Gal. 6:1)
¿Qué sugiere el nombre Thyatira y la introducción de Cristo, y la letra de esta
¿Cuál es el significado de las cosas que Jezabel trajo a la iglesia en Tiatira?
¿A qué período de la era cristiana corresponde la iglesia en Tiatira?
¿Qué implican el nombre Sardis y la introducción de Cristo, y la letra sobre
esta iglesia?
¿Cuál fue un remedio que Jesús repitió en su carta a Sardis y qué significa?
¿Qué debemos entender de Apocalipsis 3:5?
¿A qué período de tiempo de la era cristiana corresponde la iglesia en Sardis?
Filadelfia y Laodicea (Apoc. 3:7-22; 10:7-11; Oseas 12:8; Heb. 5:11-14;
¿Qué implica el nombre Filadelfia y la introducción de Cristo, y la letra de
esta iglesia?
¿Qué puerta abrió Jesús para su iglesia durante el período de Filadelfia?
¿A qué período de tiempo de la era cristiana corresponde la iglesia en
¿Qué implican el nombre de Laodicea y la introducción de Cristo y la letra de
esta iglesia?
¿Cuál es la condición de la iglesia verdadera, organizada y visible de Dios en
el momento del juicio final de Dios?
¿A quién vomitará Jesús de su boca?
¿A qué período de tiempo de la era cristiana corresponde la iglesia en
RESPUESTAS: 1. Que fue una iglesia perseguida, que sufrió gran
tribulación porque Jesús se presentó a si mismo en esa manera y habló de lo
mismo, y la mirra es el ungüento para los muertos; 2. Un judío en Apocalipsis
se refiere a los verdaderos creyentes en Jesús, no a los descendientes físicos
de Abraham, y la sinagoga de Satanás se refiere a la iglesia falsa que no
acepta a Cristo ni a su doctrina; 3. Al segundo y tercer siglo de la era
cristiana (100-300 dC) desde la muerte de Pablo hasta el reinado de
Constantino, y sus vencedores recibirán la corona de la vida cuando Cristo
aparezca por segunda vez; 4. Que es una iglesia infiltrada porque Pérgamo
significa “muchos gametos (esposos [espermatozoides]) están entrando,” Jesús se
presentó con la espada de la Palabra que elimina el error, y la carta menciona
la fornicación 5. Satanás, Balaamitas, y Nicolaítas; 6. El estado (gobierno);
7. El tiempo desde Constantino hasta el completo desarrollo herético del Papado
(día de Wycliffe) (300-1300 dC); 8. Thyatira significa “mal olor” y
se presenta a Jesús como quien tiene una visión penetrante y ha vivido en la
tierra y advierte de cometer fornicación en la iglesia, lo que demuestra que
esta iglesia necesita una separación completa de la corrupción de los estilos
de vida; 9. La fornicación se refiere a la convivencia espiritual antes del
matrimonio (colocar la obra transformadora del corazón del Espíritu
antes de la justificación) y comer cosas sacrificadas a los
ídolos no se refiere a la comida física, sino a vivir de acuerdo con los
mandamientos de los hombres en lugar de los mandamientos de Dios; 10. Desde
Wycliffe hasta la muerte de Martín Lutero (1300-1600 dC); 11. Que eran muy
pocos los que permanecían fieles a Dios, viviendo en armonía con su fe mientras
profesaban la verdadera religión; 12. Velad, lo que significa estudiar las
Sagradas Escrituras; 13. Que en el juicio final y previo a la venida de Dios,
Jesús intercederá por aquellos que lo confiesan ante los hombres y los
consideran justos mientras borra del libro de la vida a todos aquellos cuya
confianza no está en él; 14. Desde la muerte de Martín Lutero hasta el gran
despertar del siglo XIX (1600-1800 dC); 15 Que era una iglesia amorosa que
Jesús amaba mucho y a quien le abriría la puerta al matrimonio; 16. El del
lugar santísimo del cielo. 17. Desde el momento del gran despertar del siglo
XIX, cuando la iglesia esperaba la llegada del Novio, pero se sintió
decepcionada (1800-1920 dC); 18. Laodicea significa “el juicio del
pueblo”, y Jesús se presenta a sí mismo como el “Amén” y
“el testigo fiel y verdadero” que juzgará correctamente en este final
de la era cristiana, todos señalando el hecho de que esta es la última iglesia
y que no será seguida por ninguna otra; 19. Sus miembros carecen de carácter
puro, discernimiento espiritual, y la justicia de fe, mientras que muestran una
confianza total en su disposición para el juicio; 20. Aquellos que no toman su
consejo para comprarle oro, colirio, vestiduras blancas y arrepentirse de su
orgullo; 21. Desde 1920 hasta el final.
by Suzette Peterson | Jan 19, 2019 | The Book of Revelation
What door did Jesus open during the Philadelphia period of his church?
(Revelation 2:8-3:22) Blog Jan. 13-19, 2019
by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700
REVIEW: The book of Revelation is about Jesus and what he does to recover
his lost bride during the time from Pentecost to Paradise. Its outline
is taken from the Old Testament sanctuary. Through symbols God
communicates to his people a continuous series of events which will
affect them during the Christian era. All heaven is interested in this story
and participate in its accomplishment. Even the numbers in Revelation are
symbolic – that is why the number seven is used to picture God’s one true
church and God’s one Holy Spirit. The study of this book will increase our
faith and our obedience while pointing out where we are in redemption history –
all blessings that every Christian should cherish.
Smyrna & Pergamos (Rev. 2:8-17; Rom. 2:28-2; 8:25; 2 Tim. 4:8)
1. What does the name Smyrna and Christ’s introduction and letter
suggest about this church?
2. To whom does Jesus refer when writing about Jews and the
synagogue of Satan?
3. To what time period of the Christian era does the church in
Smyrna correspond and when will her faithful receive the crown of life?
4. What does the name Pergamos and Christ’s introduction, and
letter imply about this church?
5. What three intruders does Jesus say had entered the church in
6. According to his name what power opposed God’s faithful witness
7. To what time period of the Christian era does the church in
Pergamos correspond?
Thyatira & Sardis (Rev. 2:18-3:6; Psa.
69:28; Matt. 26:41; Gal. 6:1)
8. What does the name Thyatira and Christ’s introduction, and
letter imply about this church?
9. What is the meaning of the things that Jezebel brought into the
church in Thyatira?
10. To what time period of the Christian era does the church in
Thyatira correspond?
11. What does the name Sardis and Christ’s introduction, and
letter imply about this church?
12. What was one remedy that Jesus repeated in his letter to
Sardis and what does it mean?
13. What should we understand from Revelation 3:5?
14. To what time period of the Christian era does the church in
Sardis correspond?
Philadelphia &
Laodicea (Rev. 3:7-22; 10:7-11; Hosea 12:8; Heb. 5:11-14; 12:22-29)
15. What does the name Philadelphia and Christ’s introduction, and
letter imply about this church?
16. What door did Jesus open during the Philadelphia period of his
17. To what time period of the Christian era does the church in
Philadelphia correspond?
18. What does the name Laodicea and Christ’s introduction, and
letter imply about this church?
19. What is the condition of God’s true, organized, visible church
at the time of God’s final judgment?
20. Who will Jesus spue out of his mouth?
21. To what time period of the Christian era does the church in
Laodicea correspond?
That it was a persecuted church, suffering great tribulation for Jesus
introduced himself in that light & spoke of the same, & myrrh is the
ointment for the dead; 2. A Jew in Revelation refers to true believers
in Jesus, not to physical descendants of Abraham, & the synagogue of Satan
refers to the false church which doesn’t accept Christ or his doctrine; 3.
To the second & third centuries of the Christian era (100-300 AD) from the
death of Paul until the reign of Constantine, & her overcomers will receive
the crown of life when Christ appears the second time; 4. That it is an
infiltrated church for Pergamos means many gametes (husbands [sperm]) are
entering, Jesus introduced himself with the sword of the Word that cuts out
error, & the letter mentions fornication 5. Satan, Balaamites, &
Nicolaitans; 6. The state (government); 7. The time from
Constantine until the full heretical development of the Papacy (Wycliffe’s day)
(300-1300 AD); 8. Thyatira means “foul smelling” & Jesus is
introduced as having penetrating vision & having lived on earth & he
warns of committing fornication in the church showing that this church needs a
complete break from corrupting lifestyles; 9. Fornication refers to
spiritual cohabitation before marriage (placing the Spirits work of heart
transformation [sanctification] prior to justification & eating things
sacrificed to idols refers not to physical food, but) to living according
to the commandments of men rather than the commandments of God; 10. To
the time from Wycliffe until the death of Martin Luther (1300-1600 AD); 11.
That their were very few that remained true to God – living in harmony with
their faith while professing true religion; 12. To watch, which
means to study the Holy Scriptures; 13. That in God’s final, pre-advent
judgment Jesus will intercede for those who confess him before men & count
them righteous while blotting out of the book of life all those whose trust is
not in him; 14. To the time from the death of Martin Luther until the
great awakening of the nineteenth century (1600-1800 AD); 15. That it
was a loving church that Jesus loved very much & to whom he would open the
door to the marriage; 16. That of heaven’s Most Holy Place; 17.
To the time of the great awakening of the nineteenth century when the church
expected the coming of the Bridegroom but was disappointed (1800-1920 AD); 18.
Laodicea means “the judging of the people,” & Jesus presents himself as the
“Amen” & “the faithful & true witness” who will rightly judge at this
end of the Christian era, all pointing to the fact that this is the last church
& that it won’t be followed by any other; 19. Its members lack pure
character, spiritual discernment, & the righteousness of faith while
exhibiting complete confidence in their readiness for judgment; 20.
Those who do not take his counsel to buy from him gold, eyesalve, & white
raiment & repent of their pride; 21. From 1920 to the end.
by Suzette Peterson | Jan 12, 2019 | The Book of Revelation
Jesus and His Church
(Revelation 1:8-20; 2:1-7 Dan. 10:5-6; Mark 2:27-28; Acts 20:25-31) Blog Jan. 6-12, 2019
by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700
REVIEW: The book of Revelation is about Jesus and what he does to recover
his lost bride during the time from Pentecost to Paradise. Its outline
is taken from the Old Testament sanctuary. Through symbols God
communicates to his people a continuous series of events which will
affect them during the Christian era. All heaven is interested in this story
and participate in its accomplishment. Even the numbers in Revelation are
symbolic – that is why the number seven is used to picture God’s one true
church and God’s one Holy Spirit. The study of this book will increase our
faith and our obedience while pointing out where we are in redemption history –
all blessings that every Christian should cherish.
Voices and Symbols (Rev.1:8-17; Ex. 31:13; Zech. 4:2-6; Mark 2:27-28; John
1. Who claims to be the Alpha and Omega in verse 7 of Revelation
1? what does his voice sound like?
2. Who claims to be the Alpha and Omega in verse 11 of Revelation
1? what does his voice sound like?
3. Who claims to be the Alpha and Omega in verse 17 of Revelation
1? what does his voice sound like?
4. Why was the Apostle John banished to the barren, rocky island
of Patmos?
5. What day is the Lord’s day as recorded in Revelation 1:10?
6. What symbol of the Holy Spirit is found in the candlesticks?
The Son of Man (Rev. 1:13-20; Lev. 26:9-13; Dan. 10:5-6; Heb. 8:1-5; 9:23-24)
7. Who appears walking among the candlesticks?
8. Where else in the Bible is found a description of Jesus like
that given in verses 13-16 of Revelation 1?
9. What can we learn from the description of Jesus given in verses
13-16 of Revelation 1?
10. According to Leviticus 26 what relationship is referred to by
the symbol of “walking among”?
11. What should we learn from what Jesus told John in Revelation
12. What earthly type is being used in Revelation to depict
heavenly things?
To the Church of
Ephesus (Rev. 2:1-7; Acts 19:1-7; 20:27-35; Rom. 1:18; Jude 1:4)
13. Who was primarily responsible for raising up a Christian
church in Ephesus?
14. Which letter of the Apostle Paul corresponds to Christ’s
letter to the church of Ephesus?
15. What should we learn from Jesus’ repeated commendation of the
works of the church of Ephesus?
16. What church activity does Jesus commend in the last part of
Revelation 2:2?
17. What does Christ mean when he tells his bride-to-be that she
has lost her first love?
18. What three things does Jesus tell the church of Ephesus to do
in order to regain her first love?
19. What are the deeds of the Nicolaitans that both Jesus and the
church of Ephesus hate?
20. To whom does the Holy Spirit offer eating from the tree of
life in paradise?
21. What time period of the Christian church is represented by the
church of Ephesus?
God, the almighty Father, whose voice is like thunder; 2. God, the Holy Spirit,
whose voice is like a trumpet; 3. God, the Son, whose voice is like the sound
of many waters; 4. Because of his preaching & writing of the Word of God
& the Gospel of Jesus Christ; 5. The Sabbath; 6. The holy oil that produces
the flame of love; 7. Jesus Christ; 8. In Daniel 10, verses five & six; 9.
That he is clothed in Day of Atonement (wedding day) attire with gold
representing purity of character, white hair representing wisdom, fiery eyes
that penetrate the deepest recesses of the heart, brass feet representing his
humanity, a sharp sword representing the Word of God coming from his mouth, a
countenance as the sun illuminating all around him, & a voice like many
waters for he represents many people; 10. That of covenant (or marriage) union;
11. That this vision will cover events from the prophets day until the end; 12.
That of Moses’ sanctuary in the wilderness; 13. The Apostle Paul; 14. The letter
to the Ephesians; 15. That Jesus is very interested in our behavior &
rejoices when our works are in harmony with his will; 16. Church trials in
which heretics, false apostles, & evil doers are judged & removed from
church fellowship; 17. He means that her motives have changed from an intense
desire to please him to a routine form of religious duty that lacked the zeal,
earnestness, & devotion she originally displayed; 18. To remember how she
loved him at the start, to repent for having lost that fervent love, & to
start behaving againg like she did at the beginning; 19. Those of loose living
because they think that God’s grace allows a person to live an immoral life,
they regard faith as a substitute for obedience; 20. To all from any church who
pass God’s final judgment; 21. The time from the ordination of the twelve until
the end of the apostolic era (30-100 AD).