by Rick Marin | Aug 21, 2024 | 2024 3rd Quarter
Is it necessary to keep the commandments to be saved?
(Mark 10:1-52; Matthew 19:18-26; Romans 3:28) Blog Aug. 18-24, 2024
Prepared by Richard A. Marin: <>
REVIEW: The gospel of Mark desires to show Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, but not as a political deliverer. Rather, Mark emphasizes the need of faith in Jesus as the Saviour from sin and sickness. This was hard for his disciples and the religious leaders to grasp.
Family Matters
1. How did Jesus respond to the Pharisee’s question about divorce? Jesus asked them what Moses had commanded in this regard (Mark 10:2-3).
2. When the Pharisees answered that Moses permitted divorce, how did Jesus respond? Jesus said that Moses permitted divorce because of the hardness of their hearts but that in creation God never intended divorce but rather a lifelong union of husband & wife (Mark 10:4-9).
3. What further instruction did Jesus give his disciples when they were in the house? Jesus taught that celibacy was only for those who had the gift & that to put away one’s spouse & remarry was to commit adultery except for marital unfaithfulness. Jesus showed that God has very high standards (Mark 10:10-12; Matt. 19:8-12).
4. What was Jesus’ attitude toward children? Jesus loved the little children, took them in his arms, blessed them, & used them as an example of exercising simple faith for entering God’s kingdom (Mark 10:13-16).
Salvation Matters
5. When a rich young man asked, “Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” how did Jesus respond? Jesus responded that only God is good, thus insinuating that he was God & pointed the man to the Ten Commandments as the way to eternal life (Mark 10:17-19).
6. Was Jesus right in telling the young man that keeping the Ten Commandments was required to inherit eternal life? Yes, both Jesus & the apostles make clear that perfect obedience to God’s Law is the requirement for eternal life (Mark 10:19; Gen. 4:7; Deut. 28:1; Psa. 15:1-2; Matt. 5:48; 19:17; Rom. 2:13).
7. Did the young man feel confident that he had kept the Ten Commandments? Yes, he said that he had kept all of them since his youth (Mark 10:20).
8. How did Jesus show the young man that his obedience fell short of God’s standard of righteousness? Jesus told him to sell his belongings, give the proceeds to the poor, take up the cross of self-sacrifice, & come & follow him (Mark 10:21; Rom. 3:23).
9. In what did the rich young man trust for eternal life? He did not trust in Jesus as his Substitute for eternal life but rather trusted in his obedience & financial success (Mark 10:22-25).
10. How should we answer the disciples’ question as to who can be saved? We should answer like Jesus did: “With men it is impossible.” Righteousness is obedience to God’s Law. No human has this. Therefore, the only way to inherit eternal life is to present to God the perfect righteousness of Jesus. This God accepts and counts us as if we had never sinned (Mark 10:27; Jer. 23:6; Rom. 3:28; 4:13-17; 1 Cor. 1:30; Eph. 2:8-9).
11. What is the “grace” that saves us? The grace that saves us is God’s justifying grace: his willingness to consider us better than we are because we are in Jesus. The sanctifying grace of the Holy Spirit always follows justifying grace, but it is not the work that grants us eternal life (Eph. 2:8-9; Rom. 5:21; Tit. 3:7).
12. What did Jesus do that we might inherit eternal life? Our eternal life, as Jesus said, depends on our obedience to God’s Law. If Jesus is our Substitute, then he must not only die for our sins, but he must also live a perfect life in our place. Away with the idea that Jesus just died for our sins & now he gives us sanctifying grace to live according to his Law for our salvation (Mark 10:19; Matt. 19:17; Rom. 5:10; 2 Cor. 5:21).
13. Are there temporal rewards in this life for those who follow Jesus? Yes, God gives the followers of Jesus an hundredfold in this life before eternal life at the second advent (Mark 10:28-30).
14. Why were the disciples afraid as Jesus led them towards Jerusalem? They knew that the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem wanted to destroy Jesus & his ministry. Then Jesus went on to tell them exactly what would happen in Jerusalem, including who would mistreat & kill him (Mark 10:32-34).
Kingdom Matters
15. Did James and John understand what they were asking when they requested seats on either side of Jesus in his kingdom of glory? No, but Jesus made clear that they would both suffer & die for him (but it was the Father’s choice who would flank Jesus in glory (Mark 10:35-40).
16. When the other ten disciples heard of James’ and John’s request, what principle did Jesus teach them? Jesus taught the disciples that in his kingdom service to others was the greatest role (Mark 10:41-45).
17. How did blind Bartimaeus acknowledge Jesus as Israel’s promised king? Bartimaeus cried out: “Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me.” In that way he showed his faith that Jesus was the promised Son of David that would rule eternally (Mark 10:46-48).
by Rick Marin | Aug 14, 2024 | 3Q2024S
¿Qué es el fuego que nunca se apaga?
(Marcos 8:22 – 9:50; Levítico 2:13; 1 Corintios 13:12; Colosenses 4:6) Blog Aug. 11-17, 2024
Preparado por Ricardo Marín – <>
REPASO: Marcos muestra a Jesús sanando a los enfermos, expulsando demonios, enseñando en parábolas y teniendo conflictos con los líderes religiosos por su religión formal que colocaba la tradición por encima de la Palabra de Dios.
Ver con claridad
1. Cuando un ciego es llevado ante Jesús para ser sanado en Betsaida, ¿qué hace Jesús? Jesús saca al ciego de la ciudad de la mano, le escupe en los ojos y se los toca (Marcos 8:22-23).
2. ¿Qué resultados experimenta el ciego a causa de la saliva y el toque de Jesús? El ciego puede ver parcialmente, pero los hombres parecen árboles que caminan (Marcos 8:23-24).
3. ¿Qué otra acción llevó a cabo Jesús para restaurar completamente la visión del ciego? Jesús puso nuevamente sus manos sobre los ojos del ciego y le hizo mirar hacia arriba y su vista fue completamente restaurada (Marcos 8:25).
4. ¿Qué lecciones espirituales podemos aprender de la historia de la curación tardía del ciego? Debemos recordar que hasta que Jesús venga nuevamente y nos toque con la inmortalidad, solo vemos como a través de un espejo, oscuramente. También debemos recordar que en la vida cristiana crecemos de fe en fe, de modo que nuestro discernimiento espiritual (vista) debe aumentar junto con nuestra fe (mirar hacia arriba) (Lucas 17:5; Romanos 1:17; 1 Corintios 13:12; 15:51-53; Hebreos 5:11-14).
5. ¿Qué historia sigue que ilustra la necesidad de los discípulos de un segundo toque? Jesús preguntó a los discípulos quién pensaba la gente que era él y luego quién pensaban ellos que era, para llevarlos a un entendimiento de cuál sería la misión del Mesías en la tierra. Luego les dijo que el Mesías debía sufrir muchas cosas, ser rechazado por los líderes religiosos, ser matado y resucitar al tercer día. Ellos no creyeron ni entendieron esto hasta después de que Jesús resucitó de entre los muertos (Marcos 8:27-33; Lucas 24:33-34).
6. ¿Qué se atrevió a hacer Pedro cuando Jesús le explicó su misión como Mesías? Pedro le dijo con valentía al Señor que estaba totalmente equivocado (Marcos 8:32).
El costo del discipulado
7. Después de que Jesús les dijo a sus discípulos que debía sufrir, ser rechazado y ser asesinado, ¿a qué forma de muerte se refirió? Al decirles a sus discípulos lo que significaba seguirlo, Jesús se refirió a la crucifixión en una cruz (Marcos 8:34).
8. ¿Por qué Jesús usó un lenguaje tan gráfico para describir cómo debían vivir sus seguidores? Jesús dijo que sus seguidores debían negar sus propios intereses personales y estar preparados para el desprecio, el ridículo y la muerte porque los principios del reino de Satanás son exactamente los opuestos: autopreservación, interés propio y obtener todo lo que uno pueda para sí mismo, y aquellos en su reino terminarán siendo destruidos eternamente. Los contrastes son extremadamente serios (Marcos 8:34-38).
9. ¿Cómo describió Jesús el futuro de aquellos que abandonan las ganancias terrenales para seguirlo? Aquellos que abandonan las ganancias terrenales para seguir a Jesús recibirán vida eterna y gloria cuando Jesús regrese en gloria con sus santos ángeles (Marcos 8:34-38).
10. ¿Qué imagen de gloria eterna siguió a la descripción de Jesús del estilo de vida de sus discípulos? Jesús se reveló a tres de sus discípulos en una gloria blanca y brillante en el monte de la transfiguración con Moisés y Elías (que representan a los santos del Antiguo Testamento) presentes (Marcos 9:1-4).
11. ¿A quién dijo Dios que los discípulos necesitaban escuchar especialmente? Dios dijo que los discípulos debían escuchar a Jesús, a quien Pedro había reprendido recientemente y su declaración acerca de “resucitar de entre los muertos” no entendían (Marcos 9:8-10).
Pensamiento nublado
12. De regreso en el valle, ¿qué problema tenían los otros nueve discípulos? Los nueve, que ya habían expulsado muchos demonios en su primer viaje misionero, no pudieron expulsar un espíritu mudo de un niño (Marcos 9:14-27; 3:15; Mateo 10:1).
13. Después de sanar al niño poseído por el demonio, ¿qué les dijo Jesús a sus discípulos? Jesús les dijo que ese tipo de espíritu mudo solo puede ser eliminado con oración y ayuno. Los discípulos probablemente necesitaron más de esto para entender lo que Jesús dijo también acerca de su muerte y resurrección (Marcos 9:28-32).
14. ¿De qué estaban hablando los discípulos mientras viajaban de regreso a Capernaúm? En lugar de discutir lo que Jesús quiso decir con morir y resucitar al tercer día, estaban discutiendo cuál de ellos era el más importante (Marcos 9:33-34).
15. Sabiendo lo que los discípulos habían estado discutiendo, ¿qué lección les dio Jesús? Jesús les enseñó que en su reino, servir humildemente a los demás es lo más importante (Marcos 9:35-37).
16. ¿Qué dos ejemplos de servicio humilde dio Jesús? Dar de beber a un discípulo de Jesús y animar (en lugar de desanimar) a un joven creyente en Jesús son dos formas de servir humildemente a los demás (Marcos 9:38-42).
17. ¿Cómo enfatizó Jesús la extrema importancia de no ofender en el reino de Dios? Jesús sugirió que sería mejor ahogarse en el mar o perder un miembro o un ojo que ofender a Dios o a uno de sus hijos (Marcos 9:42-48).
18. ¿Qué opción les dio Jesús a los que seguirán siendo transgresores en el reino de Dios? Jesús sólo ofreció el fuego consumidor del infierno a los transgresores. Si no somos limpiados por las pruebas de fuego de la vida, entonces la convicción ardiente del Espíritu de Dios nos atormentará hasta que muramos eternamente. Los vencedores morarán eternamente “entre las piedras de fuego” porque han sido salados con gracia y tienen paz unos con otros (Marcos 9:43-50; Levítico 2:13; Ezequiel 28:14; Gálatas 1:3; Colosenses 4:6).
by Rick Marin | Aug 14, 2024 | 2024 3rd Quarter
What is the unquenchable fire?
(Mark 8:22 – 9:50; Leviticus 2:13; 1 Corinthians 13:12; Colossians 4:6) Blog Aug. 11-17, 2024
Prepared by Richard A. Marin: <>
REVIEW: Mark shows Jesus healing the sick, casting out demons, teaching in parables, and conflicting with the religious leaders over their formal religion that placed tradition over the Word of God.
Seeing Clearly
1. When a blind man is brought to Jesus for healing in Bethsaida, what does Jesus do? Jesus leads the blind man out of town by the hand, spits in his eyes & touches them (Mark 8:22-23).
2. What results does the blind man experience from Jesus’ spit and touch? The blind man is able to see partially, but men appear as trees walking (Mark 8:23-24).
3. What further action did Jesus take that restored the blind man’s vision completely? Jesus again put his hands upon the blind man’s eyes & made him look up & his sight was completely restored (Mark 8:25).
4. What spiritual lessons might we learn from the story of the blind man’s delayed healing? We should remember that until Jesus comes again & touches us with immortality we only see as through a glass darkly. We should also remember that in the Christian life we grow from faith to faith so that our spiritual discernment (eyesight) must increase together with our faith (looking up) (Luke 17:5; Rom. 1:17; 1 Cor. 13:12; 15:51-53; Heb. 5:11-14).
5. What story follows that illustrates the disciples need of a second touch? Jesus asked the disciples who people thought he was & then who they thought he was, to draw them into an understanding of what the Messiah’s mission would be on earth. Then he told them that the Messiah was to suffer many things, be rejected by the religious leaders, be killed, & rise the third day. They did not believe nor understand this until after Jesus rose from the dead (Mark 8:27-33; Luke 24:33-34).
6. What did Peter dare to do when Jesus explained his mission as Messiah? Peter boldly told the Lord that he was all wrong (Mark 8:32).
The Cost of Discipleship
7. After Jesus told his disciples that he must suffer, be rejected, and be killed, to what form of death did he refer? In telling his disciples what following him meant, Jesus referred to crucifixion on a cross (Mark 8:34).
8. Why did Jesus use such graphic language to describe how his followers should live? Jesus said that his followers should deny their own personal interests & be prepared for scorn, ridicule, & death because the principles of Satan’s kingdom are just the opposite: self-preservation, self-interest, & getting everything you can for yourself, And those in his kingdom will end up being eternally destroyed. The contrasts are extremely serious (Mark 8:34-38).
9. How did Jesus describe the future of those who forsake earthly gain to follow him? Those who forsake earthly gain to follow Jesus will receive eternal life & glory when Jesus returns in glory with his holy angels (Mark 8:34-38).
10. What picture of eternal glory followed Jesus’ description of the lifestyle of his disciples? Jesus was revealed to three of his disciples in shining, white glory on the mount of transfiguration with Moses & Elijah (representing Old Testament saints) present (Mark 9:1-4).
11. To whom did God say that the disciples especially needed to listen? God said that the disciples needed to listen to Jesus, whom Peter had recently rebuked & whose statement about “rising from the dead” they didn’t understand (Mark 9:8-10).
Clouded Thinking
12. Back in the valley what problem did the nine other disciples have? The nine, who had already cast out many daemons on their first missionary journey, were unable to cast out a dumb spirit from a little boy (Mark 9:14-27; 3:15; Matt. 10:1).
13. After healing the devil-possessed boy what did Jesus tell his disciples? Jesus told them that that kind of dumb spirit can only be removed by prayer & fasting. The disciples probably needed more of these to understand what Jesus said about his death & resurrection also (Mark 9:28-32).
14. What were the disciples discussing while travelling back to Capernaum? Rather than discussing what Jesus meant by being killed & rising the third day, they were discussing which of them was most important (Mark 9:33-34).
15. Knowing what the disciples had been discussing, what lesson did Jesus give them? Jesus taught them that in his kingdom humbly serving others was the most important thing (Mark 9:35-37).
16. What two examples of humble service did Jesus give? Giving a drink to a disciple of Jesus & encouraging (rather than discouraging) a young believer in Jesus are two ways to humbly serve others (Mark 9:38-42).
17. How did Jesus emphasize the extreme importance of not offending in God’s kingdom? Jesus suggested that it would be better to drown in the sea or lose a limb or eye than to offend God or one of his children (Mark 9:42-48).
18. What option did Jesus give to those who were offenders in God’s kingdom? Jesus only offered the consuming fire of hell to offenders. If we are not cleansed from by life’s fiery trials then the fiery conviction of God’s Spirit will torment us till we die eternally. Overcomers will dwell eternally “midst the stones of fire” for they have been salted with grace & have peace one with another (Mark 9:43-50; Lev. 2:13; Eze. 28:14; Gal. 1:3; Col. 4:6).
by Rick Marin | Aug 7, 2024 | 3Q2024S
¿Por qué Jesús gimió?
(Marcos 7:1 – 8:21; Éxodo 20:12; Isaías 29:13) Blog Aug. 04-10, 2024
Preparado por Ricardo Marín – <>
REPASO: Cuando Marcos describe a Jesús sanando a los enfermos, expulsando demonios, enseñando en parábolas y en conflicto con los religiosos de su época, enfatiza continuamente la necesidad de la fe y la divinidad de Jesús.
1. En Marcos 7, ¿qué falta encontraron los escribas y fariseos en los discípulos de Jesús? Criticaron a los discípulos por no guardar la tradición de los ancianos al no lavarse las manos antes de comer (Marcos 7:1-5).
2. ¿Cuál era la tradición de los ancianos con respecto al lavado de manos? La tradición de los ancianos no era una cuestión de buena higiene al lavarse las manos antes de comer, sino que hacían numerosos lavados como un ritual religioso y ceremonial: como contar las cuentas del rosario o repeticiones vanas en la oración (Marcos 7:3-4; Mateo 6:7).
3. ¿Cómo respondió Jesús a la acusación de los escribas y fariseos? Jesús recordó a los acusadores que Isaías había hablado de ellos como hipócritas que honraban a Dios con sus labios mientras sus corazones estaban lejos de él e ilustró el problema haciendo referencia a su tradición de permitir que los hijos no mantuvieran a sus padres ancianos si primero prometían su dinero a la iglesia (Marcos 7:6-13; Isaías 29:13).
4. ¿Qué dijo Jesús que perdió su valor debido a las tradiciones de los ancianos? Fue la Palabra de Dios la que perdió su valor por las tradiciones de los ancianos (Marcos 7:13; Éxodo 20:12).
5. ¿De dónde dice Jesús que proviene la verdadera contaminación? Jesús dijo que la verdadera contaminación no proviene de lo que comemos sino de lo que sale de nuestro corazón (Marcos 7:14-23).
6. ¿Sobre qué base podía Jesús decir que el corazón humano era tan malvado? Jesús sabía que Jeremías había escrito que el corazón era desesperadamente malvado (Marcos 7:21-22; Jeremías 17:9).
7. ¿Describe Marcos 7:21-22 el corazón de Jesús? No, porque desde la concepción Jesús tenía un corazón puro: una naturaleza humana sin pecado (Prov. 16:5; 21:4; Mateo 7:11; Lucas 1:35; Heb. 7:26; 1 Ped. 1:19).
8. ¿Quién encontró a Jesús cuando buscaba aislamiento en una casa cerca de Tiro y Sidón? Una madre sirofenicia encontró a Jesús en la casa y le pidió que expulsara el espíritu inmundo de su hija (Marcos 7:24-26).
9. ¿Cómo respondió Jesús a la mujer sirofenicia? Jesús dijo: “Deja primero que se sacien los hijos, porque no está bien tomar el pan de los hijos y echarlo a los perrillos” (Marcos 7:27).
10. ¿Por qué Jesús le respondió así a la madre? Jesús sabía que, como madre, ella entendería su declaración y quería enseñar a sus discípulos que la salvación de Dios era también para los no judíos, así que expresó los sentimientos de sus corazones de que Jesús sólo vino para bendecir a los judíos (Marcos 7:27; Hechos 1:6; 10:9-20).
11. ¿Qué mostró la respuesta de la madre a Jesús? Al aceptar el puesto de perrillo debajo de la mesa, la madre sirofenicia mostró su humildad, fe y persistencia (Marcos 7:28).
Pensamiento correcto
12. Al regresar a Decápolis, donde muchos habían respondido al testimonio de los hombres endemoniados, ¿quién fue llevado a Jesús para ser sanado? Le trajeron a Jesús un sordomudo y le pidieron que lo tocara (Marcos 7:31-32).
13. ¿Por qué Jesús gimió antes de sanar al sordomudo? Al mirar al cielo, Jesús reconoció el deseo de Dios de que todos los hombres abrieran sus ojos para creer en él y usaran sus lenguas para expresar su alabanza, pero gimió porque muchos se negaron a escuchar o a hablar su alabanza (Marcos 7:34; Eze. 21:7; Dan. 4:34; 2 Ped. 3:9).
14. Cuando Jesús quiso alimentar a la multitud que había estado con él durante tres días, ¿por qué sus discípulos no le ofrecieron inmediatamente lo que tenían? Ya habían olvidado cómo Jesús alimentó a los 5000 y tenían prejuicios sobre alimentar a estas personas ya que no eran judíos (Marcos 8:1-4).
15. Al regresar al lado galileo del lago, ¿quién se encontró con Jesús pidiendo una señal de su mesianismo? Un grupo de fariseos vino pidiendo una señal, pero Jesús, después que gimió profundamente, no les ofreció ninguna. Su incredulidad sobrepasaría cualquier señal que él pudiera darles (Marcos 8:10-13).
16. ¿Cuál es la levadura de los fariseos de la cual Jesús advirtió a sus discípulos mientras cruzaban el lago? La levadura de los fariseos es el orgullo y la hipocresía. Los discípulos solo pensaban en el pan físico, pero Jesús estaba tratando de mostrarles que cuando los fariseos pedían una señal, solo estaban tratando de leudar las mentes de las personas con la idea de que Jesús no era el verdadero Mesías mientras se exaltaban a sí mismos (Marcos 8:14-21; Lucas 12:1).
by Rick Marin | Aug 7, 2024 | 2024 3rd Quarter
Why did Jesus sigh?
(Mark 7:1 – 8:21; Exodus 20:12; Isaiah 29:13) Blog Aug. 04-10, 2024
Prepared by Richard A. Marin: <>
REVIEW: When Mark pictures Jesus healing the sick, casting out demons, teaching in parables, and conflicting with the religionists of his day, he continually emphasizes the need of faith and the divinity of Jesus.
1. In Mark 7 what fault did the Scribes and Pharisees find with Jesus’ disciples? They faulted the disciples for not keeping the tradition of the elders by not washing their hands before eating (Mark 7:1-5).
2. What was the tradition of the elders regarding hand washing? The tradition of the elders was not a matter of good hygiene in washing their hands before eating, but rather they did numerous washings as a religious, ceremonial ritual like counting rosary beads or vain repetitions in prayer (Mark 7:3-4; Matt. 6:7).
3. How did Jesus respond to the accusation of the scribes and Pharisees? Jesus reminded the accusers that Isaiah had spoken of them as hypocrites who honored God with their lips while their hearts were far from him & he illustrated the problem by referring to their tradition of allowing children to not support their aged parents if they first promised their money to the church (Mark 7:6-13; Isa. 29:13).
4. What did Jesus say lost its value because of the traditions of the elders? It was the Word of God that was made of no value by the traditions of the elders (Mark 7:13; Ex. 20:12).
5. Where does Jesus say that real defilement comes from? Jesus said that real defilement doesn’t come from what we eat but from what comes out of our hearts (Mark 7:14-23).
6. On what basis could Jesus say that the human heart was so wicked? Jesus new that Jeremiah had written that the heart was desperately wicked (Mark 7:21-22; Jer. 17:9).
7. Does Mark 7:21-22 describe Jesus’ heart? No, for from conception Jesus had an undefiled heart: a sinless human nature (Prov. 16:5; 21:4; Matt. 7:11; Luke 1:35; Heb. 7:26; 1 Pet. 1:19).
8. Who found Jesus when he was seeking seclusion in a house near Tyre and Sidon? A Syrophoenician mother found Jesus in the house & asked him to cast the unclean spirit out of her daughter (Mark 7:24-26).
9. How did Jesus answer the Syrophoenician woman? Jesus said: “Let the children first be filled; for it is not meat to take the children’s bread, and to cast it unto the dogs.” (Mark 7:27).
10. Why did Jesus answer the mother this way? Jesus knew that as a mother she would understand his statement & he wanted to teach his disciples that God’s salvation was also for non-Jews, so he expressed the sentiments of their hearts that Jesus only came to bless Jews (Mark 7:27; Acts 1:6; 10:9-20).
11. What did the mother’s response to Jesus show? By accepting the position of a dog under the table, the Syrophoenician mother showed her humility, faith, & persistence (Mark 7:28).
Right Thinking
12. When returning to Decapolis where many had responded to the testimony of the devil-possessed men, who was brought to Jesus for healing? They brought a deaf & dumb man to Jesus, asking that he touch him (Mark 7:31-32).
13. Why did Jesus sigh before healing the deaf & dumb man? By looking up to heaven Jesus acknowledged God’s desire that all men would open their eyes to believe in him & use their tongues to express his praise but he sighed because so many refused to hear or to speak his praise (Mark 7:34; Eze. 21:7; Dan. 4:34; 2 Pet. 3:9).
14. When Jesus desired to feed the multitude that had been with him for three days, why did his disciples not immediately offer him what they had? They had already forgotten how Jesus fed the 5000 & they were prejudiced about feeding these people since they were not Jews (Mark 8:1-4).
15. Upon returning to Galilean side of the lake, who met Jesus asking for a sign of his messiahship? A group of Pharisees came asking a sign but Jesus after sighing deeply offered them none. Their unbelief would surpass any sign he might give them (Mark 8:10-13).
16. What is the leaven of the Pharisees of which Jesus warned his disciples while crossing the lake? The leaven of the Pharisees is pride & hypocrisy. The disciples thought only of physical bread but Jesus was trying to show them that when the Pharisees asked for a sign they were only trying to leaven people’s minds with the idea that Jesus was not the true Messiah while exalting themselves (Mark 8:14-21; Luke 12:1).