Cosmic Conflict

Cosmic Conflict

Why didn’t God destroy Lucifer immediately?

(Isaiah 14:12-14; Daniel 7:25; Revelation 12:1-17) Blog Mar. 26 – Apr. 1, 2023

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

INTRODUCTION: God’s last call to humanity is given in the last half of the book of Revelation. This quarter we will look especially at the three angel’s messages as recorded in chapter 14. They tell us how to prepare for the events just before us.

          Its Origin

1. What first disturbed the peace of the universe? Heaven’s brightest angel let pride control his heart. That led him to covet God’s throne. Next, he led a full rebellion against God (Isa. 14:12-14).

2. How did God respond to Lucifer’s rebellion? By observing God’s dealing with Cain, we know that God spoke to Lucifer about his defection, that he warned him of where it would lead, & that he told him the remedy (Gen. 4:5-7; Deut. 32:4; Psa. 145:17).

3. When other methods failed to dissuade Lucifer, what course was God forced to take? When Lucifer decided to control heaven by force, God, in the Person of his Son was forced to fight against Lucifer and the angels that sided with him (Eze. 28:16; Rev. 12:7-9).

4. What was the result of the great battle that took place in heaven? Lucifer & his angels lost the battle & were cast out of heaven to this earth (Rev. 12:4, 8, 9).

5. Why didn’t God destroy Lucifer immediately without letting him continue his rebellion on this earth? For the universe to understand the nature & results of Lucifer’s rebellion it was necessary for God to allow it to fully demonstrate its principles so that rebellion would never arise again (Nah. 1:9; Matt. 7:17-20; Rom. 2:4).

6. How did Lucifer’s rebellion enter this earth? When Adam, the federal head of humanity, ate the forbidden fruit, rebellion became a part of the human existence (Gen. 3:6; Rom. 5:12-14).

          Its Progress

7. Was Lucifer satisfied with his victory over Adam and Eve, or did he seek to develop further conflict on earth? Lucifer was not satisfied, but rather inspired hatred among the first family resulting in the death of Abel & continued hatred & conflict in future generations (Gen. 4:8, 23-24; 6:5).

8. What became the old serpent’s special object of attack after hearing God’s curse on him in Eden? Lucifer’s special object of attack became “the seed of the woman” from Abel’s day until Christ’s day (Gen. 3:15; 2 Kings 11:1-3; Matt. 2:13-16).

9. How does Revelation 12 describe Herod’s attempt to kill the Christ child? John in vision wrote: “the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.” (Matt. 2:13-16; Rev. 12:4).

10. In John’s vision, who does the woman clothed with the sun represent?                                                                                                                                                               The woman in Revelation 12 represents God’s church, for she is clothed in the righteousness of Christ & stands on the foundation of the twelve tribes of Israel, with the twelve apostles for a diadem (Gen. 37:9-10; Rev. 12:1).

11. What picture of the woman in history does John describe in Revelation twelve? John describes the repeated attacks of Satan against God’s church after Christ ascended to heaven, including the 1260 years of Papal supremacy when the church fled into the wilderness & was preserved by God (Num. 14:34; Dan. 7:25; Rev. 12:6, 13-16).

12. How does John describe Satan’s end game after God opened the Western Hemisphere for the persecuted woman to escape Papal persecution? John says: the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” (Rev. 12:17).

          Our Place

13. What two things characterize God’s true church? God’s true church is characterized by keeping the Ten Commandments & trusting in the gospel of Jesus (Rev. 12:17; 14:12).

14. With all Satan’s attacks against the members of God’s church, what hope do we have of overcoming? John tells us that other members of God’s church overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb & the word of their testimony, so we know that the devil is not invincible & that the blood of Jesus can cleanse us from all sin (1 John 1:7; Rev. 12:11)

15. When was Satan cast out of heaven? Satan was cast out of heaven into this formless world before God created life on this planet (Gen. 1:2; Rev. 12:9).

16. To what event does Revelation 12:10 refer? The day of salvation came when Christ was crucified. In anticipation of his death Jesus said: “I saw Satan as lightning fall from heaven (Luke 10:18; Rev. 12:10).

17. If Jesus already won the victory over Lucifer in heaven, what value does his death on the cross have? When Jesus came to earth, he came not as God alone. Rather his victory over Satan at the cross was accomplished as a human being. He took Adam’s place as federal head of humanity. His victory on earth is our victory if we believe in him (John 1:12; Rom. 5:15-18; 1 Cor. 15:21-22; Heb. 2:9-16).

18. How did Jesus express the power that his followers will have over Satan? He said, “I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:19).

19. How far will Satan go to destroy God’s people? Revelation 13 describes how the Papacy would war against the saints & “overcome them” & how American Pentecostalism would legislate embargoes against God’s people & even issue a death decree if they would not worship the Papacy or receive its mark (Rev. 13:7-8, 14-17).

Recompensas eternas

Recompensas eternas

¿Es posible que un cristiano pierda su recompensa eterna?

(Mateo 25:20-23; Romanos 6:23; 1 Cor. 3:11-15; Hebreos 11:6) Blog 18-25 Mar. 2023

Preparado por Ricardo Marín – Pregonero de Justicia PO Box 700, Fallbrook, CA  92088-0700 USA

REPASO: Somos hijos de Dios por creación y por redención y Dios nos ha confiado el cuidado de sus recursos. Diez por ciento de nuestros ingresos debemos devolverle para el sostenimiento de sus ministros ordenados. El 90% restante es nuestro para administrar sabiamente para su gloria. Esto incluye el avance del evangelio, la ayuda a los necesitados, el apoyo a nuestras familias y el cuidado de los extranjeros. Dado que somos codiciosos por naturaleza, debemos gobernar sobre la inclinación natural de nuestro corazón al hacer inversiones, dar ofrendas y planificar para el futuro.

Recompensas temporales

1. ¿Promete la Biblia que las personas serán recompensadas en esta vida? Sí, las personas reciben algunas recompensas en esta vida (Sal. 18:23-25; Prov. 11:35).

2. ¿Qué recompensas temporales provienen de hacer el bien? En esta vida, las personas reciben salarios, hijos, cónyuges y múltiples bendiciones por hacer el bien (Gén. 39:5; Job 7:2; Sal. 127:3; Luc. 3:14).

3. ¿Qué recompensas recibieron los levitas por su servicio en el templo? Los levitas recibieron una porción de las ofrendas del pueblo como recompensa por sus servicios (Núm. 18:30-31).

4. ¿Cómo describió Jesús las recompensas que recibirán en esta vida quienes lo sigan? Jesús dijo que aquellos que abandonan a las personas o las cosas por su causa recibirán cien veces más en esta vida y heredará después la vida eterna (Mat. 19:29; Mar. 10:29-30).

5. ¿Qué alegrías terrenales dijo Salomón que la gente podría tener en esta vida? Salomón dijo que en esta vida la gente puede disfrutar del matrimonio, el trabajo, la comida y la bebida (Ecl. 9:7-10).

6. ¿Dónde recibirán buenas recompensas los incrédulos? Las buenas recompensas para los incrédulos solo se recibirán en esta vida (Sal. 17:14).

7. ¿Qué recompensa temporal reconoció como justa el ladrón en la cruz? El ladrón declaró que su sentencia de muerte era justa (Luc. 23:41).

Recompensas eternas

8. ¿Qué recompensa eterna reciben todos los creyentes por igual? Todos los creyentes recibirán por igual la recompensa de la vida eterna (Mat. 20:9-10; Rom. 6:23; Gál. 6:8).

9. Además de la dádiva de la vida eterna, ¿para qué más da Dios recompensas eternas? Además de la vida eterna, Dios recompensa a los creyentes por las buenas obras realizadas mientras están en esta tierra (2 Cor. 5:10).

10. ¿Qué base debemos establecer primero antes de que Dios pueda darnos recompensas eternas? Antes de que Dios pueda darnos recompensas eternas, debemos tener a Jesús como nuestro Salvador porque él es el fundamento sobre el cual edificamos (1 Cor. 3:11-15).

11. ¿De acuerdo con qué da Dios recompensas eternas? Dios da recompensas eternas de acuerdo con nuestras obras (Isa. 3:11; Mat. 16:27; 1 Cor. 3:8; 2 Tim. 4:14).

12. ¿Qué clase de buenas obras dijo Jesús que no recibirían recompensas eternas? Jesús enseñó que las buenas obras hechas para impresionar a otros no recibirían recompensas eternas (Mat. 6:1-6, 16-18).

13. ¿Dónde recibirán los justos sus recompensas eternas? Los justos recibirán su recompensa eterna en el cielo (Mat. 5:12; Apoc. 22:12).

14. ¿A qué recompensa se refiere Pablo en Romanos 4:4? Pablo está hablando de la recompensa de la vida eterna que se da a todos los que creen en Jesús y no de las recompensas que Dios da por nuestro servicio a él (Rom. 4:4).

15. ¿Qué recompensa final tiene Dios para los que lo odian? Dios, en misericordia, dará destrucción eterna a aquellos que lo odian (Deut. 32:41-43; Rom. 6:23).

Juicio por recompensas

16. ¿Cómo determina Dios qué recompensas eternas dar a las personas? Es mediante el juicio investigador que Dios determina las recompensas eternas (2 Crón. 6:23; Sal. 58:11; 2 Cor. 5:10).

17. ¿Qué sucede con las obras inútiles de los justos? Las obras inútiles de los justos son consumidas por las llamas del juicio y solo sus buenas obras son recompensadas (1 Cor. 3:11-15).

18. ¿Cuáles son los sacrificios que agradan a Dios que debemos ofrecer en el altar del cielo? Debemos ofrecer los sacrificios de alabanza a Dios, de dar gracias a su nombre, de hacer el bien y de comunicar el Evangelio a los demás. Estos son los sacrificios que agradan a Dios (Heb. 13:15-16; 1 Ped. 2:5).

19. ¿Qué debe agregarse a todas nuestras buenas obras para que sean aceptables a Dios? Todas nuestras buenas obras deben ser purificadas por la sangre de Cristo antes de que puedan ser aceptables ante Dios (Ecl. 7:20; Heb. 13:15; 1 Ped. 2:5).

20. ¿Es posible que un cristiano pierda su recompensa eterna? Sí, si se aparta de Dios y es engañado para ganar su salvación por sus obras, entonces todas sus buenas obras no serán recordadas ni recompensadas (Eze. 18:24; 33:13; Col. 2:18; 2 Ped. 2:21-22; 2 Juan 1:7-9).

21. ¿Qué galardón sobremanera grande prometió Dios a Abrahán? Dios le prometió a Abraham que él mismo sería su galardón sobremanera grande (Gén. 15:1).

Recompensas eternas

Eternal Rewards

Is it possible that a Christian could lose their eternal reward?

(Matthew 25:20-23; Romans 6:23; 1 Cor. 3:11-15; Hebrews 11:6) Blog 18-25 Mar. 2023

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

REVIEW: We are children of God by creation and by redemption and God has entrusted us with the care of his resources. Ten percent of our income we are to return to him for the support of his ordained ministers. The 90% remaining is ours to manage wisely for his glory. This includes gospel advance, help for the needy, support of our families, and the care of strangers. Since we are covetous by nature we must rule over the natural inclination of our hearts as we make investments, give offerings, and plan for the future.

Temporal Rewards

1. Does the Bible promise that people will be rewarded in this life? Yes, people do receive some rewards in this life (Psa. 18:23-25; Prov. 11:35).

2. What temporal rewards come from doing good? In this life people receive wages, children, spouses, & multiple blessings from doing good (Gen. 39:5; Job 7:2; Psa. 127:3; Luke 3:14).

3. What rewards did the Levites receive for their service in the temple? The Levites received a portion of the people’s offerings as the reward for their services (Num. 18:30-31).

4. How did Jesus describe the rewards that those who follow him will receive in this life? Jesus said that those who forsake people or things for his sake will receive an hundredfold in this life before receiving everlasting life (Matt. 19:29; Mark 10:29-30).

5. What earthly joys did Solomon say people could have in this life? Solomon said that in this life people can enjoy marriage, work, food, & drink (Eccl. 9:7-10).

6. Where will unbelievers receive good rewards? The good rewards for unbelievers will only be received in this life (Psa. 17:14).

7. What temporal reward did the thief on the cross acknowledge to be just? The thief declared that their death sentence was just (Luke 23:41).

        Eternal Rewards

8. What eternal reward do all believers receive alike? All believers equally receive the reward of eternal life (Matt. 20:9-10; Rom. 6:23; Gal. 6:8).

9. Besides the gift of eternal life, for what else does God give eternal rewards? Besides eternal life God also rewards believers for the good deeds done while on this earth (2 Cor. 5:10).

10. What basis must we first establish before God can give us eternal rewards? Before God can give us eternal rewards we must have Jesus as our Saviour for he is the foundation on which we build (1 Cor. 3:11-15)

11. In accord with what does God give eternal rewards? God gives eternal rewards according to our works (Isa. 3:11; Matt. 16:27; 1 Cor. 3:8; 2 Tim. 4:14).

12. What kind of good deeds did Jesus say would not receive eternal rewards? Jesus taught that the good deeds done to impress others would receive no eternal rewards (Matt. 6:1-6, 16-18).

13. Where will the righteous receive their eternal rewards? The righteous will receive their eternal rewards in heaven (Matt. 5:12; Rev. 22:12).

14. What reward is Paul referring to in Romans 4:4? Paul is talking about the reward of eternal life that is given to all who believe in Jesus & not to the rewards God gives for our service to him (Rom. 4:4).

15. What final reward does God have for those who hate him? God, in mercy, will give eternal destruction to those who hate him (Deut. 32:41-43; Rom. 6:23).

        Judgment for Rewards

16. How does God determine what eternal rewards to give people? It is by investigative judgment that God determines eternal rewards (2 Chron. 6:23; Psa. 58:11; 2 Cor. 5:10).

17. What happens to the worthless deeds of the righteous? The worthless deeds of the righteous are consumed by the flames of judgment & only their good deeds are rewarded (1 Cor. 3:11-15).

18. What are the sacrifices that please God that we are to offer on heaven’s altar? We are to offer the sacrifices of praise to God, of giving thanks to his name, of doing good, & of communicating the Gospel to others. These are the sacrifices that please God (Heb. 13:15-16; 1 Pet. 2:5).

19. What must be added to all our good deeds if they are to be acceptable to God? All our good deeds must be purified by the blood of Christ before they can be acceptable to God (Eccl. 7:20; Heb. 13:15; 1 Pet. 2:5).

20. Is it possible that a Christian could lose their eternal reward? Yes, if they turn away from God & are deceived into earning their salvation by their works then all their good deeds will not be remembered or rewarded (Eze. 18:24; 33:13; Col. 2:18; 2 Pet. 2:21-22; 2 John 1:7-9).

21. What exceeding great reward did God promise Abraham? God promised Abraham that he, himself would be his exceeding great reward (Gen. 15:1).

Crisis financieras

Crisis financieras

¿Cómo podemos evitar crisis financieras?

(1 Crón. 21:1-14; 2 Crón. 20:1-22; 2 Pedro 3:3-12; Apocalipsis 13:11-17) Blog Mar. 12-18, 2023

Preparado por Ricardo Marín – Pregonero de Justicia PO Box 700, Fallbrook, CA  92088-0700 USA

REPASO: Dios es generoso, pero nosotros somos codiciosos. Para que seamos generosos debemos gobernar sobre las inclinaciones naturales de nuestro corazón. Solo los hijos de Dios nacidos de nuevo están habilitados y animados a hacer esto. A medida que hacemos inversiones, damos ofrendas y planificamos para la madurez, continuamente necesitaremos gobernar sobre nuestra codicia.

Cuando vienen tiempos difíciles

1. ¿Cuáles son las causas comunes de las crisis financieras? Las causas comunes de las crisis financieras son la pereza, los problemas de salud, las malas inversiones, los robos, los incendios de casas, la destrucción por desastres naturales y la agitación política (Mat. 6:19; 24:7).

2. ¿Cómo podríamos evitar algunas crisis financieras? Si nuestra crisis se debe a la pereza, podemos volvernos diligentes cambiando nuestros hábitos. Podemos evitar problemas de salud viviendo en armonía con las leyes de salud de Dios. Podemos evitar malas inversiones buscando el consejo de Dios antes de hacerlas. Pero la mayoría de las causas de las crisis financieras son inevitables (Ex. 15:26; Prov. 3:5-6; 11:14-15; 19:15; Juan 16:33).

3. ¿Qué hizo el rey Josafat cuando se enfrentó a una gran crisis militar? Josafat oró a Dios y le recordó el trato justo de Judá hacia sus vecinos enemigos en el pasado (2 Crón. 20:1-13).

4. ¿Cómo convirtió Dios una gran crisis para el rey Josafat en una gran bendición financiera? Dios envió un mensaje a Josafat a través de un profeta y el pueblo de Dios se acercó al enemigo cantando y el enemigo se destruyó entre sí dejando todo el botín para el pueblo de Dios (2 Crón. 20:14-25).

5. ¿Qué debemos aprender de la crisis de Josafat? Debemos aprender que cuando nos enfrentamos a una crisis, primero debemos buscar la ayuda de Dios y luego obedecer a sus profetas (2 Crón. 20:20).

6. Cuando David decidió contar sus tropas en lugar de confiar en Dios para su defensa, ¿qué sucedió? Dios castigó a David por no confiar en él (1 Crón. 21:1-14).

7. ¿Qué ha prometido Dios para los que le aman y le sirven? Dios ha prometido no abandonar a sus hijos. Él ha prometido vestirlos y alimentarlos (Mat. 6:31-33; Heb. 13:5-6).

8. ¿Cómo cuidó Dios del profeta Elías cuando enfrentó una gran crisis? Dios usó cuervos, una viuda extranjera y ángeles para alimentar a Elías (1 Rey. 17:4-9; 19:5-8).

Prioridades Financieras

9. ¿Cómo deben responder los miembros de la familia cuando uno de ellos enfrenta una crisis financiera? Los miembros de la familia deben ayudarse unos a otros cuando se presenten crisis financieras (Lev. 25:47-49; 1 Tim. 5:8).

10. ¿Cómo deben responder los miembros de la iglesia cuando uno de ellos enfrenta una crisis financiera? Debemos ayudar a los demás levantando a los débiles, prestando sin interés y supliendo generosamente sus necesidades (Lev. 25:35; Deut. 15:12-14; Heb. 12:12).

11. ¿Cómo debe responder la iglesia cuando alguien en su comunidad enfrenta una crisis financiera? Debemos amar a los extraños y ayudarlos cuando estén en necesidad (Lev. 19:33-35; 25:35-36; Deut. 10:17-19; Matt. 25:35; Gál. 6:10).

12. ¿Qué hombres en el Antiguo Testamento se esforzaron por ayudar a los extranjeros pobres? Cuando Moisés huyó de Egipto sin nada, Jetro lo acogió y le dio empleo. Job les dio a los extranjeros pobres un lugar para pasar la noche y Booz hizo todo lo posible para ayudar a Rut, la extranjera que estaba en una crisis financiera (Ex. 2:15-21; Job 31:32; Rut 2:8-10).

Cuando no podemos comprar o vender

13. ¿Qué crisis financiera dice la Biblia que le sobrevendrá al pueblo de Dios en los últimos días? Apocalipsis dice que llegará un momento en que el pueblo de Dios no podrá comprar ni vender (Apoc. 13:16-17).

14. Además de perder nuestra fuente de ingresos, nuestra capacidad para vender propiedades y nuestra libertad para comprar alimentos, ¿en qué productos intangibles no podríamos comerciar? Al igual que en algunos países del mundo de hoy, es posible que no se nos permita comerciar (comprar o vender) la verdad y es posible que no podamos comprar la gracia del Espíritu Santo de Dios en ese momento (Prov. 23:23; Mat. 25:9).

15. ¿Qué debe hacer el pueblo de Dios antes de que ya no pueda comprar ni vender? Antes de que ya no podamos comprar ni vender, debemos estar llenos del Espíritu de Dios y ser diligentes en compartir la verdad. Debemos deshacernos de todas las propiedades y pertenencias innecesarias y usar las ganancias para hacer avanzar el reino de Dios (Isa. 2:20; Lucas 12:33).

16. ¿Cómo sobrevivirá el pueblo de Dios cuando ya no pueda comprar ni vender? Cuando el pueblo de Dios ya no pueda comprar ni vender, Dios los alimentará y protegerá (Isa. 33:16; Sal. 27:5; 37:39-40).

Crisis financieras

Financial Crises

How might we avoid some financial crises?

(1 Chron. 21:1-14; 2 Chron. 20:1-22; 2 Peter 3:3-12; Revelation 13:11-17) Blog Mar. 12-18, 2023

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

REVIEW: God is generous, but we are covetous. For us to be generous we must rule over the natural inclinations of our hearts. Only born-again children of God are enabled and encouraged to do this. As we make investments, give offerings, and plan for maturity we will continually need to rule over our covetousness.

When Hard Times Come

1. What are common causes of financial crises? Common causes of financial crises are slothfulness, health problems, bad investments, theft, house fires, destruction by natural disasters, & political upheaval (Matt. 6:19; 24:7).

2. How might we avoid some financial crises? If our crisis is due to slothfulness, we may become diligent by changing our habits. We may avoid health problems by living in harmony God’s laws of health. We may avoid bad investments by seeking godly counsel before making them. But most causes of financial crisis are unavoidable (Ex. 15:26; Prov. 3:5-6; 11:14-15; 19:15; John 16:33).

3. What did King Jehoshaphat do when faced with a great military crisis? Jehoshaphat prayed to God & reminded him of Judah’s fair treatment of their neighbor enemies in the past (2 Chron. 20:1-13).

4. How did God turn a great crisis for King Jehoshaphat into a great financial blessing? God sent Jehoshaphat a message through a prophet & God’s people approached the enemy with singing & the enemy destroyed each other leaving all the booty for God’s people (2 Chron. 20:14-25).

5. What should we learn from Jehoshaphat’s crisis? We should learn that when faced with a crisis we should first seek God’s help & then obey his prophets (2 Chron. 20:20).

6. When David chose to number his troops rather than trust God for his defense, what happened? God punished David for not trusting in him (1 Chron. 21:1-14).

7. What has God promised for those who love and serve him? God has promised not to forsake his children. He has promised to clothe & feed them (Matt. 6:31-33; Heb. 13:5-6).

8. How did God care for the prophet Elijah when he faced a great crisis? God used ravens, a foreign widow, & angels to feed Elijah (1 Kings 17:4-9; 19:5-8).

          Financial Priorities

9. How should family members respond when one of their number faces a financial crisis? Family members should help each other when financial crises come (Lev. 25:47-49; 1 Tim. 5:8).

10. How should church members respond when one of their number faces a financial crisis? We are to help others by lifting up the weak, by lending without interest, & by generously supplying their needs (Lev. 25:35; Deut. 15:12-14; Heb. 12:12).

11. How should the church respond when someone in their community faces a financial crisis? We are to love strangers & help them when they are in need (Lev. 19:33-35; 25:35-36; Deut. 10:17-19; Matt. 25:35; Gal. 6:10).

12. What men in the Old Testament went out of their way to help poor foreigners? When Moses fled from Egypt with nothing Jethro took him in & gave him employment. Job gave poor foreigners a place to spend the night & Boaz went out of his way to help Ruth the foreigner who was in a financial crisis (Ex. 2:15-21; Job 31:32; Ruth 2:8-10).

          When we cannot Buy or Sell

13. What financial crisis does the Bible say will come to God’s people in the last days? Revelation says there will come a time when God’s people will not be able to buy or sell (Rev. 13:16-17).

14. Besides losing our source of income, our ability to sell property, and our freedom to purchase food, in what intangible commodities might we also not be able to trade? Like in some countries of the world today we may not be allowed to trade (buy or sell) the truth & we may not be able to purchase the grace of God’s Holy Spirit at that time (Prov. 23:23; Matt. 25:9).

15. What should God’s people do before they can no longer buy or sell? Before we can no longer buy or sell, we should be filled with God’s Spirit & be diligent in sharing the truth. We should dispose of all unnecessary property & belongings & use the proceeds to advance God’s kingdom (Isa. 2:20; Luke 12:33).

16. How will God’s people survive when they can no longer buy or sell? When God’s people can no longer buy or sell God will feed & protect them (Isa. 33:16; Psa. 27:5; 37:39-40).