What must come before a person can choose life?

(Deut. 30:1-20; Rom. 10:6-10; 1 John 5:10-12) Blog Nov. 14-20, 2021

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

REVIEW:  In his farewell address Moses emphasized the importance of God’s covenant of love with his people. The words of this covenant are the Ten Commandments, and they begin with the words, “I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.” God’s graciousness is not only demonstrated in deliverance from bondage but also in the good results that come from obedience to his Law. It was these precepts that would make his people a great and wise nation. They were an expression of God’s love for his people, and he desired them to love him in return. God also promised to care for them and to deliver them from every foe and they were to show special care for widows, the fatherless, and strangers.

The Contrast

1. As Moses concludes his discourse what contrast does he present to God’s people? Moses presents a contrast between “life & good” or “death & evil” (Deut. 30:15).

2. What does Moses consider is “life and good”? For Moses “life & good” is to love (obey) God with all your heart & soul thus receiving all God’s blessings (Deut. 30:6, 9).

3. How does Moses say that we should enter the good life? Moses says that we enter the good life by choosing it (Deut. 30:19).

4. What does Moses say will be the result of choosing life? Moses says that those who choose life will then be able to love God, obey his voice, & cleave to him (Deut. 30:20).

5. What does the Apostle Paul say must come before a person can choose life? Paul says that no one can choose life except they hear the Gospel first (Rom. 10:14-17; Eph. 1:13).

6. Why does no one have an excuse for not believing the Gospel? Paul & David say that creation & the worldwide preaching of the Gospel leave no one with an excuse for unbelief (Psa. 19:1-6; Rom. 1:19-20; 10:18).

7. How does Moses say a person can be led to abandon the worship of the true God? Moses says that a person can be led to abandon true worship by exalting “nature” above God, by forgetting God, by being deceived, or by not continually listening to God (Deut. 4:19; 8:19; 11:16).

8. According to the book of Revelation over what issue will the final test for the world come? The world’s final test will be over the issue of worship, which is outlined in the first four commandments (Rev. 13-14).

The Knowledge

9. What must a person know before they can obey God’s Law? In order to obey God’s law a person must know what the Law requires (Psa. 25:4-5; Eph. 5:17; James 4:17).

10. In Deuteronomy 30:11-14 what does Moses emphasize about the Law? Moses emphasizes that the commandments are right before the people’s eyes so that they have no excuse for not knowing how to live according to God’s will (Deut. 30:11-14).

11. What does the Apostle Paul in Romans say is right before our eyes? Paul says that the righteousness which comes through faith is right before our eyes for it is clearly revealed in the Gospel (Rom. 10:6-8).

12. Why would Paul change the meaning of Moses’ words from “Law” to “Gospel”? Paul is a minister of the New Covenant whereas Moses was a minister of the Old Covenant, so Paul wants to show us that our hope of eternal life is in believing & confessing the Gospel rather than in our obedience to the Law (Rom. 10:9-13; John 17:3; 1 John 5:11-12).

The Means or Ability

13. What other Bible authors make the same contrast as Moses, between “life & good” or “death & evil”? Solomon, Jeremiah, Paul, & John all present the contrast between “life & good” or “death & evil” (Prov. 11:19; Jer. 21:8; Rom. 6:23; 1 John 5:12).

14. What other options apart from “life & good” or “death & evil” do we have in this life or the future life? There are no other options apart from “life & good” or “death & evil”. There is no limbo or purgatory: therefore, choose life (Deut. 30:19; Prov. 12:14).

15. When Moses tells God’s people to choose life who does he call for witnesses to God’s covenant appeal? Moses calls heaven and earth as witnesses to the fact that God has offered his people life in the everlasting covenant (Deut. 30:19).

16. Under which of the two options offered by Moses, Solomon, Jeremiah, Paul, and John, are we born? We are born condemned to eternal death (Psa. 51:5; Rom. 5:12-17).

17. What is the only means by which we can change from eternal death to eternal life? The only means by which we can change from condemnation to justification is by faith in Jesus (Rom.5:1-5; 8:1).