(Ex. 18:13-22; Matt. 5:5; 11:20-30; Gal. 5:1; 6:1-2) Blog July 25-31, 2021

What is there about Jesus’ yoke that brings rest?

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

REVIEW: Daily cares, striving for selfish desires, complaining, and being discontent with God’s provision, his appointed leaders, his despised messengers, or with God himself all rob us of time for rest. Not only these things, but also trying to appear what we are not and trying to hide our sins rather than confessing them also deprive us of time for much-needed rest. Since we were created to experience daily and weekly rest then a lack of proper rest only separates us from our Creator. The weekly Sabbath rest that God made for us in the beginning is also a picture of resting in Jesus’ work for our salvation rather than personally striving to save ourselves.

The Offer Matt. 23:4;

1. In Matthew 11 what does Jesus offer? Jesus offers rest (Matt. 11:28).

2. If God already gave us a nightly rest and a weekly rest at creation, what kind of rest is Jesus offering in Matthew 11? If everything that God made in the beginning was very good & continued that way, meeting humanity’s every need until sin entered our world, then Jesus must be offering a rest that we need because of sin (Gen. 1:31; Psa. 38:3-4).

3. Just before Jesus offers rest in Matthew 11 what two things has he been speaking about? Jesus has been speaking about our need for repentance in the light of abundant evidence & our need for knowing the Father who only reveals himself to the humble (Matt. 11:20-27).

4. To whom does Jesus offer rest? Jesus offers rest to those who labor & are heavy laden (Matt. 11:28).

5. Since sin entered this world what heavy burden do people often carry? Besides the normal cares of this life, people carry the burden of sin & guilt (Isa. 1:4; 59:2; Psa. 38:3-4).

6. What work (labor) are all of us to be involved in in this life? We are all to be involved in the work of purifying ourselves so that our lives continually increase in holiness (2 Cor. 7:1; Phil. 3:12-14; 1 Pet. 1:13-16).

7. What must the rest that Jesus offers in Matthew 11 include? The rest that Jesus offers must include rest from the burden of sin & help in the work of purifying our souls for he offers us his yoke also (Matt. 11:29-30.

The Conditions

8. What is the first condition for receiving the rest that Jesus offers? In order to receive the rest that Jesus offers, one must first admit that they are working for something & are carrying a heavy burden (Matt. 11:28).

9. When a person realizes their need then what does Jesus tell them to do? Jesus tells those who realize their need: to come to him (Isa. 55:1; Matt. 11:28).

10. Besides realizing our need and coming to Jesus what else is included in the transaction that brings us rest? With his offer of rest Jesus lifts our heavy burden and gives us his yoke to bear (Psa. 55:22; Matt. 11:29).

11. What is there about Jesus’ yoke that brings rest? Jesus’ yoke brings us rest because he bore all our sins in his body on the cross & he shares with us the burden of purifying our souls, making the yoke easy (Ex. 31:13; Matt. 11:29; Acts 15:28-29; 1 Pet. 2:24).

12. What characteristics of Jesus make sharing a yoke with him a pleasant experience? Because Jesus is meek & lowly in heart he carries much more than an equal portion of the load making the load light for us while renewing our energy, making bearing his yoke a very pleasant experience (Matt. 11:29; Rom. 6:16).

13. How does the prophet Isaiah describe the unity of divinity with humanity in carrying Christ’s yoke? He says that the high & holy God “dwells with him that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones (Isa. 57:15).

14. In order to better enjoy bearing Jesus’ yoke what does he tell us to do? Jesus tells us to learn humility from him for in humble service we will find our greatest joy (Matt. 11:28; Phil.2:17).

The Results Rom. 6:22

15. What means has God used to make bearing Christ’s yoke a pleasant experience? God has sent angels to warn & instruct believers, given his Holy Spirit to indwell believers for their sanctification & instructive guidance, & he has sent other human beings to help us in living the Christian life (Gen. 16:11; Isa. 58:6; Gal. 6:2).

16. Who did God send with wise counsel to Moses so his burdens could be lightened? God sent Moses’ father-in-law to suggest a wise plan for handling the people’s problems (Ex. 18:13-27; Num. 11:11; Gal. 6:1-2).

17. What did Jesus say that the Holy Spirit would do for his disciples? Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would convict the world of sin, of righteousness, & of judgment & that he would guide believers into all truth & teach us about Jesus & things to come (John 16:7-15).

18. What is “the Law of Christ” in which we bear one another’s burdens? The Law of Christ is the same as the Law of his Father – to love God with all one’s heart & mind & soul & to love our neighbor as ourselves, just as Jesus demonstrated in his life on earth (Matt. 22:36-40; John 13:34; Gal. 6:2).

19. What is the yoke of bondage that unbelievers have to carry all alone? The yoke of bondage is the impossible duty of perfectly obeying God’s Law & for the Jews the yoke also included all the laws of Moses which Peter said his people had never been able to keep (Acts 15:10; Gal.3:10; 4:9; 5:1).

20. What yoke had the religious leaders of Christ’s day placed on their church members? The religious leaders of Christ’s day added foolish restrictions to God’s Law that became heavy & difficult burdens for the members of their church (Matt. 23:4, 13-31). 21. What is the result of bearing Christ’s yoke? The fruit of bearing Christ’s yoke is our sanctification & eternal life (Rom. 6:22).