Through what means did the people of Nineveh find rest?

(Jonah 1-4; Acts 5:31; ) Blog Sep. 12-18, 2021

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

REVIEW: Out of love for humanity God gave times to rest in his presence. He gave us daily, weekly, and annual periods of rest. This does not mean that we should cease from living godly lives, doing good to others, nor of daily communion with him. But he is especially desirous that we remember our weekly covenant renewal with him by ceasing from our weekly employment on his holy Sabbath day. Since sin entered this world our need of rest has not only increased but factors that hinder rest have also increased.

Seeking Rest in the Wrong Places

1. When God called the prophet Jonah to go preach in the wicked city of Nineveh, what did he do? Jonah bought passage to sail far away to Tarshish (Jonah 1:1-3).

2. When Jonah sought rest apart from God’s will, how did God respond? God sent a mighty storm to the sea on which Jonah was sailing (Jonah 1:4).

3. Where was Jonah peacefully resting when the storm struck the ship in which he was sailing? Jonah was fast asleep below deck when the storm struck the ship (Jonah 1:5).

4. How did God remedy Jonah’s reluctance to remain in “the presence of the Lord”? God pursued Jonah & prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah up when he was thrown overboard by the reluctant mariners. In the fish’s belly God gave Jonah a three-day unexpected “rest” (Jonah 1:17).

5. In what wrong place did King Saul seek rest? King Saul sought rest from his worries by going to the witch of Endor (1 Sam. 28:7).

6. How do many today seek Sabbath rest in the wrong place? Many. Moslems seek Sabbath rest on Friday & Catholics seek Sabbath rest on Sunday, but God placed Sabbath rest on Saturday (Matt. 28:1; Mark 2:27-28; 16:1-2; Luke 23:56).

Unexpected Rest

7. Where did God give Noah rest? God gave Noah rest for over a year in the ark that he had worked 120 years to build (Gen. 7:7, 11; 8:14).

8. In what unlikely place did Jacob find rest when fleeing from his brother? God gave Jacob rest with a stone for a pillow in unlikely Bethel (formerly called “Almond Tree”) (Gen. 28:11, 19).

9. Where did God give the Apostle Peter unexpected rest? God gave Peter rest in prison more than once (Acts 5:18; 12:3-4).

10. Where did God give the deacon Stephen unexpected rest? God gave Stephen rest in the grave (Acts 8:2; Rev. 14:13).

11. Where do many people find “rest” after living unhealthfully? Many find rest in the bed of sickness as a result of living unhealthfully (John 5:5, 14; James 5:14-15).

              Providential Rest

12. When Jonah was pursued by a mighty storm from God, how did God’s providence work for the mariners who threw Jonah into the sea? By his wise providence God used Jonah’s testimony to turn the mariners to him for “they feared the Lord exceedingly, and offered a sacrifice unto the Lord, and made vows” to serve him (bringing true rest to them) (Jonah 1:16).

13. When God providentially placed Jonah in the belly of the “whale” for a three-day unexpected “rest,” what did that accomplish? Jonah’s time in the belly of the “whale” brought him in repentant prayer to God who dwells in heaven’s temple & to conformity to God’s will – the only place where true rest is found (Jonah 2:1-9).

14. Through what means did the people of Nineveh find rest? The people of Nineveh found rest through repentance and self-humiliation, for pride would have meant their fall but through the preaching of Jonah God gave them the gift of repentance (Jonah 3:4-10; Prov. 16:18; Acts 5:31).

15. How long a “rest” did God give Moses from the busy activities of Egypt? God gave Moses forty years to “rest” in a strange land (Ex. 2:15; Deut. 34:7).

16. Where did God allow the Apostle Paul to rest from his busy labors? God gave Paul a hired house in Rome for two years & frequent rest in prison (Acts 28:16, 30; 2 Cor. 11:23).

17. Where did God give the children of Israel rest during their wilderness wanderings? God gave the children of Israel rest in their own tents during the wilderness wanderings (Num. 9:23).

18. When Elijah fled from Jezebel where did God give him rest? God gave Elijah rest under a juniper tree & in a cave (1 Kings 19:4-9).

19. Besides daily, weekly, and annual rest what kind of rest does God sometimes give us when busily working for ourselves or for him? At times God gives us unexpected rest so we can redirect ourselves from seeking rest in the wrong places, or in order for us to redirect our activities for him, or just to provide additional rest after intense activity, or to allow our mind & body to find healing, or in the grave in order to rest until Christ’s second coming (Deut. 12:10; 1 Kings 5:3-4; 1 Chron. 23:25; 2 Chron. 20:30; John 11:23-24).