What was the sign and seal of God’s covenant with his people?
(Gen. 2:15-17, 21-25; 17:7-13; 8:22, Ps. 90:10, Job 1:13-19, Acts 9:1-22, Phil. 1:6, Rom. 8:1) Blog Mar. 31-Apr. 6, 2019
Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA
INTRODUCTION: This life is filled with relationships – some short-term, some
long lasting. This quarter we will consider life’s relationships and how to
maintain, improve, or discontinue them. In today’s religious communities
the word “relationship” has superseded almost every other Christian concept. We
hope to examine this trend and separate ourselves from every perversion of the
term. May God help us through his Word!
The formation of relationships ()
1. What is a relationship? It is the interaction between two parties
2. What is the basis of every enduring relationship? A covenant or contract.
3. What benefit does a covenant add to or undergird a relationship? A covenant identifies the responsibilities and privileges of both parties, states the length of the relationship, and makes provision for failures in the relationship.
4. How does a person enter into a covenant? A covenant is initiated by both parties making vows before suitable witnesses an establishing signs of that covenant.
Examples of covenant relationships in the Bible (Gen. 2:15-17, 21-25; 17:7-13)
5. What two relationships were established by covenants in Eden? That of God and his people and that of husband and wife.
6. How long was the covenant between God and his people to last? Forever.
7. How long was the covenant between Adam and Eve to last? Forever.
8. What was the sign and seal of Gods covenant with his people? The Sabbath.
9. What was the sign and seal of Adams covenant with Eve? Their sexual intimacy.
10. How was Gods covenant with his people broken? By Adam’s eating of the forbidden fruit.
Seasons of life (Gen. 8:22; Eccl. 3:1-8; Prov. 20:29; Rom. 8:1; Phil. 1:6)
13. List some of the seasons of life in which relationships are formed or broken? Birth, youth, marriage, family life, business contracts, church relations, old age, death.