What is the scroll in the Father’s hand in Revelation 5?

(Revelation 4 & 5; Jer. 32:8-12; Eze. 1:5-14; 2:9-10; 10:20; Acts 2:32-36) Blog Jan. 20-26, 2019

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

REVIEW: The book of Revelation is about Jesus and what he does to recover his lost bride during the Christian era. It follows the outline of the Old Testament sanctuary beginning with the candlestick, table of showbread, and altar of incense in the Holy Place and then turning to the Most Holy Place where the marriage covenant will be made. Through symbols God communicates the events which will affect his people from Pentecost to Paradise. The work of the Holy Spirit in the church on earth is pictured in the seven candlesticks. The work of the Father through the Word is pictured in the seven seals. The work of the Son through the prayers of his people is pictured in the seven trumpets. All heaven is interested in this story and participate in its accomplishment.

The Throne (Rev. 4:1-11; Isa. 14:13; Ex. 28:17-21; Eze. 1:5-10; 10:20; Matt. 19:28; Eph. 4:8-10)

1. What door does the trumpet-like voice of the Holy Spirit call John to enter as Revelation 4 begins?

2. What article of furniture is located on the north side of the Holy Place – the side of God’s throne?

3. Of what is bread a symbol in the Bible?

4. What is God the Father on the throne trying to tell us in the symbols of a jasper and a sardine stone?

5. Who are the 24 elders clothed in white, sitting upon thrones?

6. According to Revelation 4:5 what historical event is the setting for this introduction of the seven seals?

7. What is represented by the four living creatures around God’s throne?

8. What description of God the Father in Revelation 4:8-11shows why we should worship him?

            The Book (Rev. 5:1-4; Jer. 32:8-12, 44; Ex. 32:15; 34:9; Eze. 2:9-10; Matt. 4:8-9)

9. What other document in Scripture besides the scroll in the Father’s hand was written on both sides?

10. What other document in Scripture besides the scroll in the Father’s hand was sealed for security?

11. What is the scroll in the Father’s hand in Revelation 5?

12. Who offered Jesus an alternate plan for receiving the human race and on what condition?

13. Why did John weep when no one was found that could open the book in the Father’s hand?

The Lamb (Rev. 5:5-14; Gen. 49:9-10; Acts 2:32-36)

14. What do the lion of the tribe of Judah and the Lamb just slain symbolize?

15. Why could neither the Father, the Holy Spirit, nor an angel open the book in the Father’s hand?

16. When was Jesus given the book by the Father?

17. What was to take place after Jesus received the book from his Father?

18. When the twenty-four elders sing a new song what do they emphasize?

19. When the elders are joined by a great host of angels of what seven things do they say Jesus is worthy?

20. What should be our response to what Jesus as Lamb and Lion has done to rescue the human race?Answers: 1. The door into heaven’s Holy Place; 2. The table of shewbread; 3. The Word of God; 4. These were the last & first stones representing Benjamin & Reuben on the breastplate of the high priest – Benjamin means “conquering Son of my right hand” & Rueben means “behold  my1st-born Son,” showing the Father’s interest in his Son seated at his right hand; 5. Human beings who were raised at Christ’s resurrection & ascended with him to heaven, representing humanity from before & after he flood; 6. The Day of Pentecost recorded in Acts two; 7. The cherubim who are strong like lions, self-sacrificing like calves, communicative like people, & swift like eagles to do God’s biddings; 8. He is holy, all powerful, eternal, Creator, & Sustainer; 9. The Ten Commandments which are the words of God’s everlasting covenant & the all the words of God in lamentations, mourning, & woe communicated to humanity as mentioned in the second chapter of Ezekiel; 10. The title deed for the property that Jeremiah bought from his uncle’s son; 11. It is the covenant, title deed to the human race on this earth – the inheritance promised to Jesus; 12. The devil who required that Jesus worship him in order to receive back the bartered bride; 13. Because if not opened there would be no future for him nor for the human race; 14. The lion represents strength & Judah is the tribe from which the Messiah would come while the Lamb represents self-sacrifice, so Jesus who died to purchase back the bartered bride is pictured with both these symbols; 15. Because they had not fulfilled the eternal covenant as a human being nor had they paid the “bride price” required to receive the human race; 16. During the ten days between his ascension & the Day of Pentecost – when his sacrifice was presented to & received by the Father; 17. The seven seals were to be broken one at a time in consecutive order; 18. The work of Jesus in their redemption and enthronement; 19. Power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, & blessing; 20. We should sing his praises, acknowledging his wisdom & power while giving him our riches & taking him as our Lord & Saviour.